Microsoft's Creepy Christmas Ad Pushes Black Lives Matter, Muslim Migrants


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Microsoft's Creepy Christmas Ad Pushes Black Lives Matter, Muslim Migrants
December 11, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


Microsoft has had better ads than products because it's easier to tell lies than actually make things that people want to buy. Its "spirit of the season" ad though is certain to alienate everybody. The left will scream that it's being co-opted. And indeed the scenes of activists playing with some sort of Microsoft sketch tablet (a jumbo Surface?) while pushing edgy causes are a complete mismatch.

But the mismatch goes deeper.


You really have to be living in a huge left-wing bubble to think that a raft of left-wing causes and talking points will unite rather than divide. It comes off as left-wing propaganda to anyone outside the bubble. But it's not going to score many points on the left because it's just so nakedly cynical and commercial. It's hard to think of a worse "Spirit of the Season" than an ad that offends everyone.

Microsoft's Creepy Christmas Ad Pushes Black Lives Matter, Muslim Migrants
I don't get why we think non-white people have it so bad? They have millions of each other, family, their own communities, neighborhoods, cities, nations (!!!!)

And yet it's ok to denigrate bald or fat people, mentally unwell, weird looking people, homeless, trannies etc who have no choice but to integrate into a hostile population.

I don't get why we think non-white people have it so bad? They have millions of each other, family, their own communities, neighborhoods, cities, nations (!!!!)

And yet it's ok to denigrate bald or fat people, mentally unwell, weird looking people, homeless, trannies etc who have no choice but to integrate into a hostile population.

Not to mention the biggest target of all: Euromericans.
I don't get why we think non-white people have it so bad? They have millions of each other, family, their own communities, neighborhoods, cities, nations (!!!!)

And yet it's ok to denigrate bald or fat people, mentally unwell, weird looking people, homeless, trannies etc who have no choice but to integrate into a hostile population.

Not to mention the biggest target of all: Euromericans.

Yeah, that's what I said.

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