Mitt Romney pays a lower tax rate than you do.

A guy who knows how to game the system by making sure all of his income is "capital gains". Was he supposed to ignore the rules that give him an advantage? Would you?

Gee, how many people do we have gaming the system these days?

Tens of millions. On both ends of the income spectrum, squeezing the shit out of the middle.

I don't blame him for using the system to his advantage.

I blame him for being a big supporter of Cap Gains taxes remaining at the same rate while he's running for president.
Simple ideas for the simple minded.
Proof positive simple ideas confuse muddled brains and suspect ethics. I mean how the hell can you cheat someone if it's just so simple?

Unconscionable. Have you no care in your heart for the swindler? The cheat? Even those NOT elected to public office?

Suspect ethics? I'm not the one proposing putting even more of a strain on the poor through a flat tax, while increasing our debt even further. Your plan wouldn't only hurt people such as yourself, yet you're just not smart enough to realize it. A true shame.

So subjectivity rules everything.... and as suspected... you are all for the unequal treatment of others when it benefits you... and only equal treatment when it benefits you...

Typical lefty
Since almost half of Americans pay a tax rate of 0%, I wouldn't bet on the thread title.

I'm guessing that almost all the posters on this board pay a tax rate higher than Mitt Romney. And since they're the ones who will be reading this, it applies.

And that's not even taking into account the inherent falseness of your assertion.

You're right that his statement was false. According to the IRS, almost half of people who filed tax returns paid zero Federal taxes or made money through "refundable tax credits." So actually it was far more then half of "Americans" who paid zero since zero income people didn't have to file them. Well done, you got him. Not the way you wanted to, but...
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And your point is what exactly.
Does he pay more in taxes then I do....
I bet he does....
So again what is your point? :confused:

MY point is this:

Rich people, especially those with large corporate holdings, use a much greater share of the public resources than poor people, in order to make their riches.

Land, Railroads, natural resources, schools, the military. You name it, rich people use more of it.

That is the reason why income tax exists.

Therefore, rich people pay a larger share of the taxes, to protect the system that looks out for their interests.

Therefore, the fact that Mitt Romney pays a smaller rate income tax than I do is a slap in the face.

But really, you guys keep going with your whole "If you're not rich, go fuck yourself" mentality.

I'm quite sure it will work out for you in the end. After all, it worked well for the Monarchy in France, in the late 18th century. I'm sure your "let them eat cake" statements will work out well for you too.
You're right that his statement was false. According to the IRS, almost half of people who filed tax returns paid zero Federal taxes or made money through "refundable tax credits." So actually it was far more then half of "Americans" who paid zero since zero income people didn't have to file them. Well done, you got him. Not the way you wanted to, but...

The inherent fallacy being that "income taxes" are not the same thing as "taxes".

There are a whole bunch of taxes that are not part of "income taxes".

Of course, you know that.
Proof positive simple ideas confuse muddled brains and suspect ethics. I mean how the hell can you cheat someone if it's just so simple?

Unconscionable. Have you no care in your heart for the swindler? The cheat? Even those NOT elected to public office?

Suspect ethics? I'm not the one proposing putting even more of a strain on the poor through a flat tax, while increasing our debt even further. Your plan wouldn't only hurt people such as yourself, yet you're just not smart enough to realize it. A true shame.
Well let's see. If less money is stolen from the rich to give to the poor, they have more money to invest, businesses then have investors AND the ability to grow and hire people. This creates jobs that can pay better and therefore help people better than a check from the fucking government.
And if less money was given to the rich, then the middle class could start driving the economy back to where it should be through their purchasing power. But until the breaks continue to be given to the rich, we'll continue to have the shit economy that we've had. The rich don't create jobs, the middle class do through their purchasing power. This has been established. Keep up.

Deleted the rest of your long winded bullshit.

Nice long winded rant. Not really, but A for effort. If only you put this much effort in to your personal life you wouldn't struggle paying your medical bills (do I have that right? people who are poor such as yourself are ticks and leeches who are just lazy and the reason they are poor is because of themselves and nothing else? That's the conservative mantra, right?)
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Proof positive simple ideas confuse muddled brains and suspect ethics. I mean how the hell can you cheat someone if it's just so simple?

Unconscionable. Have you no care in your heart for the swindler? The cheat? Even those NOT elected to public office?

Suspect ethics? I'm not the one proposing putting even more of a strain on the poor through a flat tax, while increasing our debt even further. Your plan wouldn't only hurt people such as yourself, yet you're just not smart enough to realize it. A true shame.

So subjectivity rules everything.... and as suspected... you are all for the unequal treatment of others when it benefits you... and only equal treatment when it benefits you...

Typical lefty

Someone making assumptions without information....and It's DiamondDave....Typical.
Suspect ethics? I'm not the one proposing putting even more of a strain on the poor through a flat tax, while increasing our debt even further. Your plan wouldn't only hurt people such as yourself, yet you're just not smart enough to realize it. A true shame.
Well let's see. If less money is stolen from the rich to give to the poor, they have more money to invest, businesses then have investors AND the ability to grow and hire people. This creates jobs that can pay better and therefore help people better than a check from the fucking government.
And if less money was given to the rich, then the middle class could start driving the economy back to where it should be through their purchasing power. But until the breaks continue to be given to the rich, we'll continue to have the shit economy that we've had. The rich don't create jobs, the middle class do through their purchasing power. This has been established. Keep up.

Deleted the rest of your long winded bullshit.

Nice long winded rant. Not really, but A for effort. If only you put this much effort in to your personal life you wouldn't struggle paying your medical bills (do I have that right? people who are poor such as yourself are ticks and leeches who are just lazy and the reason they are poor is because of themselves and nothing else? That's the conservative mantra, right?)

So you call allowing people to keep more of their own money "giving" it to them?

The Reagan Bush tax cuts for the rich shifted trillions of dollars from the middle class to the wealthy....

Well let's see. If less money is stolen from the rich to give to the poor, they have more money to invest, businesses then have investors AND the ability to grow and hire people. This creates jobs that can pay better and therefore help people better than a check from the fucking government.
And if less money was given to the rich, then the middle class could start driving the economy back to where it should be through their purchasing power. But until the breaks continue to be given to the rich, we'll continue to have the shit economy that we've had. The rich don't create jobs, the middle class do through their purchasing power. This has been established. Keep up.

Deleted the rest of your long winded bullshit.

Nice long winded rant. Not really, but A for effort. If only you put this much effort in to your personal life you wouldn't struggle paying your medical bills (do I have that right? people who are poor such as yourself are ticks and leeches who are just lazy and the reason they are poor is because of themselves and nothing else? That's the conservative mantra, right?)

So you call allowing people to keep more of their own money "giving" it to them?


Way more valid than his ridiculous claim that money was "stolen" from the rich.
So Willard already pays less in taxes than the rest of us and HIS plan is to cut the wealthiest Americans taxes even FURTHER? Just brilliant...:rolleyes:

Yes god forbid people keep more of their own money

Wrong. The RICH keep more while the poor and middle class share more of the burden...while THEIR wages stagnate. (as they have been for DECADES)
Romney is just like us, you know. 375K speaking fees; worrying about pink slips; he's unemployed, too; 15% taxes; corporations are people, my friend. Just a regular Joe.

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