Mike Huckabee: You Should Wait Until Obama Leaves Office To Join Military

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Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) suggested Friday that young Americans planning to join the military should wait until President Barack Obama leaves office to do so because his administration has an "open hostility toward the Christian faith."

The possible 2016 presidential contender was asked about a Washington Times report citing "religious freedom advocates" who said that Christians are leaving the military because of a “hostile work environment."

Huckabee told Iowa talk radio host Jan Mickelson that the Obama administration “orders its chaplains to put its Bibles away, not to pray in Jesus' name, not to counsel people on the issues of sexual morality.”

“When you have this attitude that is more about promoting gay marriage and gay rights in the military than it is about being able to protect religious liberty for those people of faith,” Huckabee said, “it’s going to be hard to find people that are truly devoted people of faith and Christian believers and Orthodox Jews and others.”

He then suggested that parents should stop their children from enlisting until America has a new commander in chief.

“I’d wait a couple of years until we get a new commander in chief that will once again believe ‘one nation under God,’ and believe that people of faith should be a vital part of the process of not only governing this country, but defending this country,” he said.

Mike Huckabee Says You Should Wait Until Obama Leaves Office To Join The Military

Is Huckabee the new face of Christianity. I guess he misses the old days of Christian military proselytizing around the world. I bet he really misses the Crusades.
There's no such thing as a Christian soldier so better yet, don't join at all. Being cannon fodder is not serving Jesus. God or Country, pick one and only one.
There's no such thing as a Christian soldier so better yet, don't join at all. Being cannon fodder is not serving Jesus. God or Country, pick one and only one.
What scared you so badly you turned tail and ran from PF?
Just imagine a President Huckabee - with Chuck Norris and Ted Nugent as his advisers. I get the willies just thinking about it.
good advice from Huckabee , best to wait for a normal American Commander in Chief to be in charge !!
good advice from Huckabee , best to wait for a normal American Commander in Chief to be in charge !!
Normal my ass, when you go to Sunday service, it's is for more than one of the christian sects...how can a Protestant and a Catholic worship together?It sacrilege....
'Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) suggested Friday that young Americans planning to join the military should wait until President Barack Obama leaves office to do so because his administration has an "open hostility toward the Christian faith."'

That Huckabee is a liar should come as no surprise.
'Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) suggested Friday that young Americans planning to join the military should wait until President Barack Obama leaves office to do so because his administration has an "open hostility toward the Christian faith."'

That Huckabee is a liar should come as no surprise.
It is the truth. Color me shocked you don't see it.:eek-52:
hey Gents , me , well I'd wait for a normal American CiC . I wouldn't want to ever have to tell my kids that the current was my CiC !!
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) suggested Friday that young Americans planning to join the military should wait until President Barack Obama leaves office to do so because his administration has an "open hostility toward the Christian faith."

The possible 2016 presidential contender was asked about a Washington Times report citing "religious freedom advocates" who said that Christians are leaving the military because of a “hostile work environment."

Huckabee told Iowa talk radio host Jan Mickelson that the Obama administration “orders its chaplains to put its Bibles away, not to pray in Jesus' name, not to counsel people on the issues of sexual morality.”

“When you have this attitude that is more about promoting gay marriage and gay rights in the military than it is about being able to protect religious liberty for those people of faith,” Huckabee said, “it’s going to be hard to find people that are truly devoted people of faith and Christian believers and Orthodox Jews and others.”

He then suggested that parents should stop their children from enlisting until America has a new commander in chief.

“I’d wait a couple of years until we get a new commander in chief that will once again believe ‘one nation under God,’ and believe that people of faith should be a vital part of the process of not only governing this country, but defending this country,” he said.

Mike Huckabee Says You Should Wait Until Obama Leaves Office To Join The Military

Is Huckabee the new face of Christianity. I guess he misses the old days of Christian military proselytizing around the world. I bet he really misses the Crusades.
Of course the downside to joining with a Republican president is that you're more likely to get your ass shot off.

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