Michael Phelps caught with a bong smoking pot

Sure it makes sense. the fact that he IS NOT an advocate but merely a pot smoker, which has absolutely nothing to do with his athletic achievements, means that he doesn't owe anyone a goddamn thing regarding an apology. As it is, he offered the standard "im caught, lets pretend like this was a one time event and that I don't ever smoke pot" apology. do you think Phelps won't ever smoke pot again because he was shamed THIS time that THIS bong hit became public? Hell no. He's going to continue to smoke pot. Why would you think it takes an iconic figure like Tommy Chong to clarify that smoking pot doesn't make someone a social invalid?

HONEST? :lol: yea dude. If you think Mike Phelps is never going to smoke pot again then I've got a Rush Limbaugh joke to tell you.

Hey I'm awake to what's going on, I'm just constructing a nice defence for him. He needs to keep his sponsors - er - sweet, that's all. I can't have him losing all those big bux! I don't give a shit who smokes dope as long as they (a) don't drive and (b) don't push roughly in front of me at the deli as I'm pondering my munchie menu :lol:
you seem to have forgotten he was busted for drunk driving.....

He's no orphan there. I can't understand why celebrities who can buy a damn cab with their small change, let alone hire one, go out on the turps in their own car and then try and drive when they're as full as a boot. Bloody idiots. That's different from using cannabis. But if they were using cannabis and driving then see my remarks about "bloody idiots".
Michael Phelps Has No Business Apologizing for Taking Bong Hits

Plastered all over the Internet right now is a photo of Michael Phelps smoking marijuana out of a bong. Phelps put out a statement saying that he acted in a youthful and inappropriate way and promises it won't happen again. Different people are weighing in on the possible impact of this photo on the gold medalist's $100 million endorsement deals.

Here are a few of my observations on Phelps' bong hits:

Phelps Is in Good Company

Phelps struck another blow to the myth that marijuana smokers are lazy couch potatoes. Here is the guy who has won more gold medals than anyone in history, and obviously his health and accomplishments are not hindered by smoking some pot. In addition to his swimming skills, he is a successful businessman who has turned his swimming skills into an enormous public relations platform and money generator. Successful and honorable people who have smoked some pot are all around us, from President Barack Obama to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Phelps Apology Was Unnecessary

While Phelps' statement said he acted in a youthful and inappropriate way, he did not pretend to have a drug problem and promise to go to rehab. So many times when celebrities are caught with drugs, they give tearful statements and promise to get help. Phelps doesn't appear to have a drug problem, and there is no reason for him to take up valuable treatment slots if he doesn't have a drug problem.

Does it Hurt or Help His Image?

While some "experts" are predicting that Phelps bong hits could cost him millions, I could also see it humanizing him and making him even more popular with a large section of the public. Phelps' swimming accomplishments have always been awe-inspiring, but who could relate to the guy who swam eight hours a day and had to eat 23 hamburgers every day to compensate for the calories he burns off in training? Seeing him with his hat on backwards taking a hit made me feel like I could relate to the guy more. With half of high school seniors having tried marijuana before they graduate, it is not clear that this photo is going to disillusion his fan base.

Pot Use Doesn't Discriminate, but Our Pot Laws Do

While society has made some progress on tolerating pot consumption, there are still many laws on the books that cause more harm than the smoking of marijuana. Close to 800,000 people were arrested for marijuana last year, and the vast majority for only possessing small amounts. Harry Levine and Deborah Small put out a report last year that found that between 1998 and 2007, New York City police arrested 374,900 people for low-level, misdemeanor marijuana offenses. That is more than eight times the number of arrests on the same charges for the previous 10-year period (between 1988 and 1997), when 45,300 people were picked up for having small amounts of marijuana.

Researchers also found stark racial disparities in who NYPD officers chose to arrest for marijuana offenses. The report found that 83 percent of those charged in these cases were black or Latino, despite equal marijuana use between whites and nonwhites. The discrepancy, the researchers asserted, is because NYPD officers stopped and frisked blacks and Latinos at a dramatically higher rate.

Once someone is convicted of a drug offense, they can lose college financial aid, food stamps, public housing and, in some cases, even voting rights. Money wasted and lives ruined … and for what?

Phelps Can Continue to be a Role Model

I like Phelps and don't think his bong hit should hurt him. If he truly wants to be a role model, he can take his comments and platform to the next level. He can say simply, "Yes, that was me smoking marijuana, and the laws that ruin peoples' lives for using marijuana should be debated and changed."

AlterNet: Michael Phelps Has No Business Apologizing for Taking Bong Hits
Phelps will apologise because his sponsors will demand it of him.

He lost Kellogs which was, I am informed, his most lucrative contract for sponsorship.

Now, unlike many professional sports figures, his gravytrain got wrecked by his bust.

A damned shame for him, but he was lying down with dogs for money, wasn't he?

He could go the other route and be honest and become a professional spokeman for the legalization of hemp, but the money's better for being another corporate hypocrite.
Pot stays illegal because big business stands to lose way too much from industrial hemp production.

It really is THAT SIMPLE.

DuPont ALONE has enough lobby influence to keep a lid on it. Petrochemicals would become extinct with hemp production, which means DuPont goes bankrupt. Not to mention the plethora of other companies that profit from petrochemicals like plastics companies. Rubbermaid is another.

It would also replace the cotton industry, as hemp can replace cotton completely.

It's got nothing to do with taxes, or health reasons. It's literally a roadblock established by big business, which has the collective means to own the legislators and keep pot illegal. Legislators have more to lose by legalizing it, then they have to gain in whatever tax revenues would be increased. As if legislators care how much revenue comes in anyway.

In that case, Obama should pass a law legalizing cannabis. Why? Simple......we've got to get off our dependence on oil. Plastic (made by DuPont) is made from oil.

Hemp and cannabis would solve a LOT of problems.

BTW Sunnidiot........next time you get a speeding ticket, I hope they take away your degree in shrinkology.

You're right, I forgot the BIGGEST industry that blocks weed legalization, Big Oil.

Here's why Obama won't do that though, and something you supporters haven't gotten yet..

He's OWNED. And no more or less than McCain is.
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You're right, I forgot the BIGGEST industry that blocks weed legalization, Big Oil.

Here's why Obama won't do that though, and something you supporters haven't gotten yet..

He's OWNED. And no more or less than McCain is.

it isn't obama who has to de-criminalize pot. it's congress. barney frank already introduced a bill. when the pre-baby boomers in congress retire, it will be legalized... until then it has nothing to do with being "owned". it has to do with the same puritanical BS that makes them think they can tell people what to do in their own bedrooms.
You're right, I forgot the BIGGEST industry that blocks weed legalization, Big Oil.

Here's why Obama won't do that though, and something you supporters haven't gotten yet..

He's OWNED. And no more or less than McCain is.

it isn't obama who has to de-criminalize pot. it's congress. barney frank already introduced a bill. when the pre-baby boomers in congress retire, it will be legalized... until then it has nothing to do with being "owned". it has to do with the same puritanical BS that makes them think they can tell people what to do in their own bedrooms.

ABS mentioned Obama, I merely expanded. You obviously didn't follow our exchange, or you'd have realized that. You've got a problem with that lately.

ABikerSailor said:
In that case, Obama should pass a law legalizing cannabis.

Don't lecture me on legislative process. Lecture the one who originally made the erroneous comment.

And funny how you say "what to do in their own bedrooms". That, coming from a liberal, is comical. Do you support smoking bans in businesses? If so, how do you reconcile supporting telling a business owner what he can allow in his business, while simultaneously criticizing telling someone what they can do in their house? What's the difference?

Come on jill, list all the things you agree with government regulating on private property. I bet the list is extensive.
Although marijuana is not physically addictive.

It is mentally addictive and has ruined many lives.

So many people who smoke it lose all ambition and sense of purpose.

I have delt with alot of people who struggle with trying to quit smoking marijuana.

As it has become a crutch on which they depend on to function in society

Okay......first question.......is your new avatar a homage to Charles Bass as a black man? I mean....you've got fried chicken on there.

Now.......apparently you've gone and done some research on the 'net to figure out that it is not physically addictive, as you've already started to back track. Additionally, there are MANY things out there that are habits (which are not physically addictive), yet are very much mentally addictive. Gambling, shopping, going to 12 step meetings, etc. Incidentally, the 12 step meetings thing is real.......they call them "meeting junkies" because they crave attention so much that they are like emotional sponges.

So, take your addiction theory and shove it up your ass.

As far as the crutch, as well as the struggle to quit? You DO realize that most people who are creative (artists, musicians, computer programmers, Google employees, etc.) smoke some cannabis once in a while? I personally know a guy who is BRILLIANT when it comes to computers. He knows a lot of stuff.

He also smokes pot.

Most people (and I was a Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor for the Navy for around 8 years or so), who are mentally addicted to something are generally looking for an excuse for attention. They are usually emotionally stunted, and generally look for any reason to stop.

Saw them when I gave up my car for around 10 years or so. They would tell me that it was hard to get around without a car. I rode a bicycle from Memphis TN to Jacksonville FL in 9 days, and then rode from Jacksonville FL to Newport RI in 12 when I transferred duty stations.

I also rode my bicycle wherever I went. At one time was ranked number 20 for amatueur bicycle riders in Memphis Tn. I've been up to 66 MPH on a bicycle. Was also able to hit around 53 on the flats.

So, those "mentally addicted" people are just lazy and looking for sympathy.

By the way.......most pot smokers I know live easy, but they do a whole lot of stuff.

I hope that cannabis becomes legal by this summer, if not this year. We want to get rid of our addiction to oil? Well.....DuPont makes plastic, and plastic is made from oil. Let them re-tool their factories to produce hemp products (biodegradable plastic anyone?), as well as let a by product of it be oil for biodiesel (which it makes, ask Willie Nelson).

Not only that, but with the "green movement", well......I think we should all start our own green movement by legalizing cannabis.

Regulate it like alcohol.
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Come on jill, list all the things you agree with government regulating on private property. I bet the list is extensive.

not what goes on between two consenting adults. and not what, to me, doesn't seem much different from people having a drink.

but go ahead, you tell ME what you think I support...since you're so sure and all.
Come on jill, list all the things you agree with government regulating on private property. I bet the list is extensive.

not what goes on between two consenting adults. and not what, to me, doesn't seem much different from people having a drink.

but go ahead, you tell ME what you think I support...since you're so sure and all.

I didn't tell you SHIT. I ASKED you, dummy. When I mentioned the part about you possibly agreeing with regulating business, I said "if", which of course you left out of your quote, probably for convenience's sake.

Isn't a business deal something between 2 consenting adults? Why does that need to be regulated any more than bedside manner, as long as we're regulating ANYTHING?

You liberals have some serious double standards, let me tell you. You don't mind regulating a business deal, but god forbid the government regulates your sex life. To be sure, I don't agree with them regulating EITHER. I couldn't fucking care less who's ass your putting things in. No less so than what two "consenting adults" agree to in a business deal.

So I'll ask you again. What government regulations DON'T you mind on private property, while you're ironically bitching about sex life regulation, and using the fact that it's "on private property" to justify your beef?
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14-times Olympic gold medal winner Michael Phelps caught with bong cannabis pipe | News | News Of The World

THIS is the astonishing picture which could destroy the career of the greatest competitor in Olympic history.


This shouldn't! It is not like he was caught taking speed or roids, he was caught smoking pot. Which in no way shape or form is a performance enhancer!
In my practice I have had to deal with alot of people who were struggling to free themselves from the addiction of marijuana.

And Yes, it is a gateway drug

And No, it is Not harmless

Free themselves from the addiction of marijuana? Nope......try again quack......Harvard Medical and the British Medical Society will BOTH tell you that pot is not addictive. Additionally, a casual user is 25 joints or less per day. Heavy use is over 50. Not only that, but, it is IMPOSSIBLE to overdose on cannabis.

As far as the gateway drug myth? Might wanna try again.......MANY real doctors would show you that your degree ain't worth the parchment it's printed on.

And yes......it is harmless.....see above about the fact that you can't overdose, that it is tailor made for the human brain, as well as the fact that it is NOT ADDICTIVE. You're just buying into the bullshit that you've been sold by the government for the past 80 or so years.

Not only that, but the incidence of lung cancer in cigarette smokers is 21 times greater than non smokers. The incidence of lung cancer for cannabis only smokers? .93 to .73 percent.

That's less than non smokers dude.

Where did you get your diploma again? Crackerjack box?

I'm gonna call BS on that one there, ABS.
yea i agree ...i used to be a casual smoker and i was only doing about 22 a day....
Check this shit out ...

Michael Phelps could face criminal charges as part of the fallout from a photo of him inhaling from a marijuana pipe at a house party.

Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott told The State newspaper of Columbia, S.C., that he would file charges against Phelps if he determines the swimmer smoked marijuana in the county. The sheriff's office released a statement Tuesday saying it "is making an effort to determine if Mr. Phelps broke the law."
South Carolina criminal charges possible for Phelps - USATODAY.com
Check this shit out ...

Michael Phelps could face criminal charges as part of the fallout from a photo of him inhaling from a marijuana pipe at a house party.

Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott told The State newspaper of Columbia, S.C., that he would file charges against Phelps if he determines the swimmer smoked marijuana in the county. The sheriff's office released a statement Tuesday saying it "is making an effort to determine if Mr. Phelps broke the law."
South Carolina criminal charges possible for Phelps - USATODAY.com

This man wants his 15 minutes of fame. It will amount to Phelphs doing a PSA and community service for the sheriff's county.
Check this shit out ...

Michael Phelps could face criminal charges as part of the fallout from a photo of him inhaling from a marijuana pipe at a house party.

Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott told The State newspaper of Columbia, S.C., that he would file charges against Phelps if he determines the swimmer smoked marijuana in the county. The sheriff's office released a statement Tuesday saying it "is making an effort to determine if Mr. Phelps broke the law."
South Carolina criminal charges possible for Phelps - USATODAY.com

This man wants his 15 minutes of fame. It will amount to Phelphs doing a PSA and community service for the sheriff's county.

He seems like a real authoritarian to me. Check this out.

Hit & Run > Sheriff Lott's New Toy - Reason Magazine

This man wants his 15 minutes of fame. It will amount to Phelphs doing a PSA and community service for the sheriff's county.

He seems like a real authoritarian to me. Check this out.

Hit & Run > Sheriff Lott's New Toy - Reason Magazine

The Richland County (S.C.) Sheriff's Department has acquired an armored personnel carrier complete with a turret-mounted .50-caliber belt-fed machine gun for its Special Response Team.

I bet he can't wait to say:

"Make my day punk!"


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