Interview with Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) on Reading the Constitution

Nice ambush interview.

Oh please Senator we would love to talk to you about the reading!

Burn through that

Then attack attack attack.

Ol' Lawrence is a prick and Sen Goodlatte kept his cool.

Can't fathom why they are actually going to do this dog and pony show. do they truly think people give a damn?
Nice ambush interview.

Oh please Senator we would love to talk to you about the reading!

Burn through that

Then attack attack attack.

Ol' Lawrence is a prick and Sen Goodlatte kept his cool.

Can't fathom why they are actually going to do this dog and pony show. do they truly think people give a damn?

how is it an ambush to point out that the person he said 'most mirrors his idea of what the constitution says' said he was wrong?

really? if he's going to hold himself out as an expert...
The old slavery chestnut...I quit listening to that avowed socialist dirtbag's "interview" right after that.

It wasn't an actual interveiw. It was little more than one "gotcha" question after another.

in other words, he looked like an idiot?

well.. maybe that's because he's an idiot

how is truth gotcha?? seriously. i find that really an odd way to look at it.

don't you expect people to back up what they say?
Yes, O'Donnell looked like an idiot.

It must be a prerequisite for getting a show that nobody watches on CCCPNBC.

you said you stopped watching at the beginning of the interview. *yawn*

o'donnell didn't look like an idiot at all.

feel free to address the real issue any time.
Nice ambush interview.

Oh please Senator we would love to talk to you about the reading!

Burn through that

Then attack attack attack.

Ol' Lawrence is a prick and Sen Goodlatte kept his cool.

Can't fathom why they are actually going to do this dog and pony show. do they truly think people give a damn?

how is it an ambush to point out that the person he said 'most mirrors his idea of what the constitution says' said he was wrong?

really? if he's going to hold himself out as an expert...

It was a set up. It's as plain as you being a Betty Boop fan.

It went from a pleasant interview to one gotcha question right after another.

You realy think any interveiwer is that on his game? He knew what the response would be, and proceeded to his next gotcha, know what the response would be.

The fact that the Sen. kept his cool, was impressive.
The old slavery chestnut...I quit listening to that avowed socialist dirtbag's "interview" right after that.

It wasn't an actual interveiw. It was little more than one "gotcha" question after another.

in other words, he looked like an idiot?

well.. maybe that's because he's an idiot

how is truth gotcha?? seriously. i find that really an odd way to look at it.

don't you expect people to back up what they say?

I was hoping for some manners.

to be honest idk that the Sen is full of shit. Name one that isn't, and no fair going WAY back in history. :lol:

What should have been a fluff piece about a dog and pony show turned ugly when it didn't have too.
It wasn't an actual interveiw. It was little more than one "gotcha" question after another.

in other words, he looked like an idiot?

well.. maybe that's because he's an idiot

how is truth gotcha?? seriously. i find that really an odd way to look at it.

don't you expect people to back up what they say?

I was hoping for some manners.

to be honest idk that the Sen is full of shit. Name one that isn't, and no fair going WAY back in history. :lol:

What should have been a fluff piece about a dog and pony show turned ugly when it didn't have too.

you know, i understand what you're saying. i really do. and more pols are fos than aren't. (in fact, i'd be hard pressed to find any who aren't fos to some degree). but i also know that it offends me incredibly that the pretend constitutionalists are using the reading to pretend they actually know what it says. so i figure o'donnell was polite. but he held him up to the light.

isn't that what people are supposed to do in an interview? it wasn't a fluff piece for people magazine. and, frankly, there are too many fluff pieces. maybe he thought he'd be treated the way he is on fox. :dunno:
Nice ambush interview.

Oh please Senator we would love to talk to you about the reading!

Burn through that

Then attack attack attack.

Ol' Lawrence is a prick and Sen Goodlatte kept his cool.

Can't fathom why they are actually going to do this dog and pony show. do they truly think people give a damn?

Well not really. Lawrence knows his way around the Congress. That's his background.

And although Goodlatte kept his cool..he really didn't come off to well being an "adherent" to Constitutional values. He put up one bill that couldn't pass Constitutional muster under his favorite judge and voted on another that he didn't know what Constitional clause backed it up.

The Constitution makes good fodder for those that are braying about original principles until they understand the text.

Then that sort of falls apart.

And it's not the role of Congress to do the Constitutional litmus test on each and every bill. Sheesh..that's adds a whole new layer of sludge to law making. Isn't legislation slow enough as it is?
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Nice ambush interview.

Oh please Senator we would love to talk to you about the reading!

Burn through that

Then attack attack attack.

Ol' Lawrence is a prick and Sen Goodlatte kept his cool.

Can't fathom why they are actually going to do this dog and pony show. do they truly think people give a damn?

how is it an ambush to point out that the person he said 'most mirrors his idea of what the constitution says' said he was wrong?

really? if he's going to hold himself out as an expert...

It was a set up. It's as plain as you being a Betty Boop fan.

It went from a pleasant interview to one gotcha question right after another.

You realy think any interveiwer is that on his game? He knew what the response would be, and proceeded to his next gotcha, know what the response would be.

The fact that the Sen. kept his cool, was impressive.

was it a set up? to the extent that o'donnell was prepared and was ready for the follow-up. yes. but i always think that interviewers don't ask the follow up question and let pols off the hook.

why wouldn't o'donnell know that scalia said that the law goodlatte championed, to censor the internet, was unconstitutional. it's not like he ambushed him with 'when did you stop beating your wife' type questions. goodlatte held himself out as an expert on the constitution. yet even scalia said he acted unconstitutionally.

which proves both of our points about this being a pathetic exercise in grandstanding. its the courts that are there to answer questions of constitutionality. yes, i'd expect congress to know basics, like they can't establish the Church of the United States. Beyond that, really? Not so much.

and i think *that* was the point. because there are people who actually think this exercise has meaning. (not that the ones that do would ever have watched o'donnell).
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Nice ambush interview.

Oh please Senator we would love to talk to you about the reading!

Burn through that

Then attack attack attack.

Ol' Lawrence is a prick and Sen Goodlatte kept his cool.

Can't fathom why they are actually going to do this dog and pony show. do they truly think people give a damn?

Well not really. Lawrence knows his way around the Congress. That's his background.

And although Goodlatte kept his cool..he really didn't come off to well being an "adherent" to Constitutional values. He put up one bill that couldn't pass Constitutional muster under his favorite judge and voted on another that he didn't know what Constitional clause backed it up.

The Constitution makes good fodder for those that are braying about original principles until they understand the text.

Then that sort of falls apart.
Right...Like lamely, and oh-so-predictably, bringing up the 3/5 compromise, which was rendered moot by the 13th Amendment?

Y'all are really so pedestrian to still think that people don't see a fruitcake like O'Donnell invoking that one coming from a mile away, aren't ya? :lol::lol::lol:
Nice ambush interview.

Oh please Senator we would love to talk to you about the reading!

Burn through that

Then attack attack attack.

Ol' Lawrence is a prick and Sen Goodlatte kept his cool.

Can't fathom why they are actually going to do this dog and pony show. do they truly think people give a damn?

Well not really. Lawrence knows his way around the Congress. That's his background.

And although Goodlatte kept his cool..he really didn't come off to well being an "adherent" to Constitutional values. He put up one bill that couldn't pass Constitutional muster under his favorite judge and voted on another that he didn't know what Constitional clause backed it up.

The Constitution makes good fodder for those that are braying about original principles until they understand the text.

Then that sort of falls apart.
Right...Like lamely, and oh-so-predictably, bringing up the 3/5 compromise, which was rendered moot by the 13th Amendment?

Y'all are really so pedestrian to still think that people don't see a fruitcake like O'Donnell invoking that one coming from a mile away, aren't ya? :lol::lol::lol:

people don't see o'donnell as a 'fruitcake'. he gets extraordinary people on his show. is he conservative? hell no? he's pretty far left. but that doesn't make him wrong about everything. and anyone who goes on his show knows that he's not exactly known for his larry king style interview style. he's kind of like the flip side of o'reilly's coin.

oh... and the 3/5 compromise is simply an example of why the founder's don't speak for today's world. capish? so if you know nothing about constitutional construction, and talk about how the document is supposed to be viewed as an originalist... then you deserve to be smacked in the face with it.
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What a nice interview. Really points out that the reading is nothing more than showboating or grandstanding.
Sounds to me like O'Donnell and some in here don't realize SCOTUS decisions are rarely 9-0 slamdunks. And the only reason IMO O'D pointed out that Scalia didn't agree with the representative's point of view on internet porn was to try to score a gotcha point or two. And that's fair enough. Doubt Goodlatte went into the interview expecting otherwise.

But Goodlatte and two of our Supreme Court justices share the same opinion about his legislation. And I'd imagine if you polled a representative cross section of Americans you find others that agree with them and others that wouldn't. That's the way the system works. The supremes make the final decision and some folks are happy with it and some are hacked off. And life goes on.
Sounds to me like O'Donnell and some in here don't realize SCOTUS decisions are rarely 9-0 slamdunks. And the only reason IMO O'D pointed out that Scalia didn't agree with the representative's point of view on internet porn was to try to score a gotcha point or two. And that's fair enough. Doubt Goodlatte went into the interview expecting otherwise.

But Goodlatte and two of our Supreme Court justices share the same opinion about his legislation. And I'd imagine if you polled a representative cross section of Americans you find others that agree with them and others that wouldn't. That's the way the system works. The supremes make the final decision and some folks are happy with it and some are hacked off. And life goes on.

Which is why a Congressional litmus test on every piece of legislation is such a bad idea.
Sounds to me like O'Donnell and some in here don't realize SCOTUS decisions are rarely 9-0 slamdunks. And the only reason IMO O'D pointed out that Scalia didn't agree with the representative's point of view on internet porn was to try to score a gotcha point or two. And that's fair enough. Doubt Goodlatte went into the interview expecting otherwise.

But Goodlatte and two of our Supreme Court justices share the same opinion about his legislation. And I'd imagine if you polled a representative cross section of Americans you find others that agree with them and others that wouldn't. That's the way the system works. The supremes make the final decision and some folks are happy with it and some are hacked off. And life goes on.

you're right.. they're rarely a 9-0 slam dunk (although the case goodlatte was talking about was a 7-2 decision).... and scholars have argued points of constitutional law for more than 200 years.

which is EXACLTY why the "I know what the constitution says" pretend constitutionalists are such a joke.

beyond that. well said.
Nice ambush interview.

Oh please Senator we would love to talk to you about the reading!

Burn through that

Then attack attack attack.

Ol' Lawrence is a prick and Sen Goodlatte kept his cool.

Can't fathom why they are actually going to do this dog and pony show. do they truly think people give a damn?

Well not really. Lawrence knows his way around the Congress. That's his background.

And although Goodlatte kept his cool..he really didn't come off to well being an "adherent" to Constitutional values. He put up one bill that couldn't pass Constitutional muster under his favorite judge and voted on another that he didn't know what Constitional clause backed it up.

The Constitution makes good fodder for those that are braying about original principles until they understand the text.

Then that sort of falls apart.

And it's not the role of Congress to do the Constitutional litmus test on each and every bill. Sheesh..that's adds a whole new layer of sludge to law making. Isn't legislation slow enough as it is?

Goodlatte (good coffee, I can't get over that) is fos. It's a dog and pony show and he thought that "inviting" dems to play along would get him treated nicely. He guessed wrong.

As far as each law passing Constitutional muster slowing things down? what a friggin great idea. Imagine each and every pol that has some touchy feely idea has to check the Constutution before he even writes the bill. Those that didn't pass the test, don't hit the floor. Seems like it would speed things up.

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