Michelle Obama says 'white America' acts like black women don't exist


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

Despite being coddled all her life, lionized, advanced and praised to the skies notwithstanding her average looks and below-average mind!
...you know why she said that?? like I've said a million times, they are so obsessed with race, that it warps their minds--and they say idiotic shit likethat
She's a bitter hateful woman and that won't change no matter how many good things happen to her.
..I've got a thread similar to that--her kids have mucho $$$/etc and they still are taught to think whitey/cops/etc are evil
..same with a lot of blacks who are millionaires/etc
Then why do they all worship Oprah?


Despite being coddled all her life, lionized, advanced and praised to the skies notwithstanding her average looks and below-average mind!

This is just standard "fill in" propaganda(like gun control etc) to keep the divide & conquer strategy well stocked in the minds of the American constituency. I even seen the old 1970's Radon Gas scare topic in a link not too long ago, & also the old cell phone/brain cancer scare topic. I call these old out of out of date/out of time divide & conquer topics "Depth Charge Topics" for they roll of the fantail of the ole political destroyer like depth charges sporadically dropped over an enemy submarine contact. Just best to pass over these politically motivated depth charge topics & stick to factual issues.
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Actually, the media paid a whole lot more attention to Big Mike than they did with her predecessor, Laura or her successor , Melania.

As far as people just shuffling past and ignoring her and her huge secret service entourage, that's what Americans do. We don't have royalty in this country and your marriage to B. Hussein O gets you no special privileges
In all honesty, you can't help but notice African American females. The drama is all encompassing.
I've noticed that about women from all over the world they may be different colors and nationalities but they still be females..Daytime soap operas were made for women.
What Mrs. Obama is leaving out is that Black Americans do not recognize her, either.

I can take her on a tour of America to places where they pass out all-you-can-eat free food, and Black people will cut in line on her.

Despite being coddled all her life, lionized, advanced and praised to the skies notwithstanding her average looks and below-average mind!
If Mooch hates White people so much why did they buy a mansion in Martha's Vineyard?

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