Michelle O now accuses museums of being RACIST


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Mooch is the dumbest first lady in history. Without affirmative action, she'd be a waitress.

Michelle Obama Museums Intimidate Minorities PUNDIT PRESS

May 5, 2015

Speaking at the opening of the Whitney Museum in New York City, Michelle Obama implied that museums intimidate people who “look like” her, as well as “young people.” The Whitney Museum is a museum of American art.

The First Lady then mentioned one of the themes that one of the museum’s exhibits has, which is, “How can we truly, fully witness the melting pot of cultures and sensibilities and struggles that make America unlike any other country on earth?”

The First Lady explained, “There are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood.”
As usual, the OP is lying.

Our First Lady is right. I remember feeling very intimidated by museums and libraries. If they're part of your experience, its pretty easy to feel like you don't belong.
As usual, the OP is lying.

Our First Lady is right. I remember feeling very intimidated by museums and libraries. If they're part of your experience, its pretty easy to feel like you don't belong.
Museums and libraries are not for the intellectually challenged. I can see why Michelle finds them offensive.
If museums are intimidating to those of the thug culture libraries are much worse. Libraries are full of books. Books are insulting to those who can't read.
As usual, the OP is lying.

Our First Lady is right. I remember feeling very intimidated by museums and libraries. If they're part of your experience, its pretty easy to feel like you don't belong.
Museums and libraries are not for the intellectually challenged. I can see why Michelle finds them offensive.

She didn't say that either. You're as much a liar as the OP.

If museums and libraries were made more accessible, we would not have pitiful assholes like you and ShootsSpeeders.

Edited to add ... or the drunk dog bather and the utterly disgusting fake Irish woman.

Seriously - you idiot assholes really need to get an education.
The crowds at the Houston Museums are very diverse.

The OP has Michele derangement syndrome.
Gotta keep stirring up the masses for her Dear Dickator.

their motto:

NEVER let a good Crisis go to waste
Mooch is the dumbest first lady in history. Without affirmative action, she'd be a waitress.

Michelle Obama Museums Intimidate Minorities PUNDIT PRESS

May 5, 2015

Speaking at the opening of the Whitney Museum in New York City, Michelle Obama implied that museums intimidate people who “look like” her, as well as “young people.” The Whitney Museum is a museum of American art.

The First Lady then mentioned one of the themes that one of the museum’s exhibits has, which is, “How can we truly, fully witness the melting pot of cultures and sensibilities and struggles that make America unlike any other country on earth?”

The First Lady explained, “There are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood.”

It's people like her that are sending the message that certain people don't belong in some places. And they brainwash children into believing that the country is full of people who don't want them around.
I take it that liberals will want to change concert halls and remove classical music and any historical items from museums that can possibly be construed as racist. Race baiters see racism everywhere, so I can imagine the changes they would make.
If museums are intimidating to those of the thug culture libraries are much worse. Libraries are full of books. Books are insulting to those who can't read.

If "thug" isnt being used to refer to blacks then what is Tipsy talking about? And why did Sassy thank him?
Black people are represented in Museums except its at the African American Museums...you know, the ones white people cry about being racist
The only solution is to burn the museums to the ground. Give them the same as the white privilege CVS got.

Then the thug culture can start on the oppressive violins, cellos and harps used in racist white classical music. Wipe all of white history from the books.
If museums are intimidating to those of the thug culture libraries are much worse. Libraries are full of books. Books are insulting to those who can't read.

If "thug" isnt being used to refer to blacks then what is Tipsy talking about? And why did Sassy thank him?
Gee. Do you think all black people are thugs? Was big moo the first ho only referring to her black people?
If museums are intimidating to those of the thug culture libraries are much worse. Libraries are full of books. Books are insulting to those who can't read.

If "thug" isnt being used to refer to blacks then what is Tipsy talking about? And why did Sassy thank him?
Gee. Do you think all black people are thugs? Was big moo the first ho only referring to her black people?

No but you do. Your veil slipped off
thank you Obama and Mabell Obama. good job

Poll: Race Relations Worst in Two Decades
Post-post-racial America


A CBS News/New York Times poll released Monday showed that President Obama’s vision of a post-racial America under his leadership has turned out to be anything but, with more Americans characterizing race relations in the country as “bad” than the poll has found in over two decades.

The survey found that 61 percent of Americans, the most since 1992, believe race relations in the country are in a bad state—and likely to get worse:

A total of 79 percent of African-Americans believe police are more likely to use deadly force against a black person than against a white person, while 53 percent of whites believe race does not play a role, the survey said. […]

Also, fewer than one in five white Americans think race relations are getting better – with 44 percent responding that relations are getting worse and 37 percent saying they’re staying about the same.

The poll found that a majority of both blacks and whites viewed race relations negatively, something that hasn’t happened since 1997. The perspective by white Americans nose-dived since February, with negative perception almost doubling from 35 percent to 62 percent, while African-Americans have had a more consistently negative opinion of the issue than whites.

all of it here:
Poll Race Relations Worst in Two Decades Truth Revolt
thank you Obama and Mabell Obama. good job

Poll: Race Relations Worst in Two Decades
Post-post-racial America


A CBS News/New York Times poll released Monday showed that President Obama’s vision of a post-racial America under his leadership has turned out to be anything but, with more Americans characterizing race relations in the country as “bad” than the poll has found in over two decades.

The survey found that 61 percent of Americans, the most since 1992, believe race relations in the country are in a bad state—and likely to get worse:

A total of 79 percent of African-Americans believe police are more likely to use deadly force against a black person than against a white person, while 53 percent of whites believe race does not play a role, the survey said. […]

Also, fewer than one in five white Americans think race relations are getting better – with 44 percent responding that relations are getting worse and 37 percent saying they’re staying about the same.

The poll found that a majority of both blacks and whites viewed race relations negatively, something that hasn’t happened since 1997. The perspective by white Americans nose-dived since February, with negative perception almost doubling from 35 percent to 62 percent, while African-Americans have had a more consistently negative opinion of the issue than whites.

all of it here:
Poll Race Relations Worst in Two Decades Truth Revolt

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