Mitt Romney's Garbage Man Speaks Out


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Amanda Terkel

The labor union AFSCME is out with a new video featuring Richard Hayes, the man who picks up Mitt Romney's trash at his oceanfront mansion in La Jolla, Calif.

In the spot, Hayes talks about how hard he works in his job each day and criticizes Romney's comments about the 47 percent:

My name is Richard Hayes, and I pick up Mitt Romney's trash. We're kind of like the invisible people. He doesn't realize that the service we provide -- if it wasn't for us, it would be a big health issue, us not picking up trash.

Residents do come out and shake our hands. Sometimes they give us hugs and thank us for the job we're doing, hand us water and Gatorades. Tell us we're doing a good job and keep up the good work. Picking up 15, 16 tons by hand, that takes a toll on your body. When I'm 55, 60 years old, I know my body's gonna be break down [sic]. Mitt Romney doesn't care about that.​

More: Mitt Romney's California Garbage Man On The 47 Percent: 'We're Kind Of Like The Invisible People'

[ame=]Meet Richard Hayes. He picks up Mitt Romney's trash. - YouTube[/ame]

Glad to know you start threads on points that are already working against you.

The Blaze? Glenn Beck? Get serious...

So you are going to ignore the facts because they come from a source you don't like?

So Romney didn't say in his book:

During my campaign for governor, I decided to spend a day every few weeks doing the jobs of other people in Massachusetts. Among other jobs, I cooked sausages at Fenway Park, worked on asphalt paving crew, stacked bales of hay on a farm, volunteered in an emergency room, served food at a nursing home, and worked as a child-care assistant. I’m often asked which was the hardest job – it’s child care, by a mile.”

“One day I gathered trash as a garbage collector. I stood on that little platform at the back of the truck, holding on as the driver navigated his way through the narrow streets of Boston. As we pulled up to traffic lights, I noticed that the shoppers and businesspeople who were standing only a few feet from me didn’t even see me. It was as if I was invisible. Perhaps it was because a lot of us don’t think garbage men are worthy of notice; I disagree – anyone who works that hard deserves our respect. – I wasn’t a particularly good garbage collector: at one point, after filling the trough at the back of the truck, I pulled the wrong hydraulic lever. Instead of pushing the load into the truck, I dumped it onto the street. Maybe the suits didn’t notice me, but the guys at the construction site sure did…”

Or maybe you didn't like the picture of Romney getting his hands dirty picking up garbage. Does that bother your perception that he is aloof and doesnt connect with people?

Nor does it change the fact that not once in the ad does it claim Romney treats him badly. or that Romney wasnt one of the people who was giving him things.

Maybe you should ignore the propaganda and look to see how Romney has actually treats people and what he actually thinks of people.
Please................give me a break!!

How many people go out and shake the garbage man's hand or bring him a glass of water??

This is just some over the top nonsense.

What exactly does he expect Romney to do?

Go ride in the truck with him?
Governor Romney currently trails Obama by 28 points in Massachusetts. Romney became governor with an approval rating of 66% - but he left office with an approval rating of 34%.

Massachusetts knows just how badly Romney sucks!
I put $20 in a card for my hairdresser at Christmas, I give the mailman a bottle of wine...but I don't know anyone who runs out to the curb on garbage day and hugs the dude covered in garbage juice :uhoh3:
Oh look, the politician's garbageman grasps for his 15 minutes of fame. :lol:
Sooo, who all has Romney pretended to be that we know of so far? A policeman, a fireman, a garbageman, and a barber...

Glad to know you start threads on points that are already working against you.

You mean he pretended to be one of the "little people" for a few minutes? I bet he even ate "cake".

Crazy thing, when you want to get to know someone, you go to work with them. Then you see their true colors.

BTW most garbage men I know arent little people. They tend to be pretty strong.
BTW it's nice to see you guys being honest about what you think about garbage men.

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