Men Are Pigs

Women are like liberals, 99% emotion. NEVER ask dating advice from a woman. Any woman wants a strong honourable man who doesn't put up with her "tests" or isn't phased by her inmature behavior. Women want a MAN. Men need to stand up to her shit tests and call her on it. Men need to have their own life and goals and never let her lead the rel.
women have no clue what they want. None.
Neither do men.
Wrong. Women are wired to handle non-economic exchange: gift exchanges, play dates and other social activity; associated with patrilocal breeding. Women and some highly patrilocal whale species experience menopause. Associating with mostly unrelated members of the same sex or going with the unstable relationships of matrilocality causes much higher stress for women than for men.
And beer bellied slobs of men like to chase skanks and ho's thinking they actually find them attractive ...but are later oddly surprised when they find out they really just want to use them up financially and dump them when the well runs dry.
What happened is feminism lied to women and told them they weren't just equal to men but superior. Sorry ladies just because we put up with your crazy shit so we can get laid doesn't make you better.
Ceci I enjoyed just reading your op, great writing. As far as the subject, which has been good,for a lot of laughs, the culture has neutered men who are now wandering around aimlessly trying to find their manhood. Think of the five blind men trying to describe an elephant.
Disclaimer: This is just my own musings and observations and opinions. I am not referencing any particular, specific news stories, studies, or the like. I am just venting what's going around in my head lately.

Some years back, I read a book - can't remember who it was by - that said that the primary role in society that nature had assigned to women was to civilize men. Without that civilizing influence imposed on men by us - presumably on both a personal, individual level and also a society-wide level - they would not and could not harness their aggressive and predatory urges toward positive, productive goals.

At the time, I was offended both on my own behalf and on behalf of men. Being neither liberal nor feminist, I have always quite liked men as a group and in many ways identify with them more often than I do with women. I have never had anything but contempt for leftist feminazi whinings like "All men are potential rapists" and the like. So I was outraged by this statement on several levels. Primarily, though, my reaction was, "How dare you excuse bad male behavior by trying to lay the responsibility off on us? Where do you get off burdening women with essentially babysitting and controlling a bunch of Neanderthals? Men aren't stupid and they're perfectly capable of being civilized for themselves!"

Well, after many more years of life, which has included twenty years of marriage and almost the same amount of time raising sons, as well as revisiting the dating world since my (completely amicable, for those who aren't aware of it) divorce, I have come to a conclusion:

Men are pigs.

It isn't that I don't still like you guys, and it isn't that I've decided you're stupid or incapable of self-civilizing. I've just come to the inescapable conclusion that, generally speaking, you guys won't CHOOSE to do so, and are apparently incapable of understanding why you ought to, absent implacable demands from females that you do so. Left to their own devices, men will inevitably drop to the lowest denominator they can manage to get away with in their behavior.

Think about it.

When someone says the phrase "bachelor pad", you immediately get one of two images in your head: either something resembling the dorm from "Animal House" after a weekend bender, which would require a flamethrower to bring it up to health department standards; or some version of Barney's apartment from "How I Met Your Mother", where everything is geared toward scoring with as many one-night stands as possible and the bed actually rolls away into the wall at the first mention of a relationship from the woman. There is no phrase regarding the home of a single woman which would bring up comparable mental images.

A man moving out of his parents' home for the first time is likely eat SpaghettiOs out of the pot over the sink - or even right out of the can - for the first six months because it simply never occurs to him to purchase dishes. (I'm not exaggerating, folks. I have actually seen this happen many times.) If he owns more than one bath towel, it's because his mother bought them for him. Women, on the other hand, will freak out if they're expected to live for more than one night in a new place without trashcans, towels, dishes, pots and pans, toilet paper, etc. To them, this is the epitome of "roughing it".

And dating. Oh, dear LORD, the truth isn't more striking anywhere than in this arena, thanks to feminists and the "sexual revolution". Turns out it wasn't women's true natures being oppressed and suppressed at all; it was men's. Once upon a time, crude sexual advances were the purview of construction workers and ghetto lowlifes hooting and catcalling at strange women passing on the street. Even lounge lizards on the make in bars felt the need to buy a woman a drink and make some small talk before getting to the point of what they wanted. But now, perfectly ordinary men from all walks of life think it's acceptable to approach a total stranger and, without so much as a how-do-you-do, ask about her masturbatory habits! . . . Or some equivalent outrageous remark that would give their mothers a stroke if they were to hear it.

It is now an event worthy of widespread notice and praise when a man 1) calls to arrange a date with a woman in advance, 2) showers, shaves, and puts on nice clothing for said date, 3) arrives on time, 4) comes to her door to get her rather than simply honking the horn from the driveway or texting he to come out, 5) takes her somewhere nice, and 6) pays for the evening himself without even discussing it. Once upon a time, that was so standard as to not even be mentioned. And if a guy does all that now AND doesn't try to get into her pants at the end of the evening, even if it's the first date, the woman will suspect he's gay.

If I ever remember who that author was, I owe him an apology. We stopped demanding civilization, and you guys reverted to whatever level of barbarian you believed you could get away with.

Feel free to now discuss amongst yourselves.
I am a feral man in the process of being civilized.

I used to be civilized, did all the good things, 1-6, met the parents, got the girls home on time

Turned out many of them were slipping out the window to get laid after I got them home on time.

Around 1968, I adjusted my behaviour to the lowest common denominator of female behaviour.

Shit, then you could get laid several times a week.

Now that those 60's are over, and these '60's have arrived, I found out that old fashioned, take your time, be a gentleman approach was right, and finally I have a lady that deserves and appreciates what used to be SOP.

Funny thing, so many ladies were never treated right in the first place.

What was common decency 50 years ago does not hardly exist any more.
women have no clue what they want. None.
Neither do men.
Wrong. Women are wired to handle non-economic exchange: gift exchanges, play dates and other social activity; associated with patrilocal breeding. Women and some highly patrilocal whale species experience menopause. Associating with mostly unrelated members of the same sex or going with the unstable relationships of matrilocality causes much higher stress for women than for men.
And beer bellied slobs of men like to chase skanks and ho's thinking they actually find them attractive ...but are later oddly surprised when they find out they really just want to use them up financially and dump them when the well runs dry.
I haven't met a woman yet that is worth her dead ass.......
Men HAVE to be pigs in the bedroom

I read that somewhere

what do I know :)
Don't know how much of a pig you can be in the bedroom.

Does that mean you can squeal a lot?

My brother, who is a woman slayer, told me never to wipe my dick on the sheets.

So I think some manners must be exercised in the bedroom.

I also get up at night and fart in the guest bath.
women have no clue what they want. None.
Neither do men.
Wrong. Women are wired to handle non-economic exchange: gift exchanges, play dates and other social activity; associated with patrilocal breeding. Women and some highly patrilocal whale species experience menopause. Associating with mostly unrelated members of the same sex or going with the unstable relationships of matrilocality causes much higher stress for women than for men.
And beer bellied slobs of men like to chase skanks and ho's thinking they actually find them attractive ...but are later oddly surprised when they find out they really just want to use them up financially and dump them when the well runs dry.
I haven't met a woman yet that is worth her dead ass.......
I spent years feeling that way.

Baby boomer women were by and large a worthless lot.
women have no clue what they want. None.
Neither do men.
Wrong. Women are wired to handle non-economic exchange: gift exchanges, play dates and other social activity; associated with patrilocal breeding. Women and some highly patrilocal whale species experience menopause. Associating with mostly unrelated members of the same sex or going with the unstable relationships of matrilocality causes much higher stress for women than for men.
And beer bellied slobs of men like to chase skanks and ho's thinking they actually find them attractive ...but are later oddly surprised when they find out they really just want to use them up financially and dump them when the well runs dry.
I haven't met a woman yet that is worth her dead ass.......
I spent years feeling that way.

Baby boomer women were by and large a worthless lot.
I grew up around depression era women, they were hard working as were the men...I expect my women to work at their jobs as hard as a man does...and if they don't like it, the door is always open...
Neither do men.
Wrong. Women are wired to handle non-economic exchange: gift exchanges, play dates and other social activity; associated with patrilocal breeding. Women and some highly patrilocal whale species experience menopause. Associating with mostly unrelated members of the same sex or going with the unstable relationships of matrilocality causes much higher stress for women than for men.
And beer bellied slobs of men like to chase skanks and ho's thinking they actually find them attractive ...but are later oddly surprised when they find out they really just want to use them up financially and dump them when the well runs dry.
I haven't met a woman yet that is worth her dead ass.......
I spent years feeling that way.

Baby boomer women were by and large a worthless lot.
I grew up around depression era women, they were hard working as were the men...I expect my women to work at their jobs as hard as a man does...and if they don't like it, the door is always open...

Wow! .. Moonglow is a Mormon.

I bet he voted for Romney.

Roadrunner your post is another that shows theres an awful lot of writing talent here. I loved it and it hit pretty close to home.

I hope posting doesn't increase my chances of getting swine flu.

I have to say that as a man I was sort of in disbelief when reading the op. Whatever happened to being a credit to your gender as Linda ronstadt crooned. Not that I have led such a sheltered life at least in my adult years. Being a commercial fisherman I get to swim with more than my share of low life's, druggies, and the flotsam of society, but in my other secret life I get to rub shoulders with those who hide their shortcomings under piles of money. I told myself surely Ceci and others are overstating the case,but the subject gnawed at me so I decided to poll some of the family at our weekly Sunday get together. I blurted out to two forty something's and one young twenty something's, "are all men pigs?" There was a pregnant pause and then a nodding of heads and finally three mostly unqualified yeses. What followed were two stories that had my jaw hitting the floor. The youngest brought up a text on Facebook between a sorority girl at one of the local college watering holes and a college student who was asking the girl what her name was. She had to be under the influence but her reply was why do you need to know my name cause I am going to be blowing you in 20 minutes. Whoa! One of the forty something's said an old classmate heard she was getting a divorce and called her at work. He wanted to know if she wanted to get together, she politely declined saying she was involved with somebody, his calls,went on for weeks and he even showed up after work one day. He would not take no for an answer hoping apparently to just wear her down not for good reasons. I polled our two young waitresses and they held out more hope but in general agreed with the family sort of betting on the come.

I'm afraid all of this speaks more about the bubble that I live in than the world as a whole. When one is having a debate about why it is wrong to hold a door open for a woman you have lost me. When a man doesn't clean up and look presentable for a date or use some kind of technological dog whistle to summon his piece of meat it is all alien to me. There are many reasons why we are retreating from human social interaction but I have to say I am stunned to learn how widespread it is and how barbaric it has become.
women have no clue what they want. None.
Neither do men.
Wrong. Women are wired to handle non-economic exchange: gift exchanges, play dates and other social activity; associated with patrilocal breeding. Women and some highly patrilocal whale species experience menopause. Associating with mostly unrelated members of the same sex or going with the unstable relationships of matrilocality causes much higher stress for women than for men.
And beer bellied slobs of men like to chase skanks and ho's thinking they actually find them attractive ...but are later oddly surprised when they find out they really just want to use them up financially and dump them when the well runs dry.
I haven't met a woman yet that is worth her dead ass.......
Hmmm. Haven't met many men worth theirs.
My favorite pick up line (I was already married when I got saved) was to ask at women's dorms if their was anyone interested in a movie. Cold calling in the student directory was interesting too.
Neither do men.
Wrong. Women are wired to handle non-economic exchange: gift exchanges, play dates and other social activity; associated with patrilocal breeding. Women and some highly patrilocal whale species experience menopause. Associating with mostly unrelated members of the same sex or going with the unstable relationships of matrilocality causes much higher stress for women than for men.
And beer bellied slobs of men like to chase skanks and ho's thinking they actually find them attractive ...but are later oddly surprised when they find out they really just want to use them up financially and dump them when the well runs dry.
I haven't met a woman yet that is worth her dead ass.......
I spent years feeling that way.

Baby boomer women were by and large a worthless lot.
I grew up around depression era women, they were hard working as were the men...I expect my women to work at their jobs as hard as a man does...and if they don't like it, the door is always open...
Damn, you must be older than dirt!
women have no clue what they want. None.
Neither do men.
Wrong. Women are wired to handle non-economic exchange: gift exchanges, play dates and other social activity; associated with patrilocal breeding. Women and some highly patrilocal whale species experience menopause. Associating with mostly unrelated members of the same sex or going with the unstable relationships of matrilocality causes much higher stress for women than for men.
And beer bellied slobs of men like to chase skanks and ho's thinking they actually find them attractive ...but are later oddly surprised when they find out they really just want to use them up financially and dump them when the well runs dry.
I haven't met a woman yet that is worth her dead ass.......
Hmmm. Haven't met many men worth theirs.
Maybe you should try a new place for meeting men?
Disclaimer: This is just my own musings and observations and opinions. I am not referencing any particular, specific news stories, studies, or the like. I am just venting what's going around in my head lately.

Some years back, I read a book - can't remember who it was by - that said that the primary role in society that nature had assigned to women was to civilize men. Without that civilizing influence imposed on men by us - presumably on both a personal, individual level and also a society-wide level - they would not and could not harness their aggressive and predatory urges toward positive, productive goals.

At the time, I was offended both on my own behalf and on behalf of men. Being neither liberal nor feminist, I have always quite liked men as a group and in many ways identify with them more often than I do with women. I have never had anything but contempt for leftist feminazi whinings like "All men are potential rapists" and the like. So I was outraged by this statement on several levels. Primarily, though, my reaction was, "How dare you excuse bad male behavior by trying to lay the responsibility off on us? Where do you get off burdening women with essentially babysitting and controlling a bunch of Neanderthals? Men aren't stupid and they're perfectly capable of being civilized for themselves!"

Well, after many more years of life, which has included twenty years of marriage and almost the same amount of time raising sons, as well as revisiting the dating world since my (completely amicable, for those who aren't aware of it) divorce, I have come to a conclusion:

Men are pigs.

It isn't that I don't still like you guys, and it isn't that I've decided you're stupid or incapable of self-civilizing. I've just come to the inescapable conclusion that, generally speaking, you guys won't CHOOSE to do so, and are apparently incapable of understanding why you ought to, absent implacable demands from females that you do so. Left to their own devices, men will inevitably drop to the lowest denominator they can manage to get away with in their behavior.

Think about it.

When someone says the phrase "bachelor pad", you immediately get one of two images in your head: either something resembling the dorm from "Animal House" after a weekend bender, which would require a flamethrower to bring it up to health department standards; or some version of Barney's apartment from "How I Met Your Mother", where everything is geared toward scoring with as many one-night stands as possible and the bed actually rolls away into the wall at the first mention of a relationship from the woman. There is no phrase regarding the home of a single woman which would bring up comparable mental images.

A man moving out of his parents' home for the first time is likely eat SpaghettiOs out of the pot over the sink - or even right out of the can - for the first six months because it simply never occurs to him to purchase dishes. (I'm not exaggerating, folks. I have actually seen this happen many times.) If he owns more than one bath towel, it's because his mother bought them for him. Women, on the other hand, will freak out if they're expected to live for more than one night in a new place without trashcans, towels, dishes, pots and pans, toilet paper, etc. To them, this is the epitome of "roughing it".

And dating. Oh, dear LORD, the truth isn't more striking anywhere than in this arena, thanks to feminists and the "sexual revolution". Turns out it wasn't women's true natures being oppressed and suppressed at all; it was men's. Once upon a time, crude sexual advances were the purview of construction workers and ghetto lowlifes hooting and catcalling at strange women passing on the street. Even lounge lizards on the make in bars felt the need to buy a woman a drink and make some small talk before getting to the point of what they wanted. But now, perfectly ordinary men from all walks of life think it's acceptable to approach a total stranger and, without so much as a how-do-you-do, ask about her masturbatory habits! . . . Or some equivalent outrageous remark that would give their mothers a stroke if they were to hear it.

It is now an event worthy of widespread notice and praise when a man 1) calls to arrange a date with a woman in advance, 2) showers, shaves, and puts on nice clothing for said date, 3) arrives on time, 4) comes to her door to get her rather than simply honking the horn from the driveway or texting he to come out, 5) takes her somewhere nice, and 6) pays for the evening himself without even discussing it. Once upon a time, that was so standard as to not even be mentioned. And if a guy does all that now AND doesn't try to get into her pants at the end of the evening, even if it's the first date, the woman will suspect he's gay.

If I ever remember who that author was, I owe him an apology. We stopped demanding civilization, and you guys reverted to whatever level of barbarian you believed you could get away with.

Feel free to now discuss amongst yourselves.

Trouble with describing men or women as pigs is that it invites the observation of, "If men are pigs, doesn't that mean most women enjoy sex with farm animals?" :)

Neither's any better than the other. While it's true it's a man's world, and women are the subjugated sex, that the way nature sett hings up to work as we seen in every other animal species. Males control the females. Unfair? Well, when you have two or more animals, someone has to be in charge. If it were thf emales, men would be doing the complaining. As it is, men are the ones in charge. On the upside, we're also the ones who start and fight wars while women (by and large) stay safe back home making more cannon fodder. :)

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