Missouri Man Spits on Jane Fonda

can you just FEEL all the christian love coming from this crowd? :rolleyes:

some of you people really need to get a better understanding of god. otherwise, you're just talking out the middle hole of your butt with all the morality and religion stuff.
gop_jeff said:
I thought Jane Fonda apologized for her actions during Vietnam? Does no one forgive any more?
If someone helped kill and torture your kid and sold out your country then said "I'm sorry" are you going to forgive him? The answer is "no", unless you're a complete idiot.

Sorry.... we are supposed forgive if the person repents (hey, God forgives when we repent, not before....why do we have to be held to a higher standard than God?) .... some things are too big for just a plain ol' "I'm sorry".... treason being one of them!

If she really was sorry, she would have turned herself in for treason, and gone to jail if convicted then spent the rest of her life trying to undo the damage she did. (Like "Jane Roe" of "Roe vs Wade" did ---- she's an anti-abortion crusader now!)
NATO AIR said:
Hey, she got what was coming to her.

He could have thrown a shit pie at her :laugh:
Yeah.... but then it would be hard to tell where the pie ended and the actress started..... :)
SmarterThanYou said:
can you just FEEL all the christian love coming from this crowd? :rolleyes:

some of you people really need to get a better understanding of god. otherwise, you're just talking out the middle hole of your butt with all the morality and religion stuff.

True, revenge is for God alone.

Maybe God sent this man ;)
Yurt said:
True, revenge is for God alone.

Maybe God sent this man ;)

Good thing for her that God doesn't do the Soddom and Gamorrah gig any longer......

She'd probably be a pillar of salt by now...
Finally, some good news! :teeth:

The most annoying thing about Fonda is that she is supposedly a Christian but writes those crappy books detailing how she couldn't get off during sex. Like Ann Coulter says, she insists on portraying herself as some towering intellectual instead of just working at Hooter's. :D
gop_jeff said:
I thought she publicly apologized about a year ago. I could be wrong, though.

But even if the apology was on the heels of her book, would it be any less valid? If she is truly apologetic, why would someone refuse her forgiveness?

She has over the years made half ass apologies for certain things but then back tracks depending on the crowd. Corocdile tears I would say..
Jane Fonda's "Apology" Top
Despite repeated claims, Hanoi Jane Fonda has never apologized for her treasonous collaboration with the Vietnamese Communists. Writing that it was "a betrayal" and "a lapse of judgment" is a confession, not an apology." - Walter Inge in a letter to the editor of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, quoted by Michelle Malkin in Hanoi Jane rides again.

"Fonda's cynical non-apology "apology" keeps making headlines, just as she and her book publicists had hoped. This isn't about making amends. This is about making money." - Michelle Malkin in Hanoi Jane rides again.

"I tuned in to the Barbara Walters special to hear Jane's much publicized apology to Vietnam vets. Most of what Jane said sounded sincere but rehearsed. Tom's name was not mentioned, obviously by pre-arrangement with the interviewer. Jane reaffirmed her patriotism and her good intentions at the time she went to Vietnam." - Fred Gardner

"If she was truly sorry about that trip to Hanoi, Jane should have forgotten about the antiaircraft carrier and apologized for all the other things that happened during her visit, things that were far more malicious than that moment when radical chic turned into radical kitsch." - Peter Collier, The Bane that is Jane: Miss Fonda in her own mind, National Review, July 17, 2000.

"It is often said that Hanoi Jane apologized for her treachery. She didn't. Any true apology goes something along the lines of 'I was wrong, please forgive me.'" - apocryphal, - from Hanoi Jane Apology?

"IN THE LATEST ISSUE of O, Oprah Winfrey's lifestyle magazine for women who love scented candles and non-dairy whipped cream, Jane Fonda sorta-kinda-maybe apologizes again for her actions during the Vietnam War." - Jonah Goldberg, "If Fonda is sorry, let her say so", Jewish World Journal, June 23, 2000.

"Fonda seems to think she has offered an apology, again. Of course, it's difficult to say for sure what she really thinks. Her O interview is so top-heavy with New-Agey treacle and Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood touchy-feeliness it's hard to tell whether she's apologizing, looking for sympathy or offering advice for crystal worshippers." - Jonah Goldberg, "If Fonda is sorry, let her say so", Jewish World Journal, June 23, 2000.

"I will go to my grave regretting the photograph of me in an anti-aircraft carrier, which looks like I was trying to shoot at American planes. It hurt so many soldiers. It galvanized such hostility. It was the most horrible thing I could possibly have done. It was just thoughtless." - Jane Fonda to Oprah Winfrey, 'O' Magazine.

The New England Apology "At the time, Fonda was filming "Stanley and Iris" on location in a number of blue-collar New England towns. Production on the movie was being severely disrupted by protesting veterans and this was causing a serious problem for the film. Fonda decided that something had to be done, so she went on 20/20." -- "The difficulty still remaining for many vets is the nagging doubts about the apology. Was it a sincere effort to atone for a now recognized hurt, or was it merely a cynical attempt to solve crippling production delays? The timing of the apology allows for the inference of a self-serving motivation. Ms. Fonda had 16 years to consider the results of her actions. On the other hand, perhaps the protests themselves made her more aware of how deeply many veterans resented her actions in 1972." -- "Only Ms. Fonda knows for sure." - from Hanoi Jane Apology?

Judge for yourselves???

What makes Fonda’s regret ring so hollow and self-serving are her revealing words in a 1989 interview, in which she stated categorically: “I did not, have not, and will not say that going to North Vietnam was a mistake…I have apologized only for some of the things that I did there, but I am proud that I went.” [This footnote followed the text]: Even genuine repentance on Fonda’s part would not have erased…what she had done in Hanoi.

Jane Fonda, your a treasonous biotch.....
I wouldn't spit on you if your ass was on fire.....
Opps!! I just had a total lapse in judement, can I take it back, OPPS to late I already hit the send button.... Oh and you can lump your good buddy Kerry in this post also. :mad: :banana2:
Her O interview is so top-heavy with New-Agey treacle and Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood touchy-feeliness it's hard to tell whether she's apologizing, looking for sympathy or offering advice for crystal worshippers."

Ya-ya. :D
I'm not going to quote all the replies that have been made. But please let me respond:

From the news reports I've read, about 1-2 years ago, Jane Fonda had become a born-again Christian and made a more substantial apology than the 1989 quotes that have been posted. Now maybe she's sincere, and maybe she's not. But I think that, at least from a Christian perspective, if someone is apologizing, we should give that person the benefit of the doubt and accept that apology. As Jesus said, "If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him, and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, 'I repent,' you must forgive him." So I think it's the right thing to do to accept her apologies.
gop_jeff said:
I'm not going to quote all the replies that have been made. But please let me respond:

From the news reports I've read, about 1-2 years ago, Jane Fonda had become a born-again Christian and made a more substantial apology than the 1989 quotes that have been posted. Now maybe she's sincere, and maybe she's not. But I think that, at least from a Christian perspective, if someone is apologizing, we should give that person the benefit of the doubt and accept that apology. As Jesus said, "If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him, and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, 'I repent,' you must forgive him." So I think it's the right thing to do to accept her apologies.

Actions speak louder than words. I have seen this person DO NOTHING to make amends.
I'll never forgive her, nor accept any half assed attempt to say "I'm sorry" she may spout.
IMO...this is way beyond the, "oh, I made a mistake" time frame...She's Scum, and always will be! :gross2:
Sir Evil said:
It's good of you Jeff to be that kind of person but I know from my own perspective I say let Jesus do the forgiving, and let the people express their feelings towrds Fonda. Who says they can't ask for forgiving afterwards?

Apology or not she has will need more from the average vet I would think.

I gotta agree here John, she made some very horrible mistakes and hurt a lot of people as well as her own country, God Im sure will forgive her if she is really sorry, but those she hurt are still wounded and feel they have a right to express that anger. She made herself a public spectacle and there are repercussions for that as there are for any one who PUTS themsleves in the public eye of controversie.
gop_jeff said:
I would expect to receive the consequences of my sins. But God is forgiving, and would not refuse to forgive. As the old saying goes, to err is human, to forgive is divine.

That is correct, but the man is human. Often people are not perfect, and others are not even Christian. While I understand the actions of the person to be crude and outside of normal justice procedure it still doesn't make it so I have much sympathy for a traitor when others begin to give the justice they feel was skirted. I never suggested for all comers to spit in her face, but do not expect others to follow my moral code, I am usurprised by the action and am not insufferably angry at the man who did it. Maybe he also deserves your forgiveness.

I agree that some of her actions could be construed as treasonous. I'm not defending her actions. I'm just saying that if she is trying to apologize for the past, and people are still dragging her through the mud, that's not right.

Bart Simpson said it right when speaking about apologies, so long as they sound sincere they will often be accepted. There is no evidence that she is actually sorry for her actions, or that she has ever stood earthly justice. The only thing I am saying is that I am not surprised at such action, nor am I too upset about it.
Sir Evil said:
Surprised in this coming from you as an ex-serviceman, I can't believe that you would be thrilled to meet Fonda giving the chance.
so I criticize the hypocritical words of a bunch of christian wannabe's and you get the impression that I'd be thrilled to meet her? The man SPIT in her face and a bunch of you think its wonderful. How would you feel if the vet that spit on her had aids and now she got infected? would that be justice in your eyes? As I said before, some of you self proclaimed christians don't seem to have the first clue what it means to BE christian, much less try to talk about it.
SmarterThanYou said:
so I criticize the hypocritical words of a bunch of christian wannabe's and you get the impression that I'd be thrilled to meet her? The man SPIT in her face and a bunch of you think its wonderful. How would you feel if the vet that spit on her had aids and now she got infected? would that be justice in your eyes? As I said before, some of you self proclaimed christians don't seem to have the first clue what it means to BE christian, much less try to talk about it.

Let me make this clear. I don't think it is wonderful, I am just not too riled up about it either way. I can only expect that there will be people that will continue to hold bad feelings towards a person they consider a traitor, and actions such as this can be expected when in a public setting.

I am sure the man will get what is coming to him, I am not upset about that either.

Now, why would you attribute AIDS to the vet? So you can attempt to make a point with information that simply isn't true. Had the man had AIDS and it was reported as such I am sure there would be a different reaction from those on this site, he didn't it was simply a gesture from him of how he feels about her. It was inappropriate and illegal and the man has been charged, I just don't cry too much over what happened to "poor Fonda". She knows she is controversial and evokes strong feelings and is either smart enough to prepare for it or not but it doesn't evoke strong sympathy for me either way.

Were you one of those that were cheering on those that threw urine soaked pies at Fallwell?

Oh and BTW, I am not a Christian.

I think you overreact so that you can target the Religious Right and sit on your pedestal as the "more Christian" than those who profess to be Christians.
SmarterThanYou said:
so I criticize the hypocritical words of a bunch of christian wannabe's and you get the impression that I'd be thrilled to meet her? The man SPIT in her face and a bunch of you think its wonderful. How would you feel if the vet that spit on her had aids and now she got infected? would that be justice in your eyes? As I said before, some of you self proclaimed christians don't seem to have the first clue what it means to BE christian, much less try to talk about it.

I am not "Christian" and never claimed to be. I don't think it is wonderful that the man spit in her face...I think he should have napalmed the hell out of her. Aids is too mild for her. She did a lot more through her actions than just make the US look bad. Do a little research and find out what the effects of her actions were. There are some POWs that can explain it in very simple terms. In my opinion, her apologies were and are self serving and self centered. She still claims to PROUD of her trip to the enemy capitol.
Just like I think the people who threw pies and salad dressing at people they disagree with should be charged with fitting crimes, I feel that this man should be charged with a crime.

Just like I understand why someone would be upset enough by a point of view to want to throw a pie, I understand why someone would be furious enough to spit on someone.

I am fully able to admit that I am biased enough to feel that perhaps Jane Fonda is getting a bit of what she dished out in the 60's and 70's...however, I do not support living in a society where one type of assault is ok and one isn't, simply based upon which political party is in power and which person is attacked.

I understand and sympathize with the Vietnam Vet. A small, petty part of me might say, "Good for you." The larger part says, "Now you have assaulted someone, and just like the people who assaulted someone with pies, salad dressing, etc...you have to face whatever punishment our judicial system deems appropriate."

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