Missing Thai Boys Found Alive In Cave, Governor Says


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Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
I thought for sure that after a week they wouldn't find them all alive...:( Nice to hear good news for a change!

Missing Thai Boys Found Alive In Cave, Governor Says
A dozen boys and their soccer coach have been found alive inside a flooded cave in Thailand more than a week after they went missing, according to a provincial governor.

"We found them safe. But the operation isn't over," Chiang Rai Gov. Narongsak Osotthanakorn was quoted as saying by The Associated Press. He said Thai navy seals had located all 13 inside the cave system.

Hours earlier on Monday, rescue divers had been trying to get through a narrow passage in the Tham Luang Nang Non cave in Chiang Rai. Osotthanakorn said rescuers had managed to reach a three-way junction leading to where the boys were believed to be, according to The Bangkok Post.

Divers Search Flooded Cave In Thailand For 12 Missing Boys And Their Soccer Coach

U.S. Military Joins The Search For Thai Children Trapped In A Flooded Cave

"The divers from a Thai navy SEAL unit were within [1,600 feet] of a chamber containing an elevated rock mound, nicknamed 'Pattaya Beach' by cavers, which could have provided the boys with a refuge when heavy rains flooded the cave, blocking the way out," Reuters reports
I thought for sure that after a week they wouldn't find them all alive...:( Nice to hear good news for a change!

Missing Thai Boys Found Alive In Cave, Governor Says
A dozen boys and their soccer coach have been found alive inside a flooded cave in Thailand more than a week after they went missing, according to a provincial governor.

"We found them safe. But the operation isn't over," Chiang Rai Gov. Narongsak Osotthanakorn was quoted as saying by The Associated Press. He said Thai navy seals had located all 13 inside the cave system.

Hours earlier on Monday, rescue divers had been trying to get through a narrow passage in the Tham Luang Nang Non cave in Chiang Rai. Osotthanakorn said rescuers had managed to reach a three-way junction leading to where the boys were believed to be, according to The Bangkok Post.

Divers Search Flooded Cave In Thailand For 12 Missing Boys And Their Soccer Coach

U.S. Military Joins The Search For Thai Children Trapped In A Flooded Cave

"The divers from a Thai navy SEAL unit were within [1,600 feet] of a chamber containing an elevated rock mound, nicknamed 'Pattaya Beach' by cavers, which could have provided the boys with a refuge when heavy rains flooded the cave, blocking the way out," Reuters reports

Yay! Good news for once! They worked like hell to get them out of there, so glad they're alive! :happy-1:
Hallelujah! Praise Him!!

They who were lost have been found!!!
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Trapped Thai Boys Appear In Good Spirits In New Video From Cave

Trapped Thai Boys Appear In Good Spirits In New Video From Cave

The 12 Thai boys and their soccer coach trapped in a complex cave system in Chiang Rai have captured global attention since they disappeared and were found by British divers on Monday, nine days after they'd gone missing.

Now, attention has shifted to the next extraordinary challenge: How can they be evacuated safely from the spot where they are trapped, deep in the flooded cave?

The team is more than a mile from the entrance to the cave, crowded together and perched on a ledge near a flooded area where the only light shines from their flashlights. A map from the BBC provides a stark picture of their position in the the complicated, water-logged cave. There's a portion that is so steep it requires "full climbing gear," and in another part, the water-filled passage is too narrow for a swimmer to wear a scuba tank.

The boys appear to be in good spirits in a new video released on the Facebook page of Thai Navy SEAL.
This is far from over. I scuba dive and cave diving is no picnic and not for amateurs. I have been invited to do some night cave diving and declined. Diving in a cave reduces the leeway for error to a very low level. You panic in a cave with limited movement, only one way out, and bad visibility and there is a good likelihood of death. These kids are at least a mile into a cave with 4-5 pockets along the way that are filled to the top with moving water and the water is opaque, no visibility. Some of the pockets are steep declines into water filled passages and then a steep incline to get out. The passageways are narrow. These are conditions that are dangerous even for the highly skilled rescue divers on scene. And more rain is indicated.

I honestly don't see how you are going to train 11 year olds to dive AND be calm enough underwater with no visibility to get out. That is the hard part, getting through a mile or more of murky water along the way without panicking. It's that hard and dangerous. I would expect they will drill an escape tube down to the cave and take them out that way as they did with the miners back in 2010. My opinion is they will not be able to get them out with scuba gear through the water.
None of the boys know how to swim much yet use sophisticated scuba gear. This type of dive is highly risky for even the most sophisticated cave diver. It takes roughly four hours to reach the boys from the cave entrance. The Seal Divers are beginning to teach the boys to use the full face masks but that is a long way a four-hour cave dive at that level of difficulty. If any of the boys panic at any point their life is in immediate danger.

Imagine being a young boy, underwater so cloudy you can't see your hand in front of you. You can feel rocks on all sides of you including above you. The narrow part is extremely risky and unnerving.

If any or all of the boys can't be brought out underwater, it will be September before the flood waters recede. They're safe where there are, doctors are with them gradually getting them back on a solid food diet and building up their muscles so some can walk again. Quite a fiasco.
Any engineer worth his salt would agree that sufficient pumps and piping can be utilized to remove the water from the cave. It is a matter of money and time only.
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Thai cave rescue: First of the trapped boys emerge - CNN

Tham Luang caves, Thailand (CNN)Four of the 12 boys who have been trapped in a flooded cave in northern Thailand for more than two weeks have been rescued, as authorities race against time to free the remaining members of the group.

Confirmation of the initial rescue was posted on the Thai Navy SEAL official Facebook page late Sunday.

The first of the four boys emerged approximately nine hours after a team of 13 international cave diving experts and five Thai Navy SEALs entered the cave to begin the hazardous attempt to accompany the boys one by one through the flooded, narrow tunnels.
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None of the boys know how to swim much yet use sophisticated scuba gear. This type of dive is highly risky for even the most sophisticated cave diver. It takes roughly four hours to reach the boys from the cave entrance. The Seal Divers are beginning to teach the boys to use the full face masks but that is a long way a four-hour cave dive at that level of difficulty. If any of the boys panic at any point their life is in immediate danger.

Imagine being a young boy, underwater so cloudy you can't see your hand in front of you. You can feel rocks on all sides of you including above you. The narrow part is extremely risky and unnerving.

If any or all of the boys can't be brought out underwater, it will be September before the flood waters recede. They're safe where there are, doctors are with them gradually getting them back on a solid food diet and building up their muscles so some can walk again. Quite a fiasco.
I think they are worried the waters could rise above where they are situated. It is a risky situation either way.
I thought for sure that after a week they wouldn't find them all alive...:( Nice to hear good news for a change!

Missing Thai Boys Found Alive In Cave, Governor Says
A dozen boys and their soccer coach have been found alive inside a flooded cave in Thailand more than a week after they went missing, according to a provincial governor.

"We found them safe. But the operation isn't over," Chiang Rai Gov. Narongsak Osotthanakorn was quoted as saying by The Associated Press. He said Thai navy seals had located all 13 inside the cave system.

Hours earlier on Monday, rescue divers had been trying to get through a narrow passage in the Tham Luang Nang Non cave in Chiang Rai. Osotthanakorn said rescuers had managed to reach a three-way junction leading to where the boys were believed to be, according to The Bangkok Post.

Divers Search Flooded Cave In Thailand For 12 Missing Boys And Their Soccer Coach

U.S. Military Joins The Search For Thai Children Trapped In A Flooded Cave

"The divers from a Thai navy SEAL unit were within [1,600 feet] of a chamber containing an elevated rock mound, nicknamed 'Pattaya Beach' by cavers, which could have provided the boys with a refuge when heavy rains flooded the cave, blocking the way out," Reuters reports

11 are our, only the coach and one child remain. How this stormy doesn’t dominate the news is beyond me. Hats off to all the rescuers from all the respective countries. I salute the man who lost his life doing his part to rescue these kids.
I thought for sure that after a week they wouldn't find them all alive...:( Nice to hear good news for a change!

Missing Thai Boys Found Alive In Cave, Governor Says
A dozen boys and their soccer coach have been found alive inside a flooded cave in Thailand more than a week after they went missing, according to a provincial governor.

"We found them safe. But the operation isn't over," Chiang Rai Gov. Narongsak Osotthanakorn was quoted as saying by The Associated Press. He said Thai navy seals had located all 13 inside the cave system.

Hours earlier on Monday, rescue divers had been trying to get through a narrow passage in the Tham Luang Nang Non cave in Chiang Rai. Osotthanakorn said rescuers had managed to reach a three-way junction leading to where the boys were believed to be, according to The Bangkok Post.

Divers Search Flooded Cave In Thailand For 12 Missing Boys And Their Soccer Coach

U.S. Military Joins The Search For Thai Children Trapped In A Flooded Cave

"The divers from a Thai navy SEAL unit were within [1,600 feet] of a chamber containing an elevated rock mound, nicknamed 'Pattaya Beach' by cavers, which could have provided the boys with a refuge when heavy rains flooded the cave, blocking the way out," Reuters reports

11 are our, only the coach and one child remain. How this stormy doesn’t dominate the news is beyond me. Hats off to all the rescuers from all the respective countries. I salute the man who lost his life doing his part to rescue these kids.

The team carrying out the rescue seems like a bunch of real pros.
I thought for sure that after a week they wouldn't find them all alive...:( Nice to hear good news for a change!

Missing Thai Boys Found Alive In Cave, Governor Says
A dozen boys and their soccer coach have been found alive inside a flooded cave in Thailand more than a week after they went missing, according to a provincial governor.

"We found them safe. But the operation isn't over," Chiang Rai Gov. Narongsak Osotthanakorn was quoted as saying by The Associated Press. He said Thai navy seals had located all 13 inside the cave system.

Hours earlier on Monday, rescue divers had been trying to get through a narrow passage in the Tham Luang Nang Non cave in Chiang Rai. Osotthanakorn said rescuers had managed to reach a three-way junction leading to where the boys were believed to be, according to The Bangkok Post.

Divers Search Flooded Cave In Thailand For 12 Missing Boys And Their Soccer Coach

U.S. Military Joins The Search For Thai Children Trapped In A Flooded Cave

"The divers from a Thai navy SEAL unit were within [1,600 feet] of a chamber containing an elevated rock mound, nicknamed 'Pattaya Beach' by cavers, which could have provided the boys with a refuge when heavy rains flooded the cave, blocking the way out," Reuters reports

The Thai Navy Seal Unit are TOTAL heroes and are illustrating what the definition of bravery is, one of them died last week on the way to the young boys and their coach, he died when he ran out of oxygen or something occur with his oxygen and he suffocated.

It's this type of unselfish bravery that is heroic, the Thai Navy Seal Unit deserve the highest of medals for courage under one of the most difficult situations, it was 11 hours first to rescue 4 of the young boys, it is approx a 5 hour mission to get to them and then to return.

The big problem at this moment is that they are having torrential rains yesterday and also today, they do not want the water to rise higher in the cave so hopefully the rains will not ruin this rescue mission when they have been doing so well.
Based on comments from the wife who is listening to CNN, indications are the last boy and coach are on their way out and just three seals and the doctor remain in the cavern.

Just popped up on the CNN web site

CNNgo - CNN.com

Hopefully the three remaining Thai Navy Seals and the doctor now get out of the cave okay.
Based on comments from the wife who is listening to CNN, indications are the last boy and coach are on their way out and just three seals and the doctor remain in the cavern.

Just popped up on the CNN web site

CNNgo - CNN.com

Hopefully the three remaining Thai Navy Seals and the doctor now get out of the cave okay.

All of them are out and alive! Agree about the Tai SEALS, as well as all the other responders from around the world. The skill, discipline and bravery of these men is just awesome. They are men that I can point to and say to my girl child, “ look that’s what hero’s look like”.

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