Merkel refugee welcome 'unconstitutional': judge

How easy is it to deport refugees out of Germany

...What German law says

The relevant law is in Section 60 of Germany's Residence Act: "[The right to refugee status] shall not apply if, for serious reasons, the foreigner is to be regarded as a threat to the security of the Federal Republic of Germany, or constitutes a threat to the general public because he or she has been finally sentenced to a prison term of at least three years for a crime or a particularly serious offense."

This, de Maiziere suggested, is something Germany should consider changing - and Cologne-based lawyer Nikolaos Gazeas thinks that, knee-jerk or not, it's a sensible suggestion. "This is an idea that I think is definitely worth considering," he told DW. "A lot has to happen to get three years here in Germany, and a one-year prison sentence is often also something very serious, so I think it's justifiable."

But the problem remains - where to deport people to? Germany's Residence Act also prohibits deportation to countries where they may face serious harm, the death penalty, or human rights abuses. If the Cologne attackers do indeed turn out to be foreign nationals, the criminal justice system may well have to tackle this problem. But there is a solution, according to Gazeas. "In such cases, it is possible to deport people to other countries," he said. "The receiving country has to agree - but that isn't unusual, especially with North African countries. In that case, Germany has to negotiate with the state in question about whether it is prepared to take in person X."

Lifting the right to asylum

But other lawyers are more cautious about playing loosely with the right to asylum, which is enshrined in the German constitution as well as the Geneva Convention. Oda Jentsch, who represents asylum seekers herself, says the Residence Act can't just be used to deport someone that easily. "It's not just about whether they've been sentenced to one year or three years," she told DW. "It's about whether they represent a danger to the public, and it's not just about whether what they did means they represent a danger, but whether they will still represent a danger in the future - and the whole point of a prison sentence is that you are trying to rehabilitate them."

"I think it is a bit far-fetched to say that a pick-pocket or even a rapist represents such a consistent threat to the public that you remove their right to refugee protection," she said. "You could say that contradicts the whole spirit of the Geneva Convention."

How easy is it to deport refugees out of Germany? | Germany | DW.COM | 07.01.2016

It was not "a" rapists, but mobs coordinated across germany and europe gang raping and assaulting women.

Oda Jentsch, who represents asylum seekers herself....THIS is all we need to know, another Traitor, more concerned with the savages than the German peoples.
Why don't you tell us? You being Albert Einstein II and everything.

>>Tele5 justified the move on Twitter this afternoon, saying that it was a symbol “expressing our sympathy to the victims of yesterday’s attack,” on German tourists in Istanbul. The attack in Istanbul took the lives of 10 tourists, mostly Germans, in Sultanahmet square, a tourist location near the Blue mosque and Hagia Sophia.
According to Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus, the suicide bomber who perpetrated the attack has been identified as a Syrian migrant from body parts recovered on the scene.<<

the symbol is a merger of the german and turkish flags.

The symbol is that of Treason from disgusting Leftist mediawhore channel run by Feminists and testicle-free men.

Germany and Turkey. Never. Turkey in EU. Never.
lol, rabid and stupid, and your ilk thinks it can save the abendland, gute nacht. hahahaha

The majority of Europeans have ALWAYS been against Turkey joining the EU, so the majority of Europeans are therefore my "ilk".

We will save it as well, das christliche Abendland and it always has been. The Gottlos Volksverräter will lose this fight.

Gute Nacht.
-------------------------------------- little I know of the 'eu' I always thought that 'turkey' being allowed to join was a mistake !!
How easy is it to deport refugees out of Germany

...What German law says

The relevant law is in Section 60 of Germany's Residence Act: "[The right to refugee status] shall not apply if, for serious reasons, the foreigner is to be regarded as a threat to the security of the Federal Republic of Germany, or constitutes a threat to the general public because he or she has been finally sentenced to a prison term of at least three years for a crime or a particularly serious offense."

This, de Maiziere suggested, is something Germany should consider changing - and Cologne-based lawyer Nikolaos Gazeas thinks that, knee-jerk or not, it's a sensible suggestion. "This is an idea that I think is definitely worth considering," he told DW. "A lot has to happen to get three years here in Germany, and a one-year prison sentence is often also something very serious, so I think it's justifiable."

But the problem remains - where to deport people to? Germany's Residence Act also prohibits deportation to countries where they may face serious harm, the death penalty, or human rights abuses. If the Cologne attackers do indeed turn out to be foreign nationals, the criminal justice system may well have to tackle this problem. But there is a solution, according to Gazeas. "In such cases, it is possible to deport people to other countries," he said. "The receiving country has to agree - but that isn't unusual, especially with North African countries. In that case, Germany has to negotiate with the state in question about whether it is prepared to take in person X."

Lifting the right to asylum

But other lawyers are more cautious about playing loosely with the right to asylum, which is enshrined in the German constitution as well as the Geneva Convention. Oda Jentsch, who represents asylum seekers herself, says the Residence Act can't just be used to deport someone that easily. "It's not just about whether they've been sentenced to one year or three years," she told DW. "It's about whether they represent a danger to the public, and it's not just about whether what they did means they represent a danger, but whether they will still represent a danger in the future - and the whole point of a prison sentence is that you are trying to rehabilitate them."

"I think it is a bit far-fetched to say that a pick-pocket or even a rapist represents such a consistent threat to the public that you remove their right to refugee protection," she said. "You could say that contradicts the whole spirit of the Geneva Convention."

How easy is it to deport refugees out of Germany? | Germany | DW.COM | 07.01.2016

It was not "a" rapists, but mobs coordinated across germany and europe gang raping and assaulting women.

Oda Jentsch, who represents asylum seekers herself....THIS is all we need to know, another Traitor, more concerned with the savages than the German peoples.
------------------------------------------ invaders refugees is probably 'oda's' cash cow !!
Which is what we've known for months, from the beginning. Traitor Merkel not only broken German law, but also a variety of EU laws. Traitor Bitch Merkel has serious issues. We need this POS to resign also the whole German Government and then new elections pronto.


"Chancellor Angela Merkel overstepped her constitutional powers by letting over a million refugees into the country, one of Germany’s most senior former judges has said.

“Going it alone was an act of self-empowerment,” Michael Bertrams, who was president of North Rhine-Westphalia’s constitutional court from 1994 to 2013,
wrote in the Kölnischer Stadt Anzeiger on Wednesday.

Merkel’s policy of opening Germany’s doors to refugees was “full of empathy but lacking in a plan,” the ex-judge said.

All substantial decisions in a democracy lie in the hands of the people’s chosen representatives, he argues, pointing out that the constitutional court had decided that the parliament has the last word on decisions over whether the German army is sent to war.

“If the military mission in Mali could only go ahead with the permission of the parliament, then it is certainly necessary when we are talking about taking in hundreds of thousands of refugees,” the judge writes.

Bertrams is the second constitutional judge to criticize Merkel’s refugee policy in a matter of days, after Udi Di Fabio announced on Tuesday that Bavaria has a right to take the government to court over its open-door policy.

Di Fabio, who sat on the federal constitutional court from 1999 to 2011, made the comments in a report he had been commissioned to write by the Bavarian state."

The rest of the article is here:

Merkel refugee welcome 'unconstitutional': judge

Hope you folks in Germany can kick the Muslims out of your country before they start murdering more of you.

Merkel is beginning to look like another douchebag like Obama.
Why don't you tell us? You being Albert Einstein II and everything.

>>Tele5 justified the move on Twitter this afternoon, saying that it was a symbol “expressing our sympathy to the victims of yesterday’s attack,” on German tourists in Istanbul. The attack in Istanbul took the lives of 10 tourists, mostly Germans, in Sultanahmet square, a tourist location near the Blue mosque and Hagia Sophia.
According to Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus, the suicide bomber who perpetrated the attack has been identified as a Syrian migrant from body parts recovered on the scene.<<

the symbol is a merger of the german and turkish flags.

The symbol is that of Treason from disgusting Leftist mediawhore channel run by Feminists and testicle-free men.

Germany and Turkey. Never. Turkey in EU. Never.
lol, rabid and stupid, and your ilk thinks it can save the abendland, gute nacht. hahahaha

The majority of Europeans have ALWAYS been against Turkey joining the EU, so the majority of Europeans are therefore my "ilk".

We will save it as well, das christliche Abendland and it always has been. The Gottlos Volksverräter will lose this fight.

Gute Nacht.

Don't let idiot fems like Eder get you down. Stay strong and continue the fight !
Unremovable? They cannot send back those illegally entered under an illegal move? Or would that cost too much?
Merkel should be in jail. OR, removed from office IMMEDIATELY.

Germany very wealthy nation, this can easily be afforded.

Traitor Merkel is going to be removed, it's getting to the point where it's happening.
----------------------------- but Sadly the problem will still exist in Germany , probably forever . Like I say , remove merkel but the damage has been done and merkel will forever be protected . -------- no matter , I am an American but I wish the best for you Germans Lucy !!

I'm Austrian, but yes we are kin with our German cousins and no matter what will support each other.
maybe you yearn for another anschluss, lol.
We know you yearn for a revolution, you Stalinist asshole.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
Last edited:
Unremovable? They cannot send back those illegally entered under an illegal move? Or would that cost too much?
Merkel should be in jail. OR, removed from office IMMEDIATELY.

Germany very wealthy nation, this can easily be afforded.

Traitor Merkel is going to be removed, it's getting to the point where it's happening.
----------------------------- but Sadly the problem will still exist in Germany , probably forever . Like I say , remove merkel but the damage has been done and merkel will forever be protected . -------- no matter , I am an American but I wish the best for you Germans Lucy !!

I'm Austrian, but yes we are kin with our German cousins and no matter what will support each other.
maybe you yearn for another anschluss, lol.
We know you urn for a revolution, you Stalinist asshole.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
lol, wut. take your meds.
Germany very wealthy nation, this can easily be afforded.

Traitor Merkel is going to be removed, it's getting to the point where it's happening.
----------------------------- but Sadly the problem will still exist in Germany , probably forever . Like I say , remove merkel but the damage has been done and merkel will forever be protected . -------- no matter , I am an American but I wish the best for you Germans Lucy !!

I'm Austrian, but yes we are kin with our German cousins and no matter what will support each other.
maybe you yearn for another anschluss, lol.
We know you urn for a revolution, you Stalinist asshole.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
lol, wut. take your meds.

You have lost the argument, NOT that you ever had it, but officially you now lost, because you must resort to the name calling and slurs.
Where to deport them to? Same place they ran from. Use a plane, load them up, haul them out, dump them off. Problem solved.
----------------------------- but Sadly the problem will still exist in Germany , probably forever . Like I say , remove merkel but the damage has been done and merkel will forever be protected . -------- no matter , I am an American but I wish the best for you Germans Lucy !!

I'm Austrian, but yes we are kin with our German cousins and no matter what will support each other.
maybe you yearn for another anschluss, lol.
We know you urn for a revolution, you Stalinist asshole.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
lol, wut. take your meds.

You have lost the argument, NOT that you ever had it, but officially you now lost, because you must resort to the name calling and slurs.
wow, how perceptive, peggyda.
I'm Austrian, but yes we are kin with our German cousins and no matter what will support each other.
maybe you yearn for another anschluss, lol.
We know you urn for a revolution, you Stalinist asshole.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
lol, wut. take your meds.

You have lost the argument, NOT that you ever had it, but officially you now lost, because you must resort to the name calling and slurs.
wow, how perceptive, peggyda.

Nobody is even listening to you and your silly comments :lalala:
liberals responsible for digging Europes grave says Hungarian newspaper . --- Hungarian Paper Slams Merkel: ‘No Bastards On Earth More Abominable Than Liberal Pigs Digging Europe’s Grave’ - Breitbart --- and I think that Hungary gov and Victor Orban is one of the few fighting the refugee invader problem / invasion .

We love Viktor Orban and also Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico, he's saying no to savages also, and the Czech President and the Lithuanian President and the Croatian President and well....nearly everyone....Traitor Merkel on her own, only the lunatic Swedish Government thinks she's okay.
maybe you yearn for another anschluss, lol.
We know you urn for a revolution, you Stalinist asshole.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
lol, wut. take your meds.

You have lost the argument, NOT that you ever had it, but officially you now lost, because you must resort to the name calling and slurs.
wow, how perceptive, peggyda.

Nobody is even listening to you and your silly comments :lalala:
according to you, you lost the argument with your op.
We know you urn for a revolution, you Stalinist asshole.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
lol, wut. take your meds.

You have lost the argument, NOT that you ever had it, but officially you now lost, because you must resort to the name calling and slurs.
wow, how perceptive, peggyda.

Nobody is even listening to you and your silly comments :lalala:
according to you, you lost the argument with your op.

You make absolutely no sense.
maybe you yearn for another anschluss, lol.
We know you urn for a revolution, you Stalinist asshole.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
lol, wut. take your meds.

You have lost the argument, NOT that you ever had it, but officially you now lost, because you must resort to the name calling and slurs.
wow, how perceptive, peggyda.

Nobody is even listening to you and your silly comments :lalala:
-------------------------- yep , he is just a person that insults , guess that he is some kinda liberal European that my Hungarian news paper article describes Lucy !!

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