Middle East arms race


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2012
Deep in the heart of Texas.
If this nuke deal with Iran goes through do you think we will have a nuclear arms race in the Middle East with countries like Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia starting their own nuclear programs? Also try look at it not from the American prespective or a Democrat or Republican one but from the prespective of the leaders and people of these countries and the region.
If this nuke deal with Iran goes through do you think we will have a nuclear arms race in the Middle East with countries like Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia starting their own nuclear programs? Also try look at it not from the American prespective or a Democrat or Republican one but from the prespective of the leaders and people of these countries and the region.

What makes everyone think Iran is getting nukes? I think Jordan is already working on a nuclear power plant and I'm quite sure Egypt has plans. SA will just buy one from Pakistan. I remember a few months ago the Arab nations all signed an agreement for Israel to get rid of its nuclear weapons. I don't think Iran is making any nukes, and well we know Iraq didn't have nukes either.
If this nuke deal with Iran goes through do you think we will have a nuclear arms race in the Middle East with countries like Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia starting their own nuclear programs? Also try look at it not from the American prespective or a Democrat or Republican one but from the prespective of the leaders and people of these countries and the region.

What makes everyone think Iran is getting nukes? I think Jordan is already working on a nuclear power plant and I'm quite sure Egypt has plans. SA will just buy one from Pakistan. I remember a few months ago the Arab nations all signed an agreement for Israel to get rid of its nuclear weapons. I don't think Iran is making any nukes, and well we know Iraq didn't have nukes either.
People believe it because Iran wants to be the doiminate power in the region they want to be considered a world power and they make no bones about wanting to destroy Israel having nuclear weapons makes them the first two and gives them abaility to carry out the third.
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If this nuke deal with Iran goes through do you think we will have a nuclear arms race in the Middle East with countries like Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia starting their own nuclear programs? Also try look at it not from the American prespective or a Democrat or Republican one but from the prespective of the leaders and people of these countries and the region.

What makes everyone think Iran is getting nukes? I think Jordan is already working on a nuclear power plant and I'm quite sure Egypt has plans. SA will just buy one from Pakistan. I remember a few months ago the Arab nations all signed an agreement for Israel to get rid of its nuclear weapons. I don't think Iran is making any nukes, and well we know Iraq didn't have nukes either.
When did you wake up from your 30 year nap?
Obama has to pay off his supporters with arms sales in the ME, Putin has to make up oil revenues by selling state of the art weapons to Syria that in turn will sell them to Hezbollah and hamas
Forecasting the future is a risky thing, but I'm not sure any Mideast country will ever successfully build a nuclear weapon and the missiles necessary to deliver them because I do not think any government over there will last the 20 years and be able afford to spend the billions necessary.
If this nuke deal with Iran goes through do you think we will have a nuclear arms race in the Middle East with countries like Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia starting their own nuclear programs? Also try look at it not from the American prespective or a Democrat or Republican one but from the prespective of the leaders and people of these countries and the region.

The arms race was just avoided.

Aside from that there is nothing keeping any nation with the money and scientists from developing a nuclear weapon. Others may still pursue it.

The wailing and gnashing of teeth on the con side is hilarious. They are too cowardly and inept to have gotten this done in the 8 years Shrubya was in office and this is just another thing that Obama has gotten done that they couldn't even dream of.

Its simple, Iran's nuclear program will be under strict scrutiny, including spying by the U.S., Israel, and other nations. They won't be able to construct thousands of centrifuges without someone knowing. Also, the can't test a nuclear device without the world knowing, even if underground. And if they do cheat then things are reset to where we are today.

Stop whining cons, the people you elect are morons and can't get things done so someone else had to. Next time vote for someone that has some brains, rather than someone who 'you like his daddy'.
Iran will comply...sure.
If this nuke deal with Iran goes through do you think we will have a nuclear arms race in the Middle East with countries like Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia starting their own nuclear programs? Also try look at it not from the American prespective or a Democrat or Republican one but from the prespective of the leaders and people of these countries and the region.

The arms race was just avoided.

Aside from that there is nothing keeping any nation with the money and scientists from developing a nuclear weapon. Others may still pursue it.

The wailing and gnashing of teeth on the con side is hilarious. They are too cowardly and inept to have gotten this done in the 8 years Shrubya was in office and this is just another thing that Obama has gotten done that they couldn't even dream of.

Its simple, Iran's nuclear program will be under strict scrutiny, including spying by the U.S., Israel, and other nations. They won't be able to construct thousands of centrifuges without someone knowing. Also, the can't test a nuclear device without the world knowing, even if underground. And if they do cheat then things are reset to where we are today.

Stop whining cons, the people you elect are morons and can't get things done so someone else had to. Next time vote for someone that has some brains, rather than someone who 'you like his daddy'.
Strict scrunity really? In order to inspect any place they feel Iran might be hiding something they have to give 24 to 30 days notice and get approval from a committe of nations one of which will be Iran it's self. If that's strict scrunity I don't want to know what lax would be as for resetting things it took years to get the current sanctions in place your not going to hit one of Hillarys famous rest buttons and just magically have them back in place. I suggest you take your lips off Obamas ass for five minutes and start looking at the reality in front of you.
If this nuke deal with Iran goes through do you think we will have a nuclear arms race in the Middle East with countries like Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia starting their own nuclear programs? Also try look at it not from the American prespective or a Democrat or Republican one but from the prespective of the leaders and people of these countries and the region.

The arms race was just avoided.

Aside from that there is nothing keeping any nation with the money and scientists from developing a nuclear weapon. Others may still pursue it.

The wailing and gnashing of teeth on the con side is hilarious. They are too cowardly and inept to have gotten this done in the 8 years Shrubya was in office and this is just another thing that Obama has gotten done that they couldn't even dream of.

Its simple, Iran's nuclear program will be under strict scrutiny, including spying by the U.S., Israel, and other nations. They won't be able to construct thousands of centrifuges without someone knowing. Also, the can't test a nuclear device without the world knowing, even if underground. And if they do cheat then things are reset to where we are today.

Stop whining cons, the people you elect are morons and can't get things done so someone else had to. Next time vote for someone that has some brains, rather than someone who 'you like his daddy'.
Strict scrunity really? In order to inspect any place they feel Iran might be hiding something they have to give 24 to 30 days notice and get approval from a committe of nations one of which will be Iran it's self. If that's strict scrunity I don't want to know what lax would be as for resetting things it took years to get the current sanctions in place your not going to hit one of Hillarys famous rest buttons and just magically have them back in place. I suggest you take your lips off Obamas ass for five minutes and start looking at the reality in front of you.

Yes the whining has begun. Good, cry. I'm really tired of Nut n Yahoo whining about everything in the world as well. The universe doesn't spin around Israel. If they are attacked we'll help an ally. But Jesus H they think the world should bow at their feet. Sorry you are just another country, there is nothing special about Israel.

Cons you have become the cowardly whiner club, so grab your hankies and your tissue and have a good cry.

Then stop collecting your welfare and go find a job.
Really? Why did so many liberals turn up in Charleston on a Friday afternoon to watch Confederate Battle Flag come down? Because they don't have fucking jobs. Liberals lead every election until 4:00PM...then Republicans get off work and go vote.
If this nuke deal with Iran goes through do you think we will have a nuclear arms race in the Middle East with countries like Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia starting their own nuclear programs? Also try look at it not from the American prespective or a Democrat or Republican one but from the prespective of the leaders and people of these countries and the region.

The arms race was just avoided.

Aside from that there is nothing keeping any nation with the money and scientists from developing a nuclear weapon. Others may still pursue it.

The wailing and gnashing of teeth on the con side is hilarious. They are too cowardly and inept to have gotten this done in the 8 years Shrubya was in office and this is just another thing that Obama has gotten done that they couldn't even dream of.

Its simple, Iran's nuclear program will be under strict scrutiny, including spying by the U.S., Israel, and other nations. They won't be able to construct thousands of centrifuges without someone knowing. Also, the can't test a nuclear device without the world knowing, even if underground. And if they do cheat then things are reset to where we are today.

Stop whining cons, the people you elect are morons and can't get things done so someone else had to. Next time vote for someone that has some brains, rather than someone who 'you like his daddy'.
Strict scrunity really? In order to inspect any place they feel Iran might be hiding something they have to give 24 to 30 days notice and get approval from a committe of nations one of which will be Iran it's self. If that's strict scrunity I don't want to know what lax would be as for resetting things it took years to get the current sanctions in place your not going to hit one of Hillarys famous rest buttons and just magically have them back in place. I suggest you take your lips off Obamas ass for five minutes and start looking at the reality in front of you.

Yes the whining has begun. Good, cry. I'm really tired of Nut n Yahoo whining about everything in the world as well. The universe doesn't spin around Israel. If they are attacked we'll help an ally. But Jesus H they think the world should bow at their feet. Sorry you are just another country, there is nothing special about Israel.

Cons you have become the cowardly whiner club, so grab your hankies and your tissue and have a good cry.

Then stop collecting your welfare and go find a job.
Didn't mention Israel dumbass you however did avoid ever fact i put forth in response to your idiocy of course when far left wing nuts can't dispute facts response like what you just gave or what we get. This will be my final response to you and the following will explain why.
If this nuke deal with Iran goes through do you think we will have a nuclear arms race in the Middle East with countries like Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia starting their own nuclear programs? Also try look at it not from the American prespective or a Democrat or Republican one but from the prespective of the leaders and people of these countries and the region.

The arms race was just avoided.

Aside from that there is nothing keeping any nation with the money and scientists from developing a nuclear weapon. Others may still pursue it.

The wailing and gnashing of teeth on the con side is hilarious. They are too cowardly and inept to have gotten this done in the 8 years Shrubya was in office and this is just another thing that Obama has gotten done that they couldn't even dream of.

Its simple, Iran's nuclear program will be under strict scrutiny, including spying by the U.S., Israel, and other nations. They won't be able to construct thousands of centrifuges without someone knowing. Also, the can't test a nuclear device without the world knowing, even if underground. And if they do cheat then things are reset to where we are today.

Stop whining cons, the people you elect are morons and can't get things done so someone else had to. Next time vote for someone that has some brains, rather than someone who 'you like his daddy'.
Strict scrunity really? In order to inspect any place they feel Iran might be hiding something they have to give 24 to 30 days notice and get approval from a committe of nations one of which will be Iran it's self. If that's strict scrunity I don't want to know what lax would be as for resetting things it took years to get the current sanctions in place your not going to hit one of Hillarys famous rest buttons and just magically have them back in place. I suggest you take your lips off Obamas ass for five minutes and start looking at the reality in front of you.

Yes the whining has begun. Good, cry. I'm really tired of Nut n Yahoo whining about everything in the world as well. The universe doesn't spin around Israel. If they are attacked we'll help an ally. But Jesus H they think the world should bow at their feet. Sorry you are just another country, there is nothing special about Israel.

Cons you have become the cowardly whiner club, so grab your hankies and your tissue and have a good cry.

Then stop collecting your welfare and go find a job.
Didn't mention Israel dumbass you however did avoid ever fact i put forth in response to your idiocy of course when far left wing nuts can't dispute facts response like what you just gave or what we get. This will be my final response to you and the following will explain why.

Buh bye. You can't hang so go cry yourself a river.

Under Bush the Iranians went from 200 centrigues to 12,000 or more. Now at 19,000.

Cons you have just given up on reality. You whine about everything just to whine about everything. And like I said, WHIIIIIIIINE. I love to hear it. The Republicans have sat on their asses and done nothing while Iran moves ahead at break kneck speed towards a nuke and Bush and Republicans DID NOTHING.

You don't know foreign policy, you don't know how to run an economy. You whine about everything there is to whine about.

I get it, this is who you are. Please put me on ignore because you are as ignorant as they come but you see yourselves as 'thinkers'. LOL What a joke.
If this nuke deal with Iran goes through do you think we will have a nuclear arms race in the Middle East with countries like Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia starting their own nuclear programs? Also try look at it not from the American prespective or a Democrat or Republican one but from the prespective of the leaders and people of these countries and the region.

The arms race was just avoided.

Aside from that there is nothing keeping any nation with the money and scientists from developing a nuclear weapon. Others may still pursue it.

The wailing and gnashing of teeth on the con side is hilarious. They are too cowardly and inept to have gotten this done in the 8 years Shrubya was in office and this is just another thing that Obama has gotten done that they couldn't even dream of.

Its simple, Iran's nuclear program will be under strict scrutiny, including spying by the U.S., Israel, and other nations. They won't be able to construct thousands of centrifuges without someone knowing. Also, the can't test a nuclear device without the world knowing, even if underground. And if they do cheat then things are reset to where we are today.

Stop whining cons, the people you elect are morons and can't get things done so someone else had to. Next time vote for someone that has some brains, rather than someone who 'you like his daddy'.
Strict scrunity really? In order to inspect any place they feel Iran might be hiding something they have to give 24 to 30 days notice and get approval from a committe of nations one of which will be Iran it's self. If that's strict scrunity I don't want to know what lax would be as for resetting things it took years to get the current sanctions in place your not going to hit one of Hillarys famous rest buttons and just magically have them back in place. I suggest you take your lips off Obamas ass for five minutes and start looking at the reality in front of you.

Yes the whining has begun. Good, cry. I'm really tired of Nut n Yahoo whining about everything in the world as well. The universe doesn't spin around Israel. If they are attacked we'll help an ally. But Jesus H they think the world should bow at their feet. Sorry you are just another country, there is nothing special about Israel.

Cons you have become the cowardly whiner club, so grab your hankies and your tissue and have a good cry.

Then stop collecting your welfare and go find a job.
Didn't mention Israel dumbass you however did avoid ever fact i put forth in response to your idiocy of course when far left wing nuts can't dispute facts response like what you just gave or what we get. This will be my final response to you and the following will explain why.

Buh bye. You can't hang so go cry yourself a river.

Under Bush the Iranians went from 200 centrigues to 12,000 or more. Now at 19,000.

Cons you have just given up on reality. You whine about everything just to whine about everything. And like I said, WHIIIIIIIINE. I love to hear it. The Republicans have sat on their asses and done nothing while Iran moves ahead at break kneck speed towards a nuke and Bush and Republicans DID NOTHING.

You don't know foreign policy, you don't know how to run an economy. You whine about everything there is to whine about.

I get it, this is who you are. Please put me on ignore because you are as ignorant as they come but you see yourselves as 'thinkers'. LOL What a joke.
Think it would be different if a Republican President dealt with Iran?
The arms race was just avoided.

Aside from that there is nothing keeping any nation with the money and scientists from developing a nuclear weapon. Others may still pursue it.

The wailing and gnashing of teeth on the con side is hilarious. They are too cowardly and inept to have gotten this done in the 8 years Shrubya was in office and this is just another thing that Obama has gotten done that they couldn't even dream of.

Its simple, Iran's nuclear program will be under strict scrutiny, including spying by the U.S., Israel, and other nations. They won't be able to construct thousands of centrifuges without someone knowing. Also, the can't test a nuclear device without the world knowing, even if underground. And if they do cheat then things are reset to where we are today.

Stop whining cons, the people you elect are morons and can't get things done so someone else had to. Next time vote for someone that has some brains, rather than someone who 'you like his daddy'.
Strict scrunity really? In order to inspect any place they feel Iran might be hiding something they have to give 24 to 30 days notice and get approval from a committe of nations one of which will be Iran it's self. If that's strict scrunity I don't want to know what lax would be as for resetting things it took years to get the current sanctions in place your not going to hit one of Hillarys famous rest buttons and just magically have them back in place. I suggest you take your lips off Obamas ass for five minutes and start looking at the reality in front of you.

Yes the whining has begun. Good, cry. I'm really tired of Nut n Yahoo whining about everything in the world as well. The universe doesn't spin around Israel. If they are attacked we'll help an ally. But Jesus H they think the world should bow at their feet. Sorry you are just another country, there is nothing special about Israel.

Cons you have become the cowardly whiner club, so grab your hankies and your tissue and have a good cry.

Then stop collecting your welfare and go find a job.
Didn't mention Israel dumbass you however did avoid ever fact i put forth in response to your idiocy of course when far left wing nuts can't dispute facts response like what you just gave or what we get. This will be my final response to you and the following will explain why.

Buh bye. You can't hang so go cry yourself a river.

Under Bush the Iranians went from 200 centrigues to 12,000 or more. Now at 19,000.

Cons you have just given up on reality. You whine about everything just to whine about everything. And like I said, WHIIIIIIIINE. I love to hear it. The Republicans have sat on their asses and done nothing while Iran moves ahead at break kneck speed towards a nuke and Bush and Republicans DID NOTHING.

You don't know foreign policy, you don't know how to run an economy. You whine about everything there is to whine about.

I get it, this is who you are. Please put me on ignore because you are as ignorant as they come but you see yourselves as 'thinkers'. LOL What a joke.
Think it would be different if a Republican President dealt with Iran?

They did for 8 years under Shrub. That is why we have the mess we have now.
Strict scrunity really? In order to inspect any place they feel Iran might be hiding something they have to give 24 to 30 days notice and get approval from a committe of nations one of which will be Iran it's self. If that's strict scrunity I don't want to know what lax would be as for resetting things it took years to get the current sanctions in place your not going to hit one of Hillarys famous rest buttons and just magically have them back in place. I suggest you take your lips off Obamas ass for five minutes and start looking at the reality in front of you.

Yes the whining has begun. Good, cry. I'm really tired of Nut n Yahoo whining about everything in the world as well. The universe doesn't spin around Israel. If they are attacked we'll help an ally. But Jesus H they think the world should bow at their feet. Sorry you are just another country, there is nothing special about Israel.

Cons you have become the cowardly whiner club, so grab your hankies and your tissue and have a good cry.

Then stop collecting your welfare and go find a job.
Didn't mention Israel dumbass you however did avoid ever fact i put forth in response to your idiocy of course when far left wing nuts can't dispute facts response like what you just gave or what we get. This will be my final response to you and the following will explain why.

Buh bye. You can't hang so go cry yourself a river.

Under Bush the Iranians went from 200 centrigues to 12,000 or more. Now at 19,000.

Cons you have just given up on reality. You whine about everything just to whine about everything. And like I said, WHIIIIIIIINE. I love to hear it. The Republicans have sat on their asses and done nothing while Iran moves ahead at break kneck speed towards a nuke and Bush and Republicans DID NOTHING.

You don't know foreign policy, you don't know how to run an economy. You whine about everything there is to whine about.

I get it, this is who you are. Please put me on ignore because you are as ignorant as they come but you see yourselves as 'thinkers'. LOL What a joke.
Think it would be different if a Republican President dealt with Iran?

They did for 8 years under Shrub. That is why we have the mess we have now.
With regards to Iran and this new deal, we always held out the option to increase sanctions or launch a military action against them. Obama administration thinks they are foreign policy geniuses and have created a paradigm shift in SW Asia. All they have done is screw our best ally and empower a state sponsor of terrorism.
Iran to Obama:"Hey lick this frozen flagpole."
Obama: "O.K. you guys wouldn't trick me."

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