Mental illness on parade aka "Women's March"

GOD BLESS DONALD TRUMP!:clap::clap::clap:

That's all i will say to you theliq
With absurd statements like that,I wish you hadn't said be honest.....he is a divider of people in his own country and trying to be in the rest of the world.......he would be one of the most UNGODLY PEOPLE ON EARTH,That is all I need to say to you Skye 40539

I have no more to say to you

No more .

Shows the typical mentality of a Trump Lemming,when the going gets tough.......deny and run away....................
GOD BLESS DONALD TRUMP!:clap::clap::clap:

That's all i will say to you theliq
With absurd statements like that,I wish you hadn't said be honest.....he is a divider of people in his own country and trying to be in the rest of the world.......he would be one of the most UNGODLY PEOPLE ON EARTH,That is all I need to say to you Skye 40539

I have no more to say to you

No more .

Show the typical mentality of a Trump Lemming,when the going gets tough.......deny and run away....................


it's just that I will not hear any more negativy against President Trump!

he is a hero I respect him and admire him to the very end.
The March for Life, 100K.

Womens' march, 600k, Just in DC.

That is, the liberal women kicked the asses of the crying conservatives hard.

Hence, the butthurt here from Trump's weepy beta-brigades.

What is it about conservatism that turns any normal human being into a perpetually-whining wimp?
More like, conservative women do more than march around in pussy hats and vagina suits making a mockery of or embarrassing themselves.
Mine Wins by a land slide...

Yours looks like a pile of poop.

That's the President of an entire continent. A bigly one too. Bow before me.

Yours looks more like incontinent. And oh yeah nice hat.

Is any of that supposed to make sense?

See what I mean?


Although, to be fair, that is the entire purpose of this thread, innit.

You do know that charlie is a flaming liberal....

Great example of you liberals...
WHY all this Lib/Con bullshit all the time.......your politik is myopic

Because this is what the left has made it…

Liberals just aren’t used to any resistance.
That's the President of an entire continent. A bigly one too. Bow before me.

Yours looks more like incontinent. And oh yeah nice hat.

Is any of that supposed to make sense?

See what I mean?


Although, to be fair, that is the entire purpose of this thread, innit.

You do know that charlie is a flaming liberal....

Great example of you liberals...
WHY all this Lib/Con bullshit all the time.......your politik is myopic

Because this is what the left has made it…

Liberals just aren’t used to any resistance.
You know Deno,people like you are just too uneducated and narrow minded to progress in life,like your Master you just hate other Americans and do not speak of them as equals but just Slagg them off at will,you and Trump are well suited both ignorant and devisive.....Yet your great Furher says he is a Genius,Yeah Hitler and Stalin and Pol-Pot....thought the same,what strange creatures you Trumpites are,maybe a modern reincarnation of the Neanderthals,methinks
GOD BLESS DONALD TRUMP!:clap::clap::clap:

That's all i will say to you theliq
With absurd statements like that,I wish you hadn't said be honest.....he is a divider of people in his own country and trying to be in the rest of the world.......he would be one of the most UNGODLY PEOPLE ON EARTH,That is all I need to say to you Skye 40539

I have no more to say to you

No more .

Show the typical mentality of a Trump Lemming,when the going gets tough.......deny and run away....................


it's just that I will not hear any more negativy against President Trump!

he is a hero I respect him and admire him to the very end.
Is any of that supposed to make sense?

See what I mean?


Although, to be fair, that is the entire purpose of this thread, innit.

You do know that charlie is a flaming liberal....

Great example of you liberals...
WHY all this Lib/Con bullshit all the time.......your politik is myopic

Because this is what the left has made it…

Liberals just aren’t used to any resistance.
You know Deno,people like you are just too uneducated and narrow minded to progress in life,like your Master you just hate other Americans and do not speak of them as equals but just Slagg them off at will,you and Trump are well suited both ignorant and devisive.....Yet your great Furher says he is a Genius,Yeah Hitler and Stalin and Pol-Pot....thought the same,what strange creatures you Trumpites are,maybe a modern reincarnation of the Neanderthals,methinks

I must admit I am surprised you didn’t call me a Racist….

While I don’t have any college education I would be willing to

Wager that I have progressed further in life than you if

the yardstick is property and money.

I do hate those that I see destroying America.

President Donald J. Trump has outsmarted you Butt Hurt

liberals at every turn. Trump could cure every know

disease known to man and you would find fault with it.

You libtards have morphed into Nazis….

By the way Mr. Educated Dip Shit….

It’s Fuhrer not Furher…

And Divisive is spelled with an I not an E…

Where did you go to School?

Dick Brain U……………….
GOD BLESS DONALD TRUMP!:clap::clap::clap:

That's all i will say to you theliq
With absurd statements like that,I wish you hadn't said be honest.....he is a divider of people in his own country and trying to be in the rest of the world.......he would be one of the most UNGODLY PEOPLE ON EARTH,That is all I need to say to you Skye 40539

I have no more to say to you

No more .

Show the typical mentality of a Trump Lemming,when the going gets tough.......deny and run away....................


it's just that I will not hear any more negativy against President Trump!

he is a hero I respect him and admire him to the very end.

President Donald J. Trump is

Making America Great Again

By Spanking liberal Ass Day In and Day Out.
She's one of the crazy degenerates who want to take children from Christian families, and turn them over to homosexual fosters to indoctrinate/sell/whatever.

The phony "Christian" cult families are responsible for what they do. And most of the people calling themselves "Christian" today are a mockery of the Christian faith. They are laughable. But in the end, they sacrifice their own children. This is what is so sick. Go ahead. Abuse your children. It is the rest of society that pays in the end.

"Go ahead. Abuse your children."

Stop with mentioning peoples children and parenting ability, you are on a fine line here bringing in someones family, it illustrates you have a lost an argument you never had to begin with, we have certain rules at this forum that the majority of people respect regardless of politics and that is that someones children and family are Off Limits and certainly accusing someone of abusing their children means that you are totally over the line.

What today's phony "Christians" do is abuse their children. They groom their daughters for early sex and deny them education and the ability to design their own futures. What is so disgusting is that people who call themselves "mothers" teach this crap to their children. Anyone who is the mother to a daughter who remains uneducated at her early twenties and has two, three, four kids already, married or not, should hang her head in shame for her failure as a mother.

Whaaa? :lmao:

The inevitable is now happening, btw the same inevitable is happening in the majority of Western nations that normal Mainstream peoples are saying STFU and GTFO to the Perverted and Morally Bankrupt LGBTQ Crowd, the below polling for a top LGBTQ Lobby Group the figures are very encouraging and suggest that within another few years 80% of normal mentally and sexually healthy peoples will also be saying STFU and GTFO to the LGBTQ Perverts, there is nothing normal about this twisted and psychologically fucked up lifestyle they CHOOSE to lead and demand that EVERYONE accept as being normal and healthy at no point in Western history has the promotion of a mental illness EVER been accepted by Mainstream society as something that should be ACCEPTED as a lifestyle CHOICE to teach children and teenagers and have pushed into peoples faces. The ONLY Rights that the LGBTQ Crowd should have are the SAME Rights that Western nations give to ALL peoples who are mentally ill and that is to get them off the street and into Psychiatric Institutions to be given the psychological help they need which would include medication and therapy.

Of course we all knew that the pendulum would swing toward our side and it has, in a few years it will be complete and then the LGBTQ Crowd better be careful because payback is going to be a bitch and they must be forced to pay severely for attempting to pervert children and teenagers via Sex Education in schools where children are taught that anal sex is normal and healthy and that a boy can have a vagina and periods and that a girl can have a penis and there is no such thing as Gender and that Gender is a state of mind etc, the LGBTQ Crowds time of ABUSING children and teenagers minds is coming to and end and it WILL come to an end.

View attachment 173670
View attachment 173671

Americans are less comfortable with LGBTQ people now than they were

^^^^ The below graph to illustrate, also because the Leftist Maniacs only accept Far Left sources Note: Mother Jones also Note: The poll conducted by the Organisation for Sexual Perverts and Sexual Deviants aka GLAAD, in just ONE YEAR the numbers are going in the right direction the HEALTHY direction AWAY from the Sexual Perverts and Sexual Deviants to the rate of 2-3% in EVERY category and at that rate next year it should be another 5% and the next year 10% as the Western world begins to put the freaks back in their place either indoors and STFU and/or in a mental institution where they used to be put for more than one hundred years, like with everything else NORMAL SOCIETY is going to win this war against the Leftist Maniacs.

Mainstream Society does NOT want to see this and especially does NOT want children subjected to the sordid LGBTQ Agenda.


Comfort with gays ticks down slightly in 2017
With absurd statements like that,I wish you hadn't said be honest.....he is a divider of people in his own country and trying to be in the rest of the world.......he would be one of the most UNGODLY PEOPLE ON EARTH,That is all I need to say to you Skye 40539

I have no more to say to you

No more .

Show the typical mentality of a Trump Lemming,when the going gets tough.......deny and run away....................


it's just that I will not hear any more negativy against President Trump!

he is a hero I respect him and admire him to the very end.

President Donald J. Trump is

Making America Great Again

By Spanking liberal Ass Day In and Day Out.

He certainly has made no secret of his orange disdain for the Constitution --- you know that shining document of Liberalism on which this country is based and which he took an oath to "preserve, protect and defend" --- which he apparently heard as "pervert, detest and end".
I have no more to say to you

No more .

Show the typical mentality of a Trump Lemming,when the going gets tough.......deny and run away....................


it's just that I will not hear any more negativy against President Trump!

he is a hero I respect him and admire him to the very end.

President Donald J. Trump is

Making America Great Again

By Spanking liberal Ass Day In and Day Out.

He certainly has made no secret of his orange disdain for the Constitution --- you know that shining document of Liberalism on which this country is based and which he took an oath to "preserve, protect and defend" --- which he apparently heard as "pervert, detest and end".

Give me one example of Trumps disdain for the Constitution...

Bet you can't....
Show the typical mentality of a Trump Lemming,when the going gets tough.......deny and run away....................


it's just that I will not hear any more negativy against President Trump!

he is a hero I respect him and admire him to the very end.

President Donald J. Trump is

Making America Great Again

By Spanking liberal Ass Day In and Day Out.

He certainly has made no secret of his orange disdain for the Constitution --- you know that shining document of Liberalism on which this country is based and which he took an oath to "preserve, protect and defend" --- which he apparently heard as "pervert, detest and end".

Give me one example of Trumps disdain for the Constitution...

Bet you can't....

The American Leftists hate the American Constitution especially your First Amendment which they only like provided NOBODY comments anything that offends them which things that offend them are ANYTHING they do NOT AGREE with and also your Second Amendment if you did not have your Second Amendment you would already be on the way to Absolute Tyranny which is why you have that Amendment to make sure you do not fall to Absolute Tyranny, the Leftists being Leftist Fascist Totalitarians would like America ruled via Antifa Methods and all Americans at the mercy of a dangerous Tyrannical Government who would not give a crap about the peoples....Eric Blair "1984" played out in Real Time in Real Life.


Last edited:
With absurd statements like that,I wish you hadn't said be honest.....he is a divider of people in his own country and trying to be in the rest of the world.......he would be one of the most UNGODLY PEOPLE ON EARTH,That is all I need to say to you Skye 40539

I have no more to say to you

No more .

Show the typical mentality of a Trump Lemming,when the going gets tough.......deny and run away....................


it's just that I will not hear any more negativy against President Trump!

he is a hero I respect him and admire him to the very end.

President Donald J. Trump is

Making America Great Again

By Spanking liberal Ass Day In and Day Out.

I agree with that! ;) :up:
Show the typical mentality of a Trump Lemming,when the going gets tough.......deny and run away....................


it's just that I will not hear any more negativy against President Trump!

he is a hero I respect him and admire him to the very end.

President Donald J. Trump is

Making America Great Again

By Spanking liberal Ass Day In and Day Out.

He certainly has made no secret of his orange disdain for the Constitution --- you know that shining document of Liberalism on which this country is based and which he took an oath to "preserve, protect and defend" --- which he apparently heard as "pervert, detest and end".

Give me one example of Trumps disdain for the Constitution...

Bet you can't....

You lose.

You must be new here. I've posted that like fifty times now.

You want more? I know you only asked for "one". How 'bout the Eighth Amendment? How 'bout the Fourteenth?

How 'bout the Fifth?

>> Thanks to the right to equal protection under the law guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment, courts are rightly very suspicious of any law or government policy that singles out groups of people united by a core characteristic, like race or religion. Therefore any law passed or policy pursued by a Trump administration that specifically subjects Muslims to heightened suspicion, surveillance, or special registration because of their religion would be met by the courts with a heightened degree of scrutiny.

Judges do so with good reason. It’s worth remembering that the New York City Police Department program didn’t just alienate people from law enforcement — it also made for bad policing. In fact, NYPD Police Commissioner Bill Bratton has admitted that no actionable intelligence came out of a core component of the Muslim surveillance program. In its settlement of an ACLU lawsuit against the program, the city of New York explicitly recognized that law enforcement can do its job without resorting to discriminatory practices.
Thanks to the right to equal protection under the law guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment, courts are rightly very suspicious of any law or government policy that singles out groups of people united by a core characteristic, like race or religion. Therefore any law passed or policy pursued by a Trump administration that specifically subjects Muslims to heightened suspicion, surveillance, or special registration because of their religion would be met by the courts with a heightened degree of scrutiny. <<

Easiest post answer all day.
Paying special attention to the segment that has carried out harm and vowed more is of course the right way to go.
Emotional drivel about "not all are bad" is for feelings dominated dummies

it's just that I will not hear any more negativy against President Trump!

he is a hero I respect him and admire him to the very end.

President Donald J. Trump is

Making America Great Again

By Spanking liberal Ass Day In and Day Out.

He certainly has made no secret of his orange disdain for the Constitution --- you know that shining document of Liberalism on which this country is based and which he took an oath to "preserve, protect and defend" --- which he apparently heard as "pervert, detest and end".

Give me one example of Trumps disdain for the Constitution...

Bet you can't....

You lose.

You must be new here. I've posted that like fifty times now.

You want more? I know you only asked for "one". How 'bout the Eighth Amendment? How 'bout the Fourteenth?

How 'bout the Fifth?

>> Thanks to the right to equal protection under the law guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment, courts are rightly very suspicious of any law or government policy that singles out groups of people united by a core characteristic, like race or religion. Therefore any law passed or policy pursued by a Trump administration that specifically subjects Muslims to heightened suspicion, surveillance, or special registration because of their religion would be met by the courts with a heightened degree of scrutiny.

Judges do so with good reason. It’s worth remembering that the New York City Police Department program didn’t just alienate people from law enforcement — it also made for bad policing. In fact, NYPD Police Commissioner Bill Bratton has admitted that no actionable intelligence came out of a core component of the Muslim surveillance program. In its settlement of an ACLU lawsuit against the program, the city of New York explicitly recognized that law enforcement can do its job without resorting to discriminatory practices.
Thanks to the right to equal protection under the law guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment, courts are rightly very suspicious of any law or government policy that singles out groups of people united by a core characteristic, like race or religion. Therefore any law passed or policy pursued by a Trump administration that specifically subjects Muslims to heightened suspicion, surveillance, or special registration because of their religion would be met by the courts with a heightened degree of scrutiny. <<

Easiest post answer all day.

You are so full of Shit...

I knew you couldn't come up with any examples.....
See what I mean?


Although, to be fair, that is the entire purpose of this thread, innit.

You do know that charlie is a flaming liberal....

Great example of you liberals...
WHY all this Lib/Con bullshit all the time.......your politik is myopic

Because this is what the left has made it…

Liberals just aren’t used to any resistance.
You know Deno,people like you are just too uneducated and narrow minded to progress in life,like your Master you just hate other Americans and do not speak of them as equals but just Slagg them off at will,you and Trump are well suited both ignorant and devisive.....Yet your great Furher says he is a Genius,Yeah Hitler and Stalin and Pol-Pot....thought the same,what strange creatures you Trumpites are,maybe a modern reincarnation of the Neanderthals,methinks

I must admit I am surprised you didn’t call me a Racist….

While I don’t have any college education I would be willing to

Wager that I have progressed further in life than you if

the yardstick is property and money.

I do hate those that I see destroying America.

President Donald J. Trump has outsmarted you Butt Hurt

liberals at every turn. Trump could cure every know

disease known to man and you would find fault with it.

You libtards have morphed into Nazis….

By the way Mr. Educated Dip Shit….

It’s Fuhrer not Furher…

And Divisive is spelled with an I not an E…

Where did you go to School?

Dick Brain U……………….
I am a self made man,I don't use spellcheck cannot be bothered BUT you knew what I mean't......Wealth,my yardstick is not money but if you treat people the way you should money tends to come along....I own a Farm,sheep and wheat,export sheep and goats milk to Asia,have a company employing 304 staff on 3 continents....gave each of my children a HOME WHEN THEY REACHED 25 YEARS OF AGE,HAVE 4 IN TRUST FOR MY GRANKINDER WHEN THEY REACH THE SAME AGE...have a nice 450 sq home,pool etc(actually the better half owns it) pay my tax,support deserted mothers and their children,drug rehabilitation centres,overseas children ..Land holdings,with Water Licence awaiting development.I could go on but you mentioned it otherwise I would not....I started with US$ 500.....not bad for a guy that you think is a Liberal Head Butt Dip Shit.....I inherited nothing as my Mother was widowed at the age of 28 with six children...but her wonderful teaching and nurturing set me and my siblings up for life.......I never take a backward me you are a Gullible Trumpite...Very Sad Indeed...steve...Why would I call you a Racist because I don't see that in you at all Deno,you seem a reasonable person despite your love of Trump ...and I'll take your Dick Brain comment as a compliment LOL
Last edited:
The phony "Christian" cult families are responsible for what they do. And most of the people calling themselves "Christian" today are a mockery of the Christian faith. They are laughable. But in the end, they sacrifice their own children. This is what is so sick. Go ahead. Abuse your children. It is the rest of society that pays in the end.

"Go ahead. Abuse your children."

Stop with mentioning peoples children and parenting ability, you are on a fine line here bringing in someones family, it illustrates you have a lost an argument you never had to begin with, we have certain rules at this forum that the majority of people respect regardless of politics and that is that someones children and family are Off Limits and certainly accusing someone of abusing their children means that you are totally over the line.

What today's phony "Christians" do is abuse their children. They groom their daughters for early sex and deny them education and the ability to design their own futures. What is so disgusting is that people who call themselves "mothers" teach this crap to their children. Anyone who is the mother to a daughter who remains uneducated at her early twenties and has two, three, four kids already, married or not, should hang her head in shame for her failure as a mother.

Whaaa? :lmao:

The inevitable is now happening, btw the same inevitable is happening in the majority of Western nations that normal Mainstream peoples are saying STFU and GTFO to the Perverted and Morally Bankrupt LGBTQ Crowd, the below polling for a top LGBTQ Lobby Group the figures are very encouraging and suggest that within another few years 80% of normal mentally and sexually healthy peoples will also be saying STFU and GTFO to the LGBTQ Perverts, there is nothing normal about this twisted and psychologically fucked up lifestyle they CHOOSE to lead and demand that EVERYONE accept as being normal and healthy at no point in Western history has the promotion of a mental illness EVER been accepted by Mainstream society as something that should be ACCEPTED as a lifestyle CHOICE to teach children and teenagers and have pushed into peoples faces. The ONLY Rights that the LGBTQ Crowd should have are the SAME Rights that Western nations give to ALL peoples who are mentally ill and that is to get them off the street and into Psychiatric Institutions to be given the psychological help they need which would include medication and therapy.

Of course we all knew that the pendulum would swing toward our side and it has, in a few years it will be complete and then the LGBTQ Crowd better be careful because payback is going to be a bitch and they must be forced to pay severely for attempting to pervert children and teenagers via Sex Education in schools where children are taught that anal sex is normal and healthy and that a boy can have a vagina and periods and that a girl can have a penis and there is no such thing as Gender and that Gender is a state of mind etc, the LGBTQ Crowds time of ABUSING children and teenagers minds is coming to and end and it WILL come to an end.

View attachment 173670
View attachment 173671

Americans are less comfortable with LGBTQ people now than they were

^^^^ The below graph to illustrate, also because the Leftist Maniacs only accept Far Left sources Note: Mother Jones also Note: The poll conducted by the Organisation for Sexual Perverts and Sexual Deviants aka GLAAD, in just ONE YEAR the numbers are going in the right direction the HEALTHY direction AWAY from the Sexual Perverts and Sexual Deviants to the rate of 2-3% in EVERY category and at that rate next year it should be another 5% and the next year 10% as the Western world begins to put the freaks back in their place either indoors and STFU and/or in a mental institution where they used to be put for more than one hundred years, like with everything else NORMAL SOCIETY is going to win this war against the Leftist Maniacs.

Mainstream Society does NOT want to see this and especially does NOT want children subjected to the sordid LGBTQ Agenda.


Comfort with gays ticks down slightly in 2017
Hi Lucy,statistics are just that,these things have been going on for millennia,and are a minute % in society......You would do better,joining me in the fight against children being sexually exploited by so called members of the church,institutions,teachers and so on......Gays are Gays I have no problem with adults making their own choices,anyway Gays tend to be excellent members of society,STOP demeaning them and concentrate on worthwhile are better than that Lady Lucy.....steve
You do know that charlie is a flaming liberal....

Great example of you liberals...
WHY all this Lib/Con bullshit all the time.......your politik is myopic

Because this is what the left has made it…

Liberals just aren’t used to any resistance.
You know Deno,people like you are just too uneducated and narrow minded to progress in life,like your Master you just hate other Americans and do not speak of them as equals but just Slagg them off at will,you and Trump are well suited both ignorant and devisive.....Yet your great Furher says he is a Genius,Yeah Hitler and Stalin and Pol-Pot....thought the same,what strange creatures you Trumpites are,maybe a modern reincarnation of the Neanderthals,methinks

I must admit I am surprised you didn’t call me a Racist….

While I don’t have any college education I would be willing to

Wager that I have progressed further in life than you if

the yardstick is property and money.

I do hate those that I see destroying America.

President Donald J. Trump has outsmarted you Butt Hurt

liberals at every turn. Trump could cure every know

disease known to man and you would find fault with it.

You libtards have morphed into Nazis….

By the way Mr. Educated Dip Shit….

It’s Fuhrer not Furher…

And Divisive is spelled with an I not an E…

Where did you go to School?

Dick Brain U……………….
I am a self made man,I don't use spellcheck cannot be bothered BUT you knew what I mean't......Wealth,my yardstick is not money but if you treat people the way you should money tends to come along....I own a Farm,sheep and wheat,export sheep and goats milk to Asia,have a company employing 304 staff on 3 continents....gave each of my children a HOME WHEN THEY REACHED 25 YEARS OF AGE,HAVE 4 IN TRUST FOR MY GRANKINDER WHEN THEY REACH THE SAME AGE...have a nice 450 sq home,pool etc(actually the better half owns it) pay my tax,support deserted mothers and their children,drug rehabilitation centres,overseas children ..Land holdings,with Water Licence awaiting development.I could go on but you mentioned it otherwise I would not....I started with US$ 500.....not bad for a guy that you think is a Liberal Head Butt Dip Shit.....I inherited nothing as my Mother was widowed at the age of 28 with six children...but her wonderful teaching and nurturing set me and my siblings up for life.......I never take a backward me you are a Gullible Trumpite...Very Sad Indeed

I can believe you own sheep....

But the rest sounds like bull shit...

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