Michelle called out as a hypocrite by Paula Dean


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Finally, someone has the balls to take on the First Lady on her bogus "eat healthy America" garbage that she spews while she shovels unhealthy food into her body on a daily basis.

I do beleive this is a fitting topic for the Politics discussion because the First Lady has made it her mission to attempt to control what other people eat including portion sizes.

Check out Paula. Bless your soul lady. And just FYI I personally would never have cared what the First Lady ever ate if she wasn't running around pulling the typical holier than thou, do as I say not as I do liberal mantra.

From an article called American Grown Food Fight...

First lady MICHLLE OBAMA fuming as PAULA DEEN dishes on her unhealthy eating habits despite new book “American Grown” PR blitz!

MICHELLE OBAMA is now furious with Southern cooking queen PAULA DEEN for crowing that the first lady, a healthy-eat*ing advocate who’s waging a war against childhood obesity, pigs out on fatten*ing foods.

While plugging her new book, “Paula Deen’s Southern Cooking Bible,” the feisty TV chef took a pot shot at Michelle for gorging herself on greasy french fries, fatty hot chicken wings and sug*ary deep-fried Snickers bars!

AND I just love this...

“She’s no different than the rest of us,” Paula said about Michelle in a new interview.

Paula added: “She probably ate more than any other guest I ever had on the show! She kept eating even dur*ing commercials. Know what (the Obamas’) favorite foods are? Hot wings. Y’know – those kinds of foods that aren’t necessarily top-of-the-list healthy foods.”

Finally, someone has the balls to take on the First Lady on her bogus "eat healthy America" garbage that she spews while she shovels unhealthy food into her body on a daily basis.

I do beleive this is a fitting topic for the Politics discussion because the First Lady has made it her mission to attempt to control what other people eat including portion sizes.

Check out Paula. Bless your soul lady. And just FYI I personally would never have cared what the First Lady ever ate if she wasn't running around pulling the typical holier than thou, do as I say not as I do liberal mantra.

From an article called American Grown Food Fight...

First lady MICHLLE OBAMA fuming as PAULA DEEN dishes on her unhealthy eating habits despite new book “American Grown” PR blitz!

MICHELLE OBAMA is now furious with Southern cooking queen PAULA DEEN for crowing that the first lady, a healthy-eat*ing advocate who’s waging a war against childhood obesity, pigs out on fatten*ing foods.

While plugging her new book, “Paula Deen’s Southern Cooking Bible,” the feisty TV chef took a pot shot at Michelle for gorging herself on greasy french fries, fatty hot chicken wings and sug*ary deep-fried Snickers bars!

AND I just love this...

“She’s no different than the rest of us,” Paula said about Michelle in a new interview.

Paula added: “She probably ate more than any other guest I ever had on the show! She kept eating even dur*ing commercials. Know what (the Obamas’) favorite foods are? Hot wings. Y’know – those kinds of foods that aren’t necessarily top-of-the-list healthy foods.”


I ate at one of her restaurants recently. It was like an upscale Denny's, only the food was awful. And my God the butter content!
Remember when first Lady Nancy Reagan attempted to control what drugs kids took and the portion sized of those drugs. What a little nazi!

Remember when first lady Barbara Bush attempted to control how well kids could read? Fucking central planner, that woman.
If you're ever forced to eat at the restaurant do not eat the "creamy hash browns" as they taste like beef bullion soaked in butter and a box of salt.
Eat another stick of butter, tubby.

Tubby? You're one stupid asshole.


I'm always truly unimpressed when a famous person is able to afford experts to help them lose weight.

Get off your ass and build a successful "franchise" as she did and you will be able to. BTW, plenty of people lose weight without help. No one shoves the food down your throat.

You're as bad as Ravi.
Tubby? You're one stupid asshole.


I'm always truly unimpressed when a famous person is able to afford experts to help them lose weight.

Get off your ass and build a successful "franchise" as she did and you will be able to. BTW, plenty of people lose weight without help. No one shoves the food down your throat.

You're as bad as Ravi.

I see crying is the fundamental basis of your exercise. :thup:
I'm always truly unimpressed when a famous person is able to afford experts to help them lose weight.

Get off your ass and build a successful "franchise" as she did and you will be able to. BTW, plenty of people lose weight without help. No one shoves the food down your throat.

You're as bad as Ravi.

I see crying is the fundamental basis of your exercise. :thup:

...and sophomoric stupidity is yours.
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