MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! 2017 was a GREAT YEAR for Conservatives!

Merry Christmas!!!

And as to not offend, Happy December 25th to our resident Liberals. I mean that with no particular religion in mind and it is meant equally to all race, gender, non-gender, LGBTQ, transgender and all ages.

Christmas is not a religious holiday silly. While some people still try to tie some religious meaning to it the rest of the world knows better

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Wow. Despite my best efforts Liberals are still offended. Let me try again...

And as to not offend, Happy December 25th to our resident Liberals. I mean that with no particular religion, NON-RELIGION OR SECULAR GROUP in mind, and it is meant equally to all race, gender, non-gender, LGBTQ, transgender and all ages.

"Snowflake" truly applies here. LOL

Offend? what the hell is wrong with people. I try to keep it light and even add the word "silly" as an indicator of not being serious and you turn into a fucking partisan hack just like the rest.

I am not a liberal, never been a liberal and never will be a liberal. But I am a huge fan of Christmas with a house that I think can be seen from space.

But, hey merry fucking christmas to just one more moronic partisan hack. How boring that there are so few of us left that actually think for themselves while the rest of you traded your brain for a partisan talking point machine.

Somebody has anger management issues. LOL

No, I have issues with partisan hacks who gave up thinking for the bliss of party ignorance. Or to put it in a more simple way, your ignorance offends me!
May I have a last second wish?

Santa Trump, may I have a... WALL?
Indeed. 2017 was one of the best years in a long time for undoing Prog damage.

And one would have to have a heart of stone to watch this without bursting into laughter:


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