Men in women's bathrooms

A trans woman going to the bathroom isn't abusing anyone. She's just going to the bathroom.
And a deranged man ("transwoman" "she") using communal women-only showers isn't abusing anyone either I suppose? Oh, wait, right, this thread is about deranged men ONLY using women's bathrooms because legally it will remain just at that...

My goodness, your LGBT cult IS sympathetic to women's rights aren't they? :popcorn:

Sil......a trans woman going to the bathroom isn't harming you. She's just peeing. The idea that you are somehow harmed by her urination is ridiculous. You're just letting your own compulsive obsession and rabid hatred of LGBT people override reason.
Can you understand Pedophiles will pretend to be Trans women to get their jolly's off?

You understand that trans women have been using the ladies room for decades. If your fear mongering was going to play out, it already would have.
Can you understand Pedophiles will pretend to be Trans women to get their jolly's off?

You understand that trans women have been using the ladies room for decades. If your fear mongering was going to play out, it already would have.

A trans-anyone is so only because they self-diagnose. That's the "medical" standard. So one assumes it's also the legal standard. Given.

Therefore, ANY man can self-diagnose as "being female" ( a thing which never can be so it is never an actual legitimate diagnosis, self or otherwise ).

Therefore ANY man can step into a ladies restroom and by legal-extrapolation, locker room, communal shower, dorm etc. and say he feels like a woman and "therefore belongs there legally". And your position is that no woman can speak out to oppose this. At this point I'm thinking that Muslim women in the most backward Islamic countries have more compassion from their society than our women do from you and your LGBT cult.
Can you understand Pedophiles will pretend to be Trans women to get their jolly's off?

You understand that trans women have been using the ladies room for decades. If your fear mongering was going to play out, it already would have.

A trans-anyone is so only because they self-diagnose. That's the "medical" standard. So one assumes it's also the legal standard. Given

Therefore, ANY man can self-diagnose as "being female" ( a thing which never can be so it is never an actual legitimate diagnosis, self or otherwise ).

Therefore ANY man can step into a ladies restroom and by legal-extrapolation, locker room, communal shower, dorm etc. and say he feels like a woman and "therefore belongs there legally". And your position is that no woman can speak out to oppose this. At this point I'm thinking that Muslim women in the most backward Islamic countries have more compassion from their society than our women do from you and your LGBT cult.

Then why isn't this happening now? Again, Trans women have been using the ladies room for decades. If it was the slippery slope you posit, it would have played out the way you describe decades ago.

But it didn't. Your theory has been measured against reality and found to be meaningless fearmongering. You aren't harmed by a transwoman using the bathroom. No right is stripped from you.

Which is why the practice is expanding with more and more businesses inviting transwomen to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity.
Then why isn't this happening now? Again, Trans women have been using the ladies room for decades.

Not legally. People have been getting away with robbing banks without getting caught for decades. Does that "therefore" mean bank robbing should now be legal? You failed logic class in high school, right?
Then why isn't this happening now? Again, Trans women have been using the ladies room for decades.

Not legally. People have been getting away with robbing banks without getting caught for decades. Does that "therefore" mean bank robbing should now be legal? You failed logic class in high school, right?

Your 'logic' is a garbled mess. Trans women have been using the ladies room for years. If trans women using the bathroom resulted in the kind of abuses you are fear mongering, it would have resulted in them already. Decades ago. But didn't.

Your theory has been tested. It failed.

As for trans women 'legally' using the ladies room, they legally do so thousands and thousands of times a day. And once again, your fear mongering nonsense doesn't play out.

Your theory has been tested again. It failed again.

Which is why we're not using your failed theory as the basis of our laws. And why more and more businesses are expanding the practice of inviting trans women to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity.
^^ Did you get that ladies of the middle voting bloc? Your sane objections to deranged males using your restrooms, communal showers, locker rooms, dorms etc. are "fear mongering" "garbled logic" and "abusive".
^^ Did you get that ladies of the middle voting bloc? Your sane objections to deranged males using your restrooms, communal showers, locker rooms, dorms etc. are "fear mongering" "garbled logic" and "abusive".

Did you get how inept your record of political predictions are? How you insisted that Trump's support of trans people made it impossible for him to be elected?

Your political predictions are molten garbage, just like your legal predictions are. And for the exact same reason: you keep projecting your own personal obsession and insane compulsions onto the world at large.

As Trump's election're clueless.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.
Amusing how our C grabber fans are always fascinated by strange sexual practices.
Wonder why?
To piss off you D grabber fans.
A trans woman going to the bathroom isn't abusing anyone. She's just going to the bathroom.
And a deranged man ("transwoman" "she") using communal women-only showers isn't abusing anyone either I suppose? Oh, wait, right, this thread is about deranged men ONLY using women's bathrooms because legally it will remain just at that...

My goodness, your LGBT cult IS sympathetic to women's rights aren't they? :popcorn:

Sil......a trans woman going to the bathroom isn't harming you. She's just peeing. The idea that you are somehow harmed by her urination is ridiculous. You're just letting your own compulsive obsession and rabid hatred of LGBT people override reason.
Can you understand Pedophiles will pretend to be Trans women to get their jolly's off?

You understand that trans women have been using the ladies room for decades. If your fear mongering was going to play out, it already would have.
How about the 50 year old who identifies as a 9 year old and wants to be tried as a juvenile for having sex with a 6 year old.
It's what happens when you fuzz the truth.
A trans woman going to the bathroom isn't abusing anyone. She's just going to the bathroom.
And a deranged man ("transwoman" "she") using communal women-only showers isn't abusing anyone either I suppose? Oh, wait, right, this thread is about deranged men ONLY using women's bathrooms because legally it will remain just at that...

My goodness, your LGBT cult IS sympathetic to women's rights aren't they? :popcorn:

Sil......a trans woman going to the bathroom isn't harming you. She's just peeing. The idea that you are somehow harmed by her urination is ridiculous. You're just letting your own compulsive obsession and rabid hatred of LGBT people override reason.
Can you understand Pedophiles will pretend to be Trans women to get their jolly's off?

You understand that trans women have been using the ladies room for decades. If your fear mongering was going to play out, it already would have.
How about the 50 year old who identifies as a 9 year old and wants to be tried as a juvenile for having sex with a 6 year old.
It's what happens when you fuzz the truth.

Talk to me when you have the slightest clue what gender identity is.
Talk to us when you have the slightest clue what biology/reality is.

It does not do one well to indulge in or encourage delusions.
Talk to us when you have the slightest clue what biology/reality is.

It does not do one well to indulge in or encourage delusions.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with her doctors on their command of the situation over you pretending to speak for the child, her parents, her doctors, her mental health professionals and all trans people.

As you don't even know what gender identity is.
Talk to us when you have the slightest clue what biology/reality is.

It does not do one well to indulge in or encourage delusions.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with her doctors on their command of the situation over you pretending to speak for the child, her parents, her doctors, her mental health professionals and all trans people.

As you don't even know what gender identity is.
There were doctors in Nazi Germany too. You going to go with them just because of their medical degree? I'm sure they were also very intelligent. Diabolical, but intelligent.

Maybe you missed biology class in Jr. High. I'm sure you don't know what delusions are. If you did, you wouldn't insist that fantasizing something that the entire world agrees isn't real, "can be real if you want it bad enough"....

Did your mother have a sex change before she had you? No, that's right. Only women have wombs.
Talk to us when you have the slightest clue what biology/reality is.

It does not do one well to indulge in or encourage delusions.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with her doctors on their command of the situation over you pretending to speak for the child, her parents, her doctors, her mental health professionals and all trans people.

As you don't even know what gender identity is.
There were doctors in Nazi Germany too. You going to go with them just because of their medical degree? I'm sure they were also very intelligent. Diabolical, but intelligent.

Maybe you missed biology class in Jr. High. I'm sure you don't know what delusions are. If you did, you wouldn't insist that fantasizing something that the entire world agrees isn't real, "can be real if you want it bad enough"....

Laughing.....Nazi germany, now? And I thought you'd hit the heights of panty shitting hysterics with "Lesbian Overlords'.

Parents caring for their special needs child is not 'Nazi Germany', 'Gay Mafioso' kill squads, 'Lesbian Overlords' or any of your raving conspiracy insanity. Its parents caring for their child who self identifies as a girl under the care of her doctors and mental health professionals.

That you want to pretend you're an expert on a topic doesn't really matter.
A trans woman going to the bathroom isn't abusing anyone. She's just going to the bathroom.
And a deranged man ("transwoman" "she") using communal women-only showers isn't abusing anyone either I suppose? Oh, wait, right, this thread is about deranged men ONLY using women's bathrooms because legally it will remain just at that...

My goodness, your LGBT cult IS sympathetic to women's rights aren't they? :popcorn:

Skylar doesn't give a shit about women or their rights, except for the ones HE designates that they should have, when he thinks they should have them.

How are your rights being stripped from you by a trans woman peeing?

Nice attempt at goalpost-narrowing, but no. You do NOT get to fucking ignore everything everyone has said to you and just keep pigheadedly insisting that it's "just someone peeing".

Just because you refuse to learn and understand does NOT mean you get to demand that everyone join you.

If you really want an answer to your question - which I doubt, because you're the typical leftist who asks asinine questions for the sole purpose of pretending they ARE the answer - then rephrase it to indicate that you're listening to something other than the voices in your head applauding your "brilliance".
Can you understand Pedophiles will pretend to be Trans women to get their jolly's off?

You understand that trans women have been using the ladies room for decades. If your fear mongering was going to play out, it already would have.

A trans-anyone is so only because they self-diagnose. That's the "medical" standard. So one assumes it's also the legal standard. Given

Therefore, ANY man can self-diagnose as "being female" ( a thing which never can be so it is never an actual legitimate diagnosis, self or otherwise ).

Therefore ANY man can step into a ladies restroom and by legal-extrapolation, locker room, communal shower, dorm etc. and say he feels like a woman and "therefore belongs there legally". And your position is that no woman can speak out to oppose this. At this point I'm thinking that Muslim women in the most backward Islamic countries have more compassion from their society than our women do from you and your LGBT cult.

Then why isn't this happening now? Again, Trans women have been using the ladies room for decades. If it was the slippery slope you posit, it would have played out the way you describe decades ago.

But it didn't. Your theory has been measured against reality and found to be meaningless fearmongering. You aren't harmed by a transwoman using the bathroom. No right is stripped from you.

Which is why the practice is expanding with more and more businesses inviting transwomen to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity.

Yes, the fact that you're totally oblivious to this happening, because you only read leftist media that carefully deletes anything that isn't what you want to hear, DEFINITELY means that it doesn't happen.
^^ Did you get that ladies of the middle voting bloc? Your sane objections to deranged males using your restrooms, communal showers, locker rooms, dorms etc. are "fear mongering" "garbled logic" and "abusive".

Yes, you have been mansplained as to why you silly little femmes are all wrong, and you should immediately change your attitudes to whatever the menfolk think is best for you.
^^ Did you get that ladies of the middle voting bloc? Your sane objections to deranged males using your restrooms, communal showers, locker rooms, dorms etc. are "fear mongering" "garbled logic" and "abusive".

Yes, you have been mansplained as to why you silly little femmes are all wrong, and you should immediately change your attitudes to whatever the menfolk think is best for you.
Especially the LGBT menfolk... Get that ladies? You HAVE to tolerate deranged LGBT (or other posing) cult males in your discreet hygiene areas, communal or not. Either that or you are HATERS, BIGOTS and TRANSPHOBIC!

The Skylars of the world are going to make 2018 a breeze for the GOP. Anyone to the right of bizarro-world (attached at the hip to the DNC) will be casting for conservative views on their ballot just out of sheer fright if nothing else.
A trans woman going to the bathroom isn't abusing anyone. She's just going to the bathroom.
And a deranged man ("transwoman" "she") using communal women-only showers isn't abusing anyone either I suppose? Oh, wait, right, this thread is about deranged men ONLY using women's bathrooms because legally it will remain just at that...

My goodness, your LGBT cult IS sympathetic to women's rights aren't they? :popcorn:

Skylar doesn't give a shit about women or their rights, except for the ones HE designates that they should have, when he thinks they should have them.

How are your rights being stripped from you by a trans woman peeing?

Nice attempt at goalpost-narrowing, but no. You do NOT get to fucking ignore everything everyone has said to you and just keep pigheadedly insisting that it's "just someone peeing".

The reality of their actions don't change. We're talking about trans women using a bathroom stall.

There's no harm to you. There's no right you've lost. There's nothing being done to you. She's just peeing.

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