Millions of Americans are denied groceries after failing to provide ID!

And you need a valid ID to pick up your kids from School/daycare and your emergency contacts need a valid ID as well.

BlueGin going literally out of her way to find possible things you might need an ID for ("alcohol" - LoL)
Again, if I didn't fly or drive, I'd need mine every 2-3 years ... and I'm plenty old to drink.

As a reminder, the OP is political satire. What Trump said was stupid. Take the serious shit someplace else.
Doesn't matter how old you are,if you buy alcohol in a store or restaurant they will ask for your ID.
The crack dealers know when the EBT cards get refilled with money because the people come a knocking....wake up folks!!!!
Never hand out money to anyone...give them all the food they can eat but never give them money or anything transferable...they will only feed their habit and their children will have to eat at school.....or starve....
I never turn down anyone that says he or she needs food...I will buy them a burger or a taco but if all they want is money they get a big no from me....
And the government should say no to money also....set up soup kitchens and government stores where they can get groceries....stop feeding their drug and alcohol habits...
Online you always see people wanting you to make blessing bags full of stuff for the homeless. They always seem to give them to the people standing in the intersections begging for money...who then leave them and the food they are given to rot there when they leave for someone else to pick up.
You Taliking about the toothless Mississippians?
No I'm talking about drug addicted welfare cheats.....I know many people with missing teeth and they all know how to spell Talking....
just sayin....
Yup,like our white rube Mississippians,on drugs and welfare all their lives.
Sucking of the. Blue state federal contributions
Apologies for my small screen and big fingers
And you need a valid ID to pick up your kids from School/daycare and your emergency contacts need a valid ID as well.

BlueGin going literally out of her way to find possible things you might need an ID for ("alcohol" - LoL)
Again, if I didn't fly or drive, I'd need mine every 2-3 years ... and I'm plenty old to drink.

As a reminder, the OP is political satire. What Trump said was stupid. Take the serious shit someplace else.
Doesn't matter how old you are,if you buy alcohol in a store or restaurant they will ask for your ID.

Complete nonsense. Idaho is one of THE most conservative states and I've NEVER (not once) been carded in a liquor store, grocery store or restaurant. I am 59, but arrived here when I was 42 and can say the same of my ten years in Oregon.

The ONE exception is that they ask for one and give you a wrist band from time to time in the temporary beer gardens set up at special events.
If you are writing a check for your groceries.

Grocery stores usually require a picture ID ... :cool:
Many places including restaurants and retail stores and dr's offices/hospitals make you show them to purchase alcohol ( regardless of age) and to use a credit card/insurance card ( thanks to identity theft illegal alien favorite past time).

You also need a valid ID to fill out all legal forms ( such as POA,Will's etc) either that or two witnesses that can vouge for you in front of a notary. P.S both those witnesses have to have a valid ID.

But Libs cry when you are asked to use them to vote.

I haven't been carded in a bar or restaurant since I retired back in '02. Maybe the hat I wear that says US Navy Retired has something to do with that.

As far as doctors? Yes, I have to show my ID when I go to the VA, but that is to ensure I'm eligible to be there. Same thing when I go on a military base to go shopping. But, those are about the only times I've ever been carded.
Yup,like our white rube Mississippians,on drugs and welfare all their lives.
Sucking of the. Blue state federal contributions
Apologies for my small screen and big fingers
Oh you are hung up on skin should attach that to your sig.....what a throwback.....
It has been a bureaucratic nightmare,” said Settles, 65, a retired engineer.
“The intent of this law is to suppress the vote. I feel like I am not wanted in this state.”

Across the country, about 11 percent of Americans do not have government-issued photo identification cards, such as a driver’s license or a passport, according to Democracy Program at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law.
You need an ID to open a post office box, or to mail or pick up a package.

Also, to rent a car, board an airplane, or have something notarized. ... :cool:
It has been a bureaucratic nightmare,” said Settles, 65, a retired engineer.
“The intent of this law is to suppress the vote. I feel like I am not wanted in this state.”

Across the country, about 11 percent of Americans do not have government-issued photo identification cards, such as a driver’s license or a passport, according to Democracy Program at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law.
You need an ID to open a post office box, or to mail or pick up a package.

Also, to rent a car, board an airplane, or have something notarized. ... :cool:

None of those activities you described concern buying groceries. Trump specifically said you needed an ID to shop for groceries. Quit moving the goalposts.
"analysis of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent."

Who Can Vote? - A News21 2012 National Project

Why we don't want voter ID
Al Franken lost and then Dems stole the seat by changing and invalidating more votes than changed in any recount ever. Your concern is fake. ID or else
Fake News
We all know trump has the best words
Trump is an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The dude has no brain! Wow!
He does, it just work like it should! MOAR fake news!
Not fake news he said it you fucking dildo! He said we need ID to buy groceries the guy is as stupid as they come! Much like his supporters!
Stupid is giving cash to drug addicts.....even in the form of an EBT anything transferable to drug addicts should be a crime...set up government food stores like we used to have....

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