Mitt Romney in 2020 ? Whaaaat ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Give us a break. The Meet the Press know-it-alls raised Mitt Romney's name as a possible 2020 primary candidate, to challenge President Trump. Wow. How soon we forget. In 2012, Romney had the presidency in his pocket, and manged to lose it. And who did he lose it to ? A guy (Obama) who was partially responsible for the horrendous Islamic terrorist attack in Fort Hood, TX, that killed 13 US Army soldiers, an wounded 38 more.

He lost it to a guy who reversed all the military;'s successes in Iraq (Fallujah, Ramadi, Mosul, etc), and gave it to ISIS, by withdrawing US troops in 2011. And who further handed it to ISIS, by colluding with al Baghdadi (ISIS) allowing ISIS convoys to travel into Iraq with nothing more than ridiculous, token "pinprick"airstrikes.

He lost it to a guy who championed TPP, NAFTA, held on to a 30% corporate tax rate, and all the globalism that shattered our economy, with US companies moving overseas. He lost it to a guy who gave approval to illegal immigration, with catch & release, sanctuary cities, chain migration, diversity lottery, etc. H1B visas kicked Americans out of their jobs.

Donald Trump's election showed that Romney had a big issue here he could have used as a club against Obama. instead, he cowardly backed off from it, and joined Obama's pro-illegal immigration recklessness - Romney fearing the Hispanic vote, which proved to be not a factor.

This list could be expanded, and probably will as the thread moves along, but just the mention of Romney's name as a serious candidate for 2020, shows how detached political "experts" still are in 2018. Just to illustrate further, they also mention the name of John Kasich (Mr One State).

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I highly doubt Romney will be running for president in 2020. More than likely he will go for Hatch's open Senate seat in Utah this year.
fuck the corporate media. they've been wrong on everything. they'll be wrong on this.
Give us a break. The Meet the Press know-it-alls raised Mitt Romney's name as a possible 2020 primary candidate, to challenge President Trump. Wow. How soon we forget. In 2012, Romney had the presidency in his pocket, and manged to lose it. And who did he lose it to ? A guy (Obama) who was partially responsible for the horrendous Islamic terrorist attack in Fort Hood, TX, that killed 13 US Army soldiers, an wounded 38 more.

He lost it to a guy who reversed all the military;'s successes in Iraq (Fallujah, Ramadi, Mosul, etc), and gave it to ISIS, by withdrawing US troops in 2011. And who further handed it to ISIS, by colluding with al Baghdadi (ISIS) allowing ISIS convoys to travel into Iraq with nothing more than ridiculous, token "pinprick"airstrikes.

He lost it to a guy who championed TPP, NAFTA, held on to a 30% corporate tax rate, and all the globalism that shattered our economy, with US companies moving overseas. He lost it to a guy who gave approval to illegal immigration, with catch & release, sanctuary cities, chain migration, diversity lottery, etc. H1B visas kicked Americans out of their jobs.

Donald Trump's election showed that Romney had a big issue here he could have used as a club against Obama. instead, he cowardly backed off from it, and joined Obama's pro-illegal immigration recklessness - Romney fearing the Hispanic vote, which proved to be not a factor.

This list could be expanded, and probably will as the thread moves along, but just the mention of Romney's name as a serious candidate for 2020, shows how detached political "experts" still are in 2018. Just to illustrate further, they also mention the name of John Kasich (Mr One State).

Mitt Romney would be like a breath of fresh air after this incompetent lunatic. But fortunately all indications show that the Dems are set to take over Congress in Nov and the White House in 2020.
fuck the corporate media. they've been wrong on everything. they'll be wrong on this.

no shit. the left really believes this shit. they try to get us to believe that and were never that stupid

im still waiting for trump to fire mueller
Give us a break. The Meet the Press know-it-alls raised Mitt Romney's name as a possible 2020 primary candidate, to challenge President Trump. Wow. How soon we forget. In 2012, Romney had the presidency in his pocket, and manged to lose it. And who did he lose it to ? A guy (Obama) who was partially responsible for the horrendous Islamic terrorist attack in Fort Hood, TX, that killed 13 US Army soldiers, an wounded 38 more.

He lost it to a guy who reversed all the military;'s successes in Iraq (Fallujah, Ramadi, Mosul, etc), and gave it to ISIS, by withdrawing US troops in 2011. And who further handed it to ISIS, by colluding with al Baghdadi (ISIS) allowing ISIS convoys to travel into Iraq with nothing more than ridiculous, token "pinprick"airstrikes.

He lost it to a guy who championed TPP, NAFTA, held on to a 30% corporate tax rate, and all the globalism that shattered our economy, with US companies moving overseas. He lost it to a guy who gave approval to illegal immigration, with catch & release, sanctuary cities, chain migration, diversity lottery, etc. H1B visas kicked Americans out of their jobs.

Donald Trump's election showed that Romney had a big issue here he could have used as a club against Obama. instead, he cowardly backed off from it, and joined Obama's pro-illegal immigration recklessness - Romney fearing the Hispanic vote, which proved to be not a factor.

This list could be expanded, and probably will as the thread moves along, but just the mention of Romney's name as a serious candidate for 2020, shows how detached political "experts" still are in 2018. Just to illustrate further, they also mention the name of John Kasich (Mr One State).

Mitt Romney would be like a breath of fresh air after this incompetent lunatic. But fortunately all indications show that the Dems are set to take over Congress in Nov and the White House in 2020.
Oh really what "indications" are those? Oh wait you mean the lying media!? Gotcha. Since NONE of the experts are saying that and I still haven't seen what you snowflakes are going to run on. Economy is booming,taxes are slashed,regulations are slashed,etc etc etc....what CAN you run on? The opposite of that!?
no one will beat Pence
No one will vote for Pence...

Unless HIllary runs again
I will vote for him if he is the GOP candidate....Romney not a fucking chance,McAmnesty not a chance. Pence yes I can vote for him.
Of course you could vote for someone that’s on record of saying, “ tobacco doesn’t cause cancer,” while pocketing mucho bucks by Big Tobacco.
I truly don't care what ANYONE says about tobacco....I mean ffs you idiots voted for Hillary my lips are moving which means i'm lying Clinton so yeah.
Give us a break. The Meet the Press know-it-alls raised Mitt Romney's name as a possible 2020 primary candidate, to challenge President Trump. Wow. How soon we forget. In 2012, Romney had the presidency in his pocket, and manged to lose it. And who did he lose it to ? A guy (Obama) who was partially responsible for the horrendous Islamic terrorist attack in Fort Hood, TX, that killed 13 US Army soldiers, an wounded 38 more.

He lost it to a guy who reversed all the military;'s successes in Iraq (Fallujah, Ramadi, Mosul, etc), and gave it to ISIS, by withdrawing US troops in 2011. And who further handed it to ISIS, by colluding with al Baghdadi (ISIS) allowing ISIS convoys to travel into Iraq with nothing more than ridiculous, token "pinprick"airstrikes.

He lost it to a guy who championed TPP, NAFTA, held on to a 30% corporate tax rate, and all the globalism that shattered our economy, with US companies moving overseas. He lost it to a guy who gave approval to illegal immigration, with catch & release, sanctuary cities, chain migration, diversity lottery, etc. H1B visas kicked Americans out of their jobs.

Donald Trump's election showed that Romney had a big issue here he could have used as a club against Obama. instead, he cowardly backed off from it, and joined Obama's pro-illegal immigration recklessness - Romney fearing the Hispanic vote, which proved to be not a factor.

This list could be expanded, and probably will as the thread moves along, but just the mention of Romney's name as a serious candidate for 2020, shows how detached political "experts" still are in 2018. Just to illustrate further, they also mention the name of John Kasich (Mr One State).


Romney will go for Hatch's seat. Likely win too. This is much to do about nada.
I highly doubt Romney will be running for president in 2020. More than likely he will go for Hatch's open Senate seat in Utah this year.

The delta v of quarterly GDP growth just from deregulation and the two migration incentives in the Tax bill of SALT and mortgage caps starting a collapse in NYC housing probably in Oct. is so freaky that Romney being drafted by the Ds seems plausible to me.
Give us a break. The Meet the Press know-it-alls raised Mitt Romney's name as a possible 2020 primary candidate, to challenge President Trump. Wow. How soon we forget. In 2012, Romney had the presidency in his pocket, and manged to lose it. And who did he lose it to ? A guy (Obama) who was partially responsible for the horrendous Islamic terrorist attack in Fort Hood, TX, that killed 13 US Army soldiers, an wounded 38 more.

He lost it to a guy who reversed all the military;'s successes in Iraq (Fallujah, Ramadi, Mosul, etc), and gave it to ISIS, by withdrawing US troops in 2011. And who further handed it to ISIS, by colluding with al Baghdadi (ISIS) allowing ISIS convoys to travel into Iraq with nothing more than ridiculous, token "pinprick"airstrikes.

He lost it to a guy who championed TPP, NAFTA, held on to a 30% corporate tax rate, and all the globalism that shattered our economy, with US companies moving overseas. He lost it to a guy who gave approval to illegal immigration, with catch & release, sanctuary cities, chain migration, diversity lottery, etc. H1B visas kicked Americans out of their jobs.

Donald Trump's election showed that Romney had a big issue here he could have used as a club against Obama. instead, he cowardly backed off from it, and joined Obama's pro-illegal immigration recklessness - Romney fearing the Hispanic vote, which proved to be not a factor.

This list could be expanded, and probably will as the thread moves along, but just the mention of Romney's name as a serious candidate for 2020, shows how detached political "experts" still are in 2018. Just to illustrate further, they also mention the name of John Kasich (Mr One State).


Romney will go for Hatch's seat. Likely win too. This is much to do about nada.
It sucks really. Get rid of McAmnesty hopefully and Flake is gone so we can replace him with a populist America First candidate and Corker is gone so there is another seat we can take but sucks a globalist swine like Romney will probably easily take the seat in Utah
no one will beat Pence
No one will vote for Pence...

Unless HIllary runs again
I will vote for him if he is the GOP candidate....Romney not a fucking chance,McAmnesty not a chance. Pence yes I can vote for him.
Of course you could vote for someone that’s on record of saying, “ tobacco doesn’t cause cancer,” while pocketing mucho bucks by Big Tobacco.

one of our pollsters should take this Poll,,,,,Pence/Cruz VS any Dem ticket. I am pretty sure that Pence wins 55/45,,,but only if they poll LEGAL AMERICANS !!!!
Give us a break. The Meet the Press know-it-alls raised Mitt Romney's name as a possible 2020 primary candidate, to challenge President Trump. Wow. How soon we forget. In 2012, Romney had the presidency in his pocket, and manged to lose it. And who did he lose it to ? A guy (Obama) who was partially responsible for the horrendous Islamic terrorist attack in Fort Hood, TX, that killed 13 US Army soldiers, an wounded 38 more.

He lost it to a guy who reversed all the military;'s successes in Iraq (Fallujah, Ramadi, Mosul, etc), and gave it to ISIS, by withdrawing US troops in 2011. And who further handed it to ISIS, by colluding with al Baghdadi (ISIS) allowing ISIS convoys to travel into Iraq with nothing more than ridiculous, token "pinprick"airstrikes.

He lost it to a guy who championed TPP, NAFTA, held on to a 30% corporate tax rate, and all the globalism that shattered our economy, with US companies moving overseas. He lost it to a guy who gave approval to illegal immigration, with catch & release, sanctuary cities, chain migration, diversity lottery, etc. H1B visas kicked Americans out of their jobs.

Donald Trump's election showed that Romney had a big issue here he could have used as a club against Obama. instead, he cowardly backed off from it, and joined Obama's pro-illegal immigration recklessness - Romney fearing the Hispanic vote, which proved to be not a factor.

This list could be expanded, and probably will as the thread moves along, but just the mention of Romney's name as a serious candidate for 2020, shows how detached political "experts" still are in 2018. Just to illustrate further, they also mention the name of John Kasich (Mr One State).


Yep, it appears he's going to try to carpetbag Utah the way the bitch did to NY. I just hope Utah sends him packing, he just want's a stepping stone for another presidential run.


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