Mitch McConnell Realizes IRS Scandal Is Over

Republicans decided this witch hunt was over when the hunters arrived at the doorstep of a Republican.

Listen to yourself. The reality of the misdeed sits right in front of your face, but you cannot accept the fact that it happened. You seem to think that your party is above and beyond reproach! If it were a Republican administration who perpetrated the targeting of Liberal 501 (c)(4) groups, you would raise hell and high water to make sure someone was punished!

What seems to escape your limited intellect is the fact that it's wrong when the government does it to anyone! People like you are so fucking thickheaded, so blind to the bigger picture. Go ahead and continue swallowing that demagoguery that your party feeds you, if it shields you from the facts of the matter. But as for myself, I will choose intellectual freedom over political slavery.


They did.

The NAACP went through a 2 year audit. Your outrage?

Oh yeah..none.

Same lack of outrage on your part when, oh yeah, conservative groups were targeted.

Hypocrisy - 1

You - 0
It was over before it begun....the cons will cling to it like they do with everything.

What's upsetting is that you endorse the incumbent government criminally attacking their political opponents like we're living in a third world banana republic, but I guess that's not surprising since turning us into one of those is the ultimate goal of you folks anyway.

And that's not what happened.

As was bore out in Issa's witch hunt.

Your reaction tells me a lot. You're afraid. Your repeated denials tell me you don't want this to be true, when the facts keep coming in. Obama called a session with his Public Advisory Council to address the growing public outrage over the IRS and NSA. And you sit there calling this a witch hunt?
Listen to yourself. The reality of the misdeed sits right in front of your face, but you cannot accept the fact that it happened. You seem to think that your party is above and beyond reproach! If it were a Republican administration who perpetrated the targeting of Liberal 501 (c)(4) groups, you would raise hell and high water to make sure someone was punished!

What seems to escape your limited intellect is the fact that it's wrong when the government does it to anyone! People like you are so fucking thickheaded, so blind to the bigger picture. Go ahead and continue swallowing that demagoguery that your party feeds you, if it shields you from the facts of the matter. But as for myself, I will choose intellectual freedom over political slavery.

How do you feel about Sheriff Joe Arpio? Do you support what he is doing?

Wha? What does he have to do with this discussion? I don't honestly care, quite frankly.

Profiling is profiling.
The IRS has nothing to do with the Obama Administration?

Did you just read that in this morning newspaper?
It is far from over. They are just giving the new commish time to settle in his new job and awaiting the report from the official investigation from the IG, etc.
There is no longer a single conservative poster on USMB who is in any way susceptible to any facts he or she might consider unpleasant.

The president and his cronies ran a disinformation campaign on the American people.

That is a fact, sir. Obama is not fit to serve.
There is no longer a single conservative poster on USMB who is in any way susceptible to any facts he or she might consider unpleasant.

There are fewer and fewer.

I asked one the other day about how the stance on same sex marriage. I was told by Meister that the reason had nothing to do with hate; it was because the Bible told them to. So I asked why they only bothered to adhere to the parts of the Bible that tied in with Republican superstition. He got real quite after that.

I still hope some day that there are two political parties that warrant consideration. Right now, I have one...the democrats...and they suck just as bad in many cases.
Sorry libs and obamabots. Its not over. Political profiling is criminal and the criminals who did it will be brought to justice. If it was orchestrated from the whitehouse then let the chips fall where they may. Did you libs declare watergate over as soon as the facts started to come out? I think not.

the scandal king obama will be brought down by his own corruption, watch.
There is no longer a single conservative poster on USMB who is in any way susceptible to any facts he or she might consider unpleasant.

The president and his cronies ran a disinformation campaign on the American people.

That is a fact, sir. Obama is not fit to serve.

332-206 Scoreboard.

yes, the ignorance of the american voters and the influence of a biased media was quite evident in 2012. enjoy it while you can.
There is no longer a single conservative poster on USMB who is in any way susceptible to any facts he or she might consider unpleasant.

The president and his cronies ran a disinformation campaign on the American people.

That is a fact, sir. Obama is not fit to serve.

332-206 Scoreboard.

An excellent example of the zombie thought processes of democrats in general.

The fact that their candidate is a criminal is negated by the fact that he won an election.

What do you do with people like that?
Republicans decided this witch hunt was over when the hunters arrived at the doorstep of a Republican.

Listen to yourself. The reality of the misdeed sits right in front of your face, but you cannot accept the fact that it happened. You seem to think that your party is above and beyond reproach! If it were a Republican administration who perpetrated the targeting of Liberal 501 (c)(4) groups, you would raise hell and high water to make sure someone was punished!

What seems to escape your limited intellect is the fact that it's wrong when the government does it to anyone! People like you are so fucking thickheaded, so blind to the bigger picture. Go ahead and continue swallowing that demagoguery that your party feeds you, if it shields you from the facts of the matter. But as for myself, I will choose intellectual freedom over political slavery.

They've traced it to a Republican Conservative. I have no problem starting with holding him accountable, up to and including criminally if appropriate.

Republicans decided this witch hunt was over when the hunters arrived at the doorstep of a Republican.

Listen to yourself. The reality of the misdeed sits right in front of your face, but you cannot accept the fact that it happened. You seem to think that your party is above and beyond reproach! If it were a Republican administration who perpetrated the targeting of Liberal 501 (c)(4) groups, you would raise hell and high water to make sure someone was punished!

What seems to escape your limited intellect is the fact that it's wrong when the government does it to anyone! People like you are so fucking thickheaded, so blind to the bigger picture. Go ahead and continue swallowing that demagoguery that your party feeds you, if it shields you from the facts of the matter. But as for myself, I will choose intellectual freedom over political slavery.

They've traced it to a Republican Conservative. I have no problem starting with holding him accountable, up to and including criminally if appropriate.


That has been debunked.

Issa: Cincinnati IRS employees say direction came from Washington ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

I find your lack of research skills to be disturbing.
Republicans decided this witch hunt was over when the hunters arrived at the doorstep of a Republican.

Listen to yourself. The reality of the misdeed sits right in front of your face, but you cannot accept the fact that it happened. You seem to think that your party is above and beyond reproach! If it were a Republican administration who perpetrated the targeting of Liberal 501 (c)(4) groups, you would raise hell and high water to make sure someone was punished!

What seems to escape your limited intellect is the fact that it's wrong when the government does it to anyone! People like you are so fucking thickheaded, so blind to the bigger picture. Go ahead and continue swallowing that demagoguery that your party feeds you, if it shields you from the facts of the matter. But as for myself, I will choose intellectual freedom over political slavery.

I was the first poster on this board to say that heads should roll over this.

When I reminded the above poster of that fact, he responded by saying that was not enough on my part.

LOL, this is the caliber of inmate intellect we're coping with here on USMB.

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