Michele Bachmann considering presidential bid

That's great news. Now the lefty kooks will have two candidates to obsess over. Hell, we ought to find a few more to add into the mix and let the kooks drive themselves crazy...er, crazier anyway.
Palin /Bachmann ticket in 2012. :rofl:

Now that's a winning ticket that will send shivers down the spines of the left.

Geez, how is anybody to compete with that powerhouse of intellectual acumen?

Trust me, the last thing democrats want to see is both of these powerful women on the same ticket.

They might actually win a state.

Mississippi for instance.

Its fun watching you libturds hate on these two women YOU ALL obviously fear. :lol:

Oh my yes! You got us there! We're terribly afraid of them....thus, it is a very, very, very good idea that you nominate Palin and/or Bachman......

You've got two Winners there, by gum! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

You betcha!

Its fun watching you libturds hate on these two women YOU ALL obviously fear. :lol:

I don't hate "these two women"; hate and fear are very strong emotions, not something I feel towards anyone actually. If either had been elected their only impact in the senate would have been to vote lockstep on any issue the Republican Leadership decided for them, in that way they would have been no different than the other 34 or so members of the Republican caucus.
What differentiated those two was there utter lack of intelligence, dogmatic worldview and cowardice in the face of the press.
Bachmann ehh

I don't think she has the backing to make it deep in the primaries. I know she had the support of Palin to get re-elected, but Palin is going to make a run, as well as nearly 20 total people.


My vote is already set in tinfoil. whoever the "The Rent is to Damn High" (TRIRDH) party runs, is my go to guy, or gal.

After that we can all wear gloves inside and get cool mustaches. And we can call ourselves "Damners"
It already started in 2008 when you Libs fell in love with a guy just because he was black.

Stop the Racial and Gender insanity!

I guess you decided to have your early cup of fail this morning. Don't Taz Me Bro isn't a Liberal, and Liberals didn't "fall in love with Obama because he was black". Both statements on your part are quite ignorant.

Apparently you don't know many libs..........
ABC News says U.S. Rep. Michelle Bachmann is considering running for president and will confer this month with GOP officials in Iowa about her prospects in that early caucus state.

Citing an unnamed "source close to the three-term congresswoman," the network said in a report Wednesday that Bachmann will hold "multiple meetings to seek advice from political forces there and party elders close to the caucus process before coming to a final decision regarding a potential presidential run."

ABC News



Oh my goodness, stop the insanity before it starts.
Stephanie Miller talked about that this morning.

Run Bachman...RUN!!!


She's spot on HERE:

Michele Bachmann mum on presidential run

Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann won’t say whether she’s running for president, and insists the focus should be on making sure President Barack Obama isn’t elected to a second term in 2012.

“I think what people are asking for is a bold, strong, constitutional conservative, and I think we’re going to find out who that person is. But the main focus right now needs to be on the fact that we cannot afford a second term for Barack Obama,” Bachmann said in the Capitol Wednesday when asked by POLITICO whether she believed possible GOP presidential contenders can equal her credibility with tea party conservatives.

Michele Bachmann mum on presidential run - Kasie Hunt - POLITICO.com
ABC News says U.S. Rep. Michelle Bachmann is considering running for president and will confer this month with GOP officials in Iowa about her prospects in that early caucus state.

Citing an unnamed "source close to the three-term congresswoman," the network said in a report Wednesday that Bachmann will hold "multiple meetings to seek advice from political forces there and party elders close to the caucus process before coming to a final decision regarding a potential presidential run."

ABC News


Oh my goodness, stop the insanity before it starts.

i missed that part the first time i read it
Well hell, why not? Even Rick Santorum is supposedly running. Bring out all the loonies you can find, it'll make the sane ones look better. :lol:

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