Military man fails to show respect to former president


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
What happened to the days when people respected those who were above them? What a shame those days are gone. The only thing Milley accomplished was showing he lacks class.

---Former President Donald Trump renewed his attacks on retired U.S. Army General Mark Milley after the exiting chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff seemingly suggested that Trump is a "wannabe dictator."---

Enlisted members who leave the Military sign a document that acknowledges legal responsibility not to criticize the military or their former commanding officers. Don't high ranking members of the military have a legal and moral responsibility not to criticize the former Commander in Chief as well as the current one? The president and the former president are under no restraints when it comes to disrespecting former Generals who disrespect themselves and their Country.
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What happened to the days when people respected those who were above them? What a shame those days are gone. The only thing Milley accomplished was showing he lacks class.

---Former President Donald Trump renewed his attacks on retired U.S. Army General Mark Milley after the exiting chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff seemingly suggested that Trump is a "wannabe dictator."---

Your sexual abuser god IS a wannabe dictator... it's telling how you knew that without Milley saying his name.
Enlisted members oho leave the Military sign a document that acknowledges legal responsibility not to criticize the military or their former commanding officers. Don't high ranking members of the military have a legal and moral responsibility not to criticize the former Commander in Chief as well as the current one?
Leftist shitlords don't follow rules.
Enlisted members oho leave the Military sign a document that acknowledges legal responsibility not to criticize the military or their former commanding officers. Don't high ranking members of the military have a legal and moral responsibility not to criticize the former Commander in Chief as well as the current one? The president and the former president are under no restraints when it comes to disrespecting former Generals who disrespect themselves and their Country.
That's BS, no document like that is signed when you get out.
Enlisted and NCOs sign no such documents. Officers are still governed by the UCMJ even when out of service. I don't think Milley broke the law, but he did break custom. So good that he did. All America needs to know what a shit ass is Donald Duck.
Enlisted and NCOs sign no such documents. Officers are still governed by the UCMJ even when out of service. I don't think Milley broke the law, but he did break custom. So good that he did. All America needs to know what a shit ass is Donald Duck.
Milley never named trump, but it's telling how his cultists knew their sexual abuser god alright.
What happened to the days when people respected those who were above them? What a shame those days are gone. The only thing Milley accomplished was showing he lacks class.

---Former President Donald Trump renewed his attacks on retired U.S. Army General Mark Milley after the exiting chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff seemingly suggested that Trump is a "wannabe dictator."---

He also proved he is a fucking treasonous piece of shit.

That fat fuck, milley, should be fired out of a cannon.
Enlisted members oho leave the Military sign a document that acknowledges legal responsibility not to criticize the military or their former commanding officers. Don't high ranking members of the military have a legal and moral responsibility not to criticize the former Commander in Chief as well as the current one? The president and the former president are under no restraints when it comes to disrespecting former Generals who disrespect themselves and their Country.
That's a load of shit.

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