MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! 2017 was a GREAT YEAR for Conservatives!

2017 was the year of never ending Democrat scandals. If I'm right. One in 5 scandals invloved a typical liberal getting caught with his hands on someone's melons or any of her 7 very private bodily parts.and one in five scandals involved a liberal saying something so outlandish that it made all democrats look like a sexually confused rodent
...and 2017 was great for shrinks for liberals...
It was a horrible year for fiscal conservatives.

We passed the $20 trillion milestone without even a peep from you pseudocons.

And Trump has just added another $1.5 trillion as a cherry on top.
...and 2017 was great for shrinks for liberals...
Yes. Conservatives took healthcare funding away from children to give swamp rat, corporate, billionaires and swap rat, real estate, con men like Trump tax cuts, instead.
Conservatives blew a huge hole in our deficit despite their FAKE ideals regarding deficit spending and offsets they spewed for eight years under Obama.
Conservatives have attacked fellow conservative law enforcement officials to prop up a communist KGB leader.
Conservatives have attacked all of our allies in favor of encouraging terrorists to attack us in the Middle East so Israel can keep all the free money they get from American taxpayers.
Conservatives have admitted their leaders love pedophiles and sexual predators over our women and children.
Conservatives have been calling for two admitted and two indicted criminals to go free because they hate American democracy and love Putins communistic criminality.
Conservatives now admit an American President who golfs every day is a 'good thing' if he's not black.
Conservatives also admit to pay for a wall or infrastructure improvements will never happen since they are intent on blowing up our deficit and our government.
Yes, a good year for anyone who hates America and loves Putin's goal of destroying an America created by our founding fathers.

Hmmm...isn't $10 Trillion a much bigger hole than $1.5 Trillion....dumbass.

Hmmm. Isn't $10 trillion over EIGHT YEARS mathematically less than $1.5 trillion in a single year? Idiots who never graduated high school shouldn't try to discuss facts and math. derp.
Hey didn't Bush crash the economy and Reagan blow up our deficit? Oh wait, distracting from your obvious eight year reversal on "It's all about the deficit" claims doesn't work. You've hanged yourself with your own hypocrisy and obvious lies about your FAKE ideals.
2017 was the year of never ending Democrat scandals. If I'm right. One in 5 scandals invloved a typical liberal getting caught with his hands on someone's melons or any of her 7 very private bodily parts.and one in five scandals involved a liberal saying something so outlandish that it made all democrats look like a sexually confused rodent

Indeed. FAKE scandals against Democrats brought up by Putin's right wing buddies. Scandals that conservative law enforcement leaders found zero actual criminality.
In the meantime, two of Trump's administration have been indicted, two more admitted guilt by conservative law enforcement leaders all while conservatives praise and salute their own sexual predators and pedophiles claiming our laws do not apply to conservatives at all.

Putin loves you, comrade hypocrite!
2017! A year with no Republican scandals. Well just the ones created by the crybaby libs who still can't get over
That trump won by 13.7 million votes
...and 2017 was great for shrinks for liberals...
Yes. Conservatives took healthcare funding away from children to give swamp rat, corporate, billionaires and swap rat, real estate, con men like Trump tax cuts, instead.
Conservatives blew a huge hole in our deficit despite their FAKE ideals regarding deficit spending and offsets they spewed for eight years under Obama.
Conservatives have attacked fellow conservative law enforcement officials to prop up a communist KGB leader.
Conservatives have attacked all of our allies in favor of encouraging terrorists to attack us in the Middle East so Israel can keep all the free money they get from American taxpayers.
Conservatives have admitted their leaders love pedophiles and sexual predators over our women and children.
Conservatives have been calling for two admitted and two indicted criminals to go free because they hate American democracy and love Putins communistic criminality.
Conservatives now admit an American President who golfs every day is a 'good thing' if he's not black.
Conservatives also admit to pay for a wall or infrastructure improvements will never happen since they are intent on blowing up our deficit and our government.
Yes, a good year for anyone who hates America and loves Putin's goal of destroying an America created by our founding fathers.

Hmmm...isn't $10 Trillion a much bigger hole than $1.5 Trillion....dumbass.

Hmmm. Isn't $10 trillion over EIGHT YEARS mathematically less than $1.5 trillion in a single year? Idiots who never graduated high school shouldn't try to discuss facts and math. derp.
Hey didn't Bush crash the economy and Reagan blow up our deficit? Oh wait, distracting from your obvious eight year reversal on "It's all about the deficit" claims doesn't work. You've hanged yourself with your own hypocrisy and obvious lies about your FAKE ideals.

$1.5 trillion with a 3%+ hell of a lot better that $10 trillion over 8 years...dumbass.
Merry Christmas to you and all the other Christian folks.

Tell that Jesus fella I said "Happy Birthday Bro".

What happened to all those protests from the summer?

Why aren't the Dems paying protesters anymore?
People are distancing themselves from the democrats. They’re starting to see the corruption and fraudulent behavior/tactics they’ve been involved with.
It’s one of the reasons why they’re now begging for donations. :)
...and 2017 was great for shrinks for liberals...
Yes. Conservatives took healthcare funding away from children to give swamp rat, corporate, billionaires and swap rat, real estate, con men like Trump tax cuts, instead.
Conservatives blew a huge hole in our deficit despite their FAKE ideals regarding deficit spending and offsets they spewed for eight years under Obama.
Conservatives have attacked fellow conservative law enforcement officials to prop up a communist KGB leader.
Conservatives have attacked all of our allies in favor of encouraging terrorists to attack us in the Middle East so Israel can keep all the free money they get from American taxpayers.
Conservatives have admitted their leaders love pedophiles and sexual predators over our women and children.
Conservatives have been calling for two admitted and two indicted criminals to go free because they hate American democracy and love Putins communistic criminality.
Conservatives now admit an American President who golfs every day is a 'good thing' if he's not black.
Conservatives also admit to pay for a wall or infrastructure improvements will never happen since they are intent on blowing up our deficit and our government.
Yes, a good year for anyone who hates America and loves Putin's goal of destroying an America created by our founding fathers.

Hmmm...isn't $10 Trillion a much bigger hole than $1.5 Trillion....dumbass.

Hmmm. Isn't $10 trillion over EIGHT YEARS mathematically less than $1.5 trillion in a single year? Idiots who never graduated high school shouldn't try to discuss facts and math. derp.
Hey didn't Bush crash the economy and Reagan blow up our deficit? Oh wait, distracting from your obvious eight year reversal on "It's all about the deficit" claims doesn't work. You've hanged yourself with your own hypocrisy and obvious lies about your FAKE ideals.

$1.5 trillion with a 3%+ hell of a lot better that $10 trillion over 8 years...dumbass.

Again, you cannot comprehend basic mathematics, instead you simply repeat worthless propaganda. But by definition the undereducated and easily manipulated are those who propaganda is meant to target.

1.5 trillion multiplied by eight is 12 trillion, moron. derp!
the left kept boasting on the 18,000 jobs obama created a month, but uhmm, you cant create jobs on borrowed Trillions! Trump didnt have to borrow any money to create his millions of new jobs in 2017
It sure was. I haven't seen the country this fuked over since Bush.

Screwing millions out of healthcare.
Ending America's leadership position in the world.
Devastating the environment.
Massive redistribution of wealth to the top 1%.
Devastating the Consumer protection agency.

Republicans are like locusts. They eat up everything and leave devastation behind!

Good Job!

Never thought I'd say this, but I kinda miss GWB
Tired of "winning"

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