Microsoft bans "small percentage" of Live accounts - Death Threats in Reaction

It's 6:09 PM EST, do you know where KK's evidence is? (Because I don't.) :eusa_whistle:
Results 1 - 10 of about 11,500,000 for linux lies


Results 1 - 10 of about 8,090,000 for apple lies


Post some of the results you came up with ... because .. as I said, a product can't lie, Linux is a product not a company. Try to remove the results from the same websites to. ;)
Seriously, a google result can turn up anything.

When it comes to are a partisan hack.

Results 1 - 10 of about 3,070 for steve jobs fucks gerbils

Google's results hinge on the click throughs, as I said, I click a lot about Linux code and such, so my results lean toward Linux no matter what the subject matter. Yours may be different depending on what you click through, but when I entered your "searches" I came up with a long list of MS lies about said products ... because that's a common click through for me.
So...I guess there is no evidence coming.
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For fuck's sake, KK, could you, for once, be rational when it comes to this stuff? Seriously, your elitism and obvious bias is so disgustingly obnoxious, it makes me not want to read this forum at all. This thread was about how Microsoft banned Xbox Live accounts for BREAKING THE RULES. You go off on some tangent and actually defend people who made death threats against someone.

I have to agree with Shogun here. You ARE batshit insane.

And, for the love of God, stop putting the winking smiley in all your posts when you're being obnoxious. It only multiplies the obnoxiousness.
For fuck's sake, KK, could you, for once, be rational when it comes to this stuff? Seriously, your elitism and obvious bias is so disgustingly obnoxious, it makes me not want to read this forum at all. This thread was about how Microsoft banned Xbox Live accounts for BREAKING THE RULES. You go off on some tangent and actually defend people who made death threats against someone.

I have to agree with Shogun here. You ARE batshit insane.

And, for the love of God, stop putting the winking smiley in all your posts when you're being obnoxious. It only multiplies the obnoxiousness.

That's the point I was making ... prove there were death threats made and that they aren't just lying about it.
He went and whined in an IRC ... were there any arrests? To me it just looks like another grab at attention through lying like they have done often of late.

His information was posted online. He went to the place he believed to be originally posted and pleaded with them to stop. Do you seriously think this is some PR stunt you wingbat?
That's the point I was making ... prove there were death threats made and that they aren't just lying about it.

No, actually, your original point was nothing of the sort. First, you defending violating the TOS rules set forth by Microsoft, and even talked about how you too could violate those rules.

Then you made the absurd claim that using second hand products was the equivalent of pirating, which it is not. You then distracted everyone from your obvious ignorance by going on this tirade about how evil Microsoft is because it is a company that exists to make money.

Take off the fucking blinders. As I've said before, listening to you try to talk rationally about Microsoft is the equivalent to asking Rush's opinion of Obama. Sadly, you're just as bad as Rush. You bring it up when it's not even the topic at hand.
He went and whined in an IRC ... were there any arrests? To me it just looks like another grab at attention through lying like they have done often of late.

His information was posted online. He went to the place he believed to be originally posted and pleaded with them to stop. Do you seriously think this is some PR stunt you wingbat?

Um ... PR stunts like that have been done, so why couldn't it be? It's got the fanbois (most don't even know how to get onto IRC) all boohooing for them.
He went and whined in an IRC ... were there any arrests? To me it just looks like another grab at attention through lying like they have done often of late.

His information was posted online. He went to the place he believed to be originally posted and pleaded with them to stop. Do you seriously think this is some PR stunt you wingbat?

Um ... PR stunts like that have been done, so why couldn't it be? It's got the fanbois (most don't even know how to get onto IRC) all boohooing for them.

I love how all you have is conjecture and the argument of, "It could be." That's real solid evidence.

If you're going to make assertions, have evidence. Otherwise, just shut the fuck up.
Um ... PR stunts like that have been done, so why couldn't it be? It's got the fanbois (most don't even know how to get onto IRC) all boohooing for them.

Link? I want a link this time too KK.
That's the point I was making ... prove there were death threats made and that they aren't just lying about it.

No, actually, your original point was nothing of the sort. First, you defending violating the TOS rules set forth by Microsoft, and even talked about how you too could violate those rules.

Then you made the absurd claim that using second hand products was the equivalent of pirating, which it is not. You then distracted everyone from your obvious ignorance by going on this tirade about how evil Microsoft is because it is a company that exists to make money.

Take off the fucking blinders. As I've said before, listening to you try to talk rationally about Microsoft is the equivalent to asking Rush's opinion of Obama. Sadly, you're just as bad as Rush. You bring it up when it's not even the topic at hand.

Now you're going all circular again. I already stated that they go after people who buy second hand ... even Shogut wasn't stupid enough to say otherwise. A real techie is smart enough to never get caught (yes, some of us are mean enough to break the law) ... so ... as logic dictates ... those are not the ones that are being banned.
No, actually, your original point was nothing of the sort. First, you defending violating the TOS rules set forth by Microsoft, and even talked about how you too could violate those rules.

Then you made the absurd claim that using second hand products was the equivalent of pirating, which it is not. You then distracted everyone from your obvious ignorance by going on this tirade about how evil Microsoft is because it is a company that exists to make money.

Take off the fucking blinders. As I've said before, listening to you try to talk rationally about Microsoft is the equivalent to asking Rush's opinion of Obama. Sadly, you're just as bad as Rush. You bring it up when it's not even the topic at hand.

At this point it wouldn't surprise me if she's one of those types who were cheering on the callers.
Um ... PR stunts like that have been done, so why couldn't it be? It's got the fanbois (most don't even know how to get onto IRC) all boohooing for them.

Link? I want a link this time too KK.

You won't get it. You'll get 910759175975 irrelevant links from Linux forums where batshit insane people like KK (if not KK herself under a different pseudonym) have blogged about the evils of the Microsoft empire.
Now you're going all circular again. I already stated that they go after people who buy second hand ... even Shogut wasn't stupid enough to say otherwise. A real techie is smart enough to never get caught (yes, some of us are mean enough to break the law) ... so ... as logic dictates ... those are not the ones that are being banned.

So when you get caught, should we all laugh and call you not a real techie?

And those are the ones being banned. Despite what you may think of your fellow breathen, you're not Einstein as you alone have clearly shown in this thread.

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