Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

Reported by police:
A robbery took place at a corner store by a 6'4" black young male with another with him. They took several packs of cigars and told what area they were in...

Cameras show:
Michael Brown holding Asian clerk in an uncomfortable hold and friend Johnson holding door

Police radio report:
Police radio reports the description of Michael Brown and Johnson including their height, weight and clothes they were wearing

Police Officer reports:
LE called for Brown to follow his instructions, Brown hits police officer, Brown runs, officers shoots. police officer treated and released from hospital They have cigars.

Witness Johnson (also friend of Brown) reports:
Boys were j walking and they said they will surely get on the sidewalk in time

Witness who didn't know anyone:
Said PO told gave the boys an instruction and Brown lunged at the PO and hit him in the face

That is factually what we know.

Do you have link to the witness that said the bolded?
big thug Mike, living the thug life, till he ended up a dead thug. Why does it matter if a white cop killed him, he prolly would been killed by black thug anyway.

thug life stealing swisher haha... do you even know what real thug life is?

I do & it appears that Mr Brown was leading that life from all outward appearances. You generally reap what you sow.

I did, most criminals do.

Stop trying to excuse this kid. Did he deserve death? Probably not. Was it a lawful shooting? Time & evidence will tell. Did this kid bring it on himself? ABSOLUTELY
Friggen hilarious!!! First it was Oooooh Nozzzz he shot an innocent black youth!!
Now it's,well maybe he wasnt so innocent,but you didnt have to shoot em!

why do white people lie so much?

This all about a black teen getting shot unarmed

Yeah, all white people lie all the time.

Control yourself, will you please.
it's funny that white people are so clueless that they think this all based on michael brown and not the past history

Who's past history? What the fuck is with all these half sentences?

I say sandwich!!!

the police past history

WTF is this with your instigating ass??

Tell everyone what the hell we gonna do when you have convinced the populous that the police are evil and we do not need them.

What makes the police so evil and what the fuck do you have as a better alternative??

I mean you want to bitch but you don't have a fucking clue what the next step would be if anyone followed your moronic ideas!!

Who the hell is going to protect your retarded ass from the evils of society??

What happens when your mob of torch bearing, pitch forked toting goons comes for you??

What happens when the mob is a different color than you and the mob is for you??
Friggen hilarious!!! First it was Oooooh Nozzzz he shot an innocent black youth!!
Now it's,well maybe he wasnt so innocent,but you didnt have to shoot em!

why do white people lie so much?

This all about a black teen getting shot unarmed

Oh well.... Let that be a lesson to you young man/women. You lead a life of crime you could end up dead.
Learned what?
To pick their fights more carefully. Race pimps, Marin and this latest dumb shit are among the lowest brow of humanity. Include yourself if you wish, as a kindred spirit and intellect.

This isnt a fight. This is a protest saying you don't have a right to shoot unarmed people.
You really are a 'pant-load' pal.
T-Boner was "unarmed". That didn't stop him from trying to kill GZ with his bare hands. He thought he was some sort of 'cage-fighter'. Turned out he was just another ****** pussy coward.........just like 'Big Mike' turned out to be.
This local 6'4" 250 pound fucking world class local bully 'Big Mike' didn't need no gun to beat the shit out of a cop with his bare hands. 'Big Mike' had just committed felony strong-arm robbery on a little dude half his size.

Oh yeah. I love how one of you LIB fuck-wits is now blaming "the Asian' for attempting to stop 'Big Mike' from bullying him.
'Big Mike' was "armed" make no mistake.
As usual, the RWs want to convict a dead black kid without evidence and the libs want facts first.

Just the opposite of the radical RW welfare queen, Bundy who was found guilty of stealing $milions but the RWs want him to get away with it.

That's the way it always is.

Wow, the generalizations are running wild today ! :lol:
Friggen hilarious!!! First it was Oooooh Nozzzz he shot an innocent black youth!!
Now it's,well maybe he wasnt so innocent,but you didnt have to shoot em!

why do white people lie so much?

This all about a black teen getting shot unarmed

Yeah, Yeah, poor little ****** boy was playing with his dolls and not harming a fucking soul, right??
why was michael brown's friend not arrested for robbery

Good question.

I was just reading elsewhere that this same police department once beat up the wrong guy and then charged the guy they beat up with bloodying their uniforms.

That they waited an entire week to let the world "know" that this kid was wanted for robbery is suspicious.

It's not suspicious in that there was a major riot going on at the time.
Friggen hilarious!!! First it was Oooooh Nozzzz he shot an innocent black youth!!
Now it's,well maybe he wasnt so innocent,but you didnt have to shoot em!

I wonder if when the facts are all out if the president is going to look the fool about the "tragedy" and getting "justice!" Think he might need a beer summit with the poor injured police officer.
To pick their fights more carefully. Race pimps, Marin and this latest dumb shit are among the lowest brow of humanity. Include yourself if you wish, as a kindred spirit and intellect.

This isnt a fight. This is a protest saying you don't have a right to shoot unarmed people.
You really are a 'pant-load' pal.
T-Boner was "unarmed". That didn't stop him from trying to kill GZ with his bare hands. He thought he was some sort of 'cage-fighter'. Turned out he was just another ****** pussy coward.........just like 'Big Mike' turned out to be.
This local 6'4" 250 pound fucking world class local bully 'Big Mike' didn't need no gun to beat the shit out of a cop with his bare hands. 'Big Mike' had just committed felony strong-arm robbery on a little dude half his size.

Oh yeah. I love how one of you LIB fuck-wits is now blaming "the Asian' for attempting to stop 'Big Mike' from bullying him.
'Big Mike' was "armed" make no mistake.

You forget GZ started the fight against recommendation from the dispatcher to let the cops handle it.
Honestly this situation is a horrible one Michael Brown should not be dead that's the most important thing here. I don't like the trend of cops becoming so armed up that they look like an army instead of a police force.

But its look like right now Brown might of stole cigars from the store and if that's the case there might be more the fatal shooting then we might of thought. I hope that the find out all of the facts and find out what really happened and that justice can prevail.

But I also want to talk to some on this board think that if only the black people would just stop living on the liberal plantation then everything would be right as rain and there would be no more ghettos and such. Well to be honest as much I would like the black community to stop falling for the same old hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Who are only there to line there own pockets.

Its not going to happen by saying that black are to dumb or using force to help them in fact if you look at the data most black people use spankings and it doesn't help in fact it it makes it worse.

Spanking linked to increased risk of mental health problems - LA Times
Why Some Black People Ignore the Negative Research on Spanking - Clutch Magazine

So that's not going to work but honestly the best way of convincing black people to get out of the liberal plantation is treat then as individuals. And, when you do that most of them will leave and not look back but hey what do I know I'm just a 29 year old Black guy.
Dorian Johnson even admitted they had cigars. I hope to god that they didnt rob that store.

Now that is an interesting admission. Don't you simply want the truth ? Someone robbed the store, why do you hope it wasn't this particular person ?
That really comes off that you are literally "rooting" for one particular outcome. Interesting.

Where does it say I dont want the truth? I said I hope they didnt rob the store. How did you mis read that?

Why ? Someone robbed the store, nothing is going to change that, so why are you rooting that this particular person didn't rob it ?
Reported by police:
A robbery took place at a corner store by a 6'4" black young male with another with him. They took several packs of cigars and told what area they were in...

Cameras show:
Michael Brown holding Asian clerk in an uncomfortable hold and friend Johnson holding door

Police radio report:
Police radio reports the description of Michael Brown and Johnson including their height, weight and clothes they were wearing

Police Officer reports:
LE called for Brown to follow his instructions, Brown hits police officer, Brown runs, officers shoots. police officer treated and released from hospital They have cigars.

Witness Johnson (also friend of Brown) reports:
Boys were j walking and they said they will surely get on the sidewalk in time

Witness who didn't know anyone:
Said PO told gave the boys an instruction and Brown lunged at the PO and hit him in the face

That is factually what we know.

It would be better if you provided links

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