MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! 2017 was a GREAT YEAR for Conservatives!

Merry Christmas!!!

And as to not offend, Happy December 25th to our resident Liberals. I mean that with no particular religion in mind and it is meant equally to all race, gender, non-gender, LGBTQ, transgender and all ages.

Christmas is not a religious holiday silly. While some people still try to tie some religious meaning to it the rest of the world knows better

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Wow. Despite my best efforts Liberals are still offended. Let me try again...

And as to not offend, Happy December 25th to our resident Liberals. I mean that with no particular religion, NON-RELIGION OR SECULAR GROUP in mind, and it is meant equally to all race, gender, non-gender, LGBTQ, transgender and all ages.

"Snowflake" truly applies here. LOL

Offend? what the hell is wrong with people. I try to keep it light and even add the word "silly" as an indicator of not being serious and you turn into a fucking partisan hack just like the rest.

I am not a liberal, never been a liberal and never will be a liberal. But I am a huge fan of Christmas with a house that I think can be seen from space.

But, hey merry fucking christmas to just one more moronic partisan hack. How boring that there are so few of us left that actually think for themselves while the rest of you traded your brain for a partisan talking point machine.
2017 was the year of never ending Democrat scandals. If I'm right. One in 5 scandals invloved a typical liberal getting caught with his hands on someone's melons or any of her 7 very private bodily parts.and one in five scandals involved a liberal saying something so outlandish that it made all democrats look like a sexually confused rodent

Did Al diddle any kiddies?


the left kept boasting on the 18,000 jobs obama created a month, but uhmm, you cant create jobs on borrowed Trillions! Trump didnt have to borrow any money to create his millions of new jobs in 2017

You might not have noticed, the debt has increased under Trump, thus Trump is also borrowing money. Another brain dead partisan hack you are.
...and 2017 was great for shrinks for liberals...
Yes. Conservatives took healthcare funding away from children to give swamp rat, corporate, billionaires and swap rat, real estate, con men like Trump tax cuts, instead.
Conservatives blew a huge hole in our deficit despite their FAKE ideals regarding deficit spending and offsets they spewed for eight years under Obama.
Conservatives have attacked fellow conservative law enforcement officials to prop up a communist KGB leader.
Conservatives have attacked all of our allies in favor of encouraging terrorists to attack us in the Middle East so Israel can keep all the free money they get from American taxpayers.
Conservatives have admitted their leaders love pedophiles and sexual predators over our women and children.
Conservatives have been calling for two admitted and two indicted criminals to go free because they hate American democracy and love Putins communistic criminality.
Conservatives now admit an American President who golfs every day is a 'good thing' if he's not black.
Conservatives also admit to pay for a wall or infrastructure improvements will never happen since they are intent on blowing up our deficit and our government.
Yes, a good year for anyone who hates America and loves Putin's goal of destroying an America created by our founding fathers.

Hmmm...isn't $10 Trillion a much bigger hole than $1.5 Trillion....dumbass.

Hmmm. Isn't $10 trillion over EIGHT YEARS mathematically less than $1.5 trillion in a single year? Idiots who never graduated high school shouldn't try to discuss facts and math. derp.
Hey didn't Bush crash the economy and Reagan blow up our deficit? Oh wait, distracting from your obvious eight year reversal on "It's all about the deficit" claims doesn't work. You've hanged yourself with your own hypocrisy and obvious lies about your FAKE ideals.

$1.5 trillion with a 3%+ hell of a lot better that $10 trillion over 8 years...dumbass.

Again, you cannot comprehend basic mathematics, instead you simply repeat worthless propaganda. But by definition the undereducated and easily manipulated are those who propaganda is meant to target.

1.5 trillion multiplied by eight is 12 trillion, moron. derp!

How convenient to leave out GDP...dumbass.
Is a sad day when going further into debt in the government getting bigger is a win for conservatives

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You bet, too bad you didn't feel that way when Obama screwed the pooch.

I have felt that way since Reagan screwed the pooch and ever since. I am not a partisan hack like you, I can actually dislike both parties and do not spend my days with my head up Trump's ass like you do. I pity you partisan hacks.
Merry Christmas!!!

And as to not offend, Happy December 25th to our resident Liberals. I mean that with no particular religion in mind and it is meant equally to all race, gender, non-gender, LGBTQ, transgender and all ages.

Christmas is not a religious holiday silly. While some people still try to tie some religious meaning to it the rest of the world knows better

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Maybe not to you but for millions of others it is.

As I said, some still tie a religious meaning to it, but go spend a Christmas in Japan, they do it right and it has nothing to do with Christ. Plus they have amazing Spam gift boxes for a couple hundred bucks.
2017. The year where 70% of Americans were laughing at liberals. They all looked like fools this year, between the 42 sex scandals and never ending lies of what will happen if Trump was elected, then the lies about what will happen if tax reform passes. Well, its been a few days,,,10,000 people havent died yet and an assterhoid hasn't landed in Mexico either :laugh2:
Is a sad day when going further into debt in the government getting bigger is a win for conservatives

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You bet, too bad you didn't feel that way when Obama screwed the pooch.

I have felt that way since Reagan screwed the pooch and ever since. I am not a partisan hack like you, I can actually dislike both parties and do not spend my days with my head up Trump's ass like you do. I pity you partisan hacks.

After reading some of your comments it's really difficult to tell, you sure sound like a liberal POS.
Yes. Conservatives took healthcare funding away from children to give swamp rat, corporate, billionaires and swap rat, real estate, con men like Trump tax cuts, instead.
Conservatives blew a huge hole in our deficit despite their FAKE ideals regarding deficit spending and offsets they spewed for eight years under Obama.
Conservatives have attacked fellow conservative law enforcement officials to prop up a communist KGB leader.
Conservatives have attacked all of our allies in favor of encouraging terrorists to attack us in the Middle East so Israel can keep all the free money they get from American taxpayers.
Conservatives have admitted their leaders love pedophiles and sexual predators over our women and children.
Conservatives have been calling for two admitted and two indicted criminals to go free because they hate American democracy and love Putins communistic criminality.
Conservatives now admit an American President who golfs every day is a 'good thing' if he's not black.
Conservatives also admit to pay for a wall or infrastructure improvements will never happen since they are intent on blowing up our deficit and our government.
Yes, a good year for anyone who hates America and loves Putin's goal of destroying an America created by our founding fathers.

Hmmm...isn't $10 Trillion a much bigger hole than $1.5 Trillion....dumbass.

Hmmm. Isn't $10 trillion over EIGHT YEARS mathematically less than $1.5 trillion in a single year? Idiots who never graduated high school shouldn't try to discuss facts and math. derp.
Hey didn't Bush crash the economy and Reagan blow up our deficit? Oh wait, distracting from your obvious eight year reversal on "It's all about the deficit" claims doesn't work. You've hanged yourself with your own hypocrisy and obvious lies about your FAKE ideals.

$1.5 trillion with a 3%+ hell of a lot better that $10 trillion over 8 years...dumbass.

Again, you cannot comprehend basic mathematics, instead you simply repeat worthless propaganda. But by definition the undereducated and easily manipulated are those who propaganda is meant to target.

1.5 trillion multiplied by eight is 12 trillion, moron. derp!

How convenient to leave out GDP...dumbass.

How convenient to bring up GDP when you nor anyone else knows Trump's first years GDP, moron. But I get it. If you have whined for eight years that deficit spending is the ultimate evil you MUST came up with any rationalization possible to distract fro the fact that deficit spending means absolutely nothing to you and was only a foil you used to justify the racism of you and your President. Nice try though, comrade hypocrite.
Is a sad day when going further into debt in the government getting bigger is a win for conservatives

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You bet, too bad you didn't feel that way when Obama screwed the pooch.

I have felt that way since Reagan screwed the pooch and ever since. I am not a partisan hack like you, I can actually dislike both parties and do not spend my days with my head up Trump's ass like you do. I pity you partisan hacks.

After reading some of your comments it's really difficult to tell, you sure sound like a liberal POS.

Only because in your little partisan mind anyone that does not worship Trump is a liberal. How many liberals spent 20 years in the Corps, are anti-abortion, pro-second amendment and hate ObamaCare with a passion? I will tell you the answer is ZERO.
2017. The year where 70% of Americans were laughing at liberals. They all looked like fools this year, between the 42 sex scandals and never ending lies of what will happen if Trump was elected, then the lies about what will happen if tax reform passes. Well, its been a few days,,,10,000 people havent died yet and an assterhoid hasn't landed in Mexico either :laugh2:

Wow! Still quoting Putin's trolls and trashing American officials and law enforcement? Not surprising as the nikel Putin pays you for every post far outweighs the money you get picking up dog shit. lol
Next week Nancy Pelosi will predict that 100 Million Americans are going to lose their jobs every month and every pregnant woman is going to lose their babies because of the Trump tax plan
...and 2017 was great for shrinks for liberals...
You can deny the key democrat victories this year all you want. It doesnt change that they happened.

Why was it a good year for conservatives? 2016 certainly was. I don’t deny that. But this year? Yeah right. Trump’s a complete failure. Perhaps you are referring to the tax bill passing. You idiots will only pay more in taxes like the rest of us. You deny this simply because the GOP told you otherwise. It’s rather pathetic. Oh, and Trump had next to nothing to do with composing that bill so it’s not like he even gets a participation trophy for it.

Merry MAGA Christmas, liberasl! :)

The irony of you posting this scene is that toward the end of the movie that guy was revealed to be a hypocrite who was receiving a large sum of money from a relative’s company each month while not doing any work.

That basically sums up you cons. You’re hypocrites. Most food stamp participants are in red states.
Well, Dems won a 3 year Senate Seat in Alabama....

...what else for SNOWFLAKES/PROGS/LIBERALS to be happy about in 2017?
I have a feeling there will be FAR LESS liberal posters on this site very soon.

Imagine the funeral like depression that will hit Progs when Mueller comes up with nothing on Trump.
I had a better 6 months than the last two years, but that was due to health and not politics, they never stop me from earning a living or "doing" swell...It's all a frame of mind...
Merry Christmas!!!

And as to not offend, Happy December 25th to our resident Liberals. I mean that with no particular religion in mind and it is meant equally to all race, gender, non-gender, LGBTQ, transgender and all ages.

Christmas is not a religious holiday silly. While some people still try to tie some religious meaning to it the rest of the world knows better

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Wow. Despite my best efforts Liberals are still offended. Let me try again...

And as to not offend, Happy December 25th to our resident Liberals. I mean that with no particular religion, NON-RELIGION OR SECULAR GROUP in mind, and it is meant equally to all race, gender, non-gender, LGBTQ, transgender and all ages.

"Snowflake" truly applies here. LOL

Offend? what the hell is wrong with people. I try to keep it light and even add the word "silly" as an indicator of not being serious and you turn into a fucking partisan hack just like the rest.

I am not a liberal, never been a liberal and never will be a liberal. But I am a huge fan of Christmas with a house that I think can be seen from space.

But, hey merry fucking christmas to just one more moronic partisan hack. How boring that there are so few of us left that actually think for themselves while the rest of you traded your brain for a partisan talking point machine.

Somebody has anger management issues. LOL

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