Mike Pence Suggests Legal Abortions In U.S. Could End ‘In Our Time’


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

“This will be the generation that restores life in America,” the vice president told a group of anti-abortion activists.

Standing before a roomful of anti-abortion activists in Nashville on Tuesday, Mike Pence described the “great progress” made under President Donald Trump to limit women’s access to legal abortions in the U.S. and abroad.

He called for the activists in the room to work ever harder to help “restore the sanctity of life to the center of American law.” He then made a stunning suggestion: that legal abortion could “once again” be banned in the U.S., and that it could happen “in our time.”

Speaking at a luncheon hosted by the Susan B. Anthony List and Life Institute, an anti-abortion group, the vice president announced that “life is winning in America once again,” before ticking off the many policies enacted under Trump aimed at limiting access to abortions.

“The President reinstated the Mexico City Policy to prevent American tax dollars from funding organizations that promote or perform abortions beyond our borders,” said Pence, a devout Christian who’s been described as one of Washington’s most anti-abortion Republicans.

“Our administration has stopped U.S. funding of the United Nations Population Fund so American taxpayers are no longer forced to support abortion around the world,” the VP added, his words met with loud applause and cheers. “And I can’t tell you how proud I was in my role as president of the Senate to cast the tie-breaking vote on a bill the President signed to allow states like Tennessee to defund Planned Parenthood.”

More: Mike Pence Suggests Legal Abortions In U.S. Could End ‘In Our Time’

Trump and Pence are sending America back to the Dark Ages. It will take Democrats years to clean up this mess.
Our women can always use clothes hangers or their shitty baby daddies could push them down stairs :rolleyes:
Wow, Pence pandering to an audience...what a shock.

Pence knows as well as the rest of the GOP the worst thing that could ever happen to them is for abortion to no longer be a voting issue. They talk a good game but there is a reason why nothing has changed since RvW. They do not really want it to.

“This will be the generation that restores life in America,” the vice president told a group of anti-abortion activists.

Standing before a roomful of anti-abortion activists in Nashville on Tuesday, Mike Pence described the “great progress” made under President Donald Trump to limit women’s access to legal abortions in the U.S. and abroad.

He called for the activists in the room to work ever harder to help “restore the sanctity of life to the center of American law.” He then made a stunning suggestion: that legal abortion could “once again” be banned in the U.S., and that it could happen “in our time.”

Speaking at a luncheon hosted by the Susan B. Anthony List and Life Institute, an anti-abortion group, the vice president announced that “life is winning in America once again,” before ticking off the many policies enacted under Trump aimed at limiting access to abortions.

“The President reinstated the Mexico City Policy to prevent American tax dollars from funding organizations that promote or perform abortions beyond our borders,” said Pence, a devout Christian who’s been described as one of Washington’s most anti-abortion Republicans.

“Our administration has stopped U.S. funding of the United Nations Population Fund so American taxpayers are no longer forced to support abortion around the world,” the VP added, his words met with loud applause and cheers. “And I can’t tell you how proud I was in my role as president of the Senate to cast the tie-breaking vote on a bill the President signed to allow states like Tennessee to defund Planned Parenthood.”

More: Mike Pence Suggests Legal Abortions In U.S. Could End ‘In Our Time’

Trump and Pence are sending America back to the Dark Ages. It will take Democrats years to clean up this mess.

Then again, the way things are going it could take years for the Democrats to gain the power to interfere, if at all.

One more SCOTUS pick and you've lost the court for a generation. More than one = "Oy Vey!" :laugh:

“This will be the generation that restores life in America,” the vice president told a group of anti-abortion activists.

Standing before a roomful of anti-abortion activists in Nashville on Tuesday, Mike Pence described the “great progress” made under President Donald Trump to limit women’s access to legal abortions in the U.S. and abroad.

He called for the activists in the room to work ever harder to help “restore the sanctity of life to the center of American law.” He then made a stunning suggestion: that legal abortion could “once again” be banned in the U.S., and that it could happen “in our time.”

Speaking at a luncheon hosted by the Susan B. Anthony List and Life Institute, an anti-abortion group, the vice president announced that “life is winning in America once again,” before ticking off the many policies enacted under Trump aimed at limiting access to abortions.

“The President reinstated the Mexico City Policy to prevent American tax dollars from funding organizations that promote or perform abortions beyond our borders,” said Pence, a devout Christian who’s been described as one of Washington’s most anti-abortion Republicans.

“Our administration has stopped U.S. funding of the United Nations Population Fund so American taxpayers are no longer forced to support abortion around the world,” the VP added, his words met with loud applause and cheers. “And I can’t tell you how proud I was in my role as president of the Senate to cast the tie-breaking vote on a bill the President signed to allow states like Tennessee to defund Planned Parenthood.”

More: Mike Pence Suggests Legal Abortions In U.S. Could End ‘In Our Time’

Trump and Pence are sending America back to the Dark Ages. It will take Democrats years to clean up this mess.

Then again, the way things are going it could take years for the Democrats to gain the power to interfere, if at all.

One more SCOTUS pick and you've lost the court for a generation. More than one = "Oy Vey!" :laugh:

And right now there is not a single justice on the court that favors overturning RvW...
This is great news. One thing though, abortions should only be able for minorities. Therefore White people of European heritage can increase the demographics so my people can reign superior.

“This will be the generation that restores life in America,” the vice president told a group of anti-abortion activists.

Standing before a roomful of anti-abortion activists in Nashville on Tuesday, Mike Pence described the “great progress” made under President Donald Trump to limit women’s access to legal abortions in the U.S. and abroad.

He called for the activists in the room to work ever harder to help “restore the sanctity of life to the center of American law.” He then made a stunning suggestion: that legal abortion could “once again” be banned in the U.S., and that it could happen “in our time.”

Speaking at a luncheon hosted by the Susan B. Anthony List and Life Institute, an anti-abortion group, the vice president announced that “life is winning in America once again,” before ticking off the many policies enacted under Trump aimed at limiting access to abortions.

“The President reinstated the Mexico City Policy to prevent American tax dollars from funding organizations that promote or perform abortions beyond our borders,” said Pence, a devout Christian who’s been described as one of Washington’s most anti-abortion Republicans.

“Our administration has stopped U.S. funding of the United Nations Population Fund so American taxpayers are no longer forced to support abortion around the world,” the VP added, his words met with loud applause and cheers. “And I can’t tell you how proud I was in my role as president of the Senate to cast the tie-breaking vote on a bill the President signed to allow states like Tennessee to defund Planned Parenthood.”

More: Mike Pence Suggests Legal Abortions In U.S. Could End ‘In Our Time’

Trump and Pence are sending America back to the Dark Ages. It will take Democrats years to clean up this mess.

Then again, the way things are going it could take years for the Democrats to gain the power to interfere, if at all.

One more SCOTUS pick and you've lost the court for a generation. More than one = "Oy Vey!" :laugh:
Then will they shut up and go away?
Great idea hypocrite tool! Let's go back to 5000 women die in a year from abortion butchers... Oh right it would be 10,000 now... This is settled law now and the best thing we can do is what ACA did- free birth control which has cut abortions 40% immediately.
I actually agree with Pence to a degree. I think that medical advances in my lifetime will drastically reduce the need for women to seek abortions. I, unlike the GOP, actually want to reduce the number of abortions performed, but I know the only real way to do it is by reducing or eliminating unwanted pregnancies.
I actually agree with Pence to a degree. I think that medical advances in my lifetime will drastically reduce the need for women to seek abortions. I, unlike the GOP, actually want to reduce the number of abortions performed, but I know the only real way to do it is by reducing or eliminating unwanted pregnancies.

Cross yer legs, ladies.
I actually agree with Pence to a degree. I think that medical advances in my lifetime will drastically reduce the need for women to seek abortions. I, unlike the GOP, actually want to reduce the number of abortions performed, but I know the only real way to do it is by reducing or eliminating unwanted pregnancies.

There is a reason that the number of abortions go up under a Repub Admin. Their own policies guarantee more abortions.

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