Memorials to Robert E. Lee and the Confederate


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
This is a list of Confederate monuments and memorials. The monuments and memorials honor Confederate leaders, soldiers, or the Confederate States of America in general during the American Civil War.[1] A 2017 study reported that at least 1,503 symbols of the Confederacy can be found in public spaces across the United States. These memorials include monuments and statues; flags; holidays and other observances; and the names of schools, roads, parks, bridges, counties, cities, lakes, dams, military bases, and other public works

List of monuments and memorials of the Confederate States of America - Wikipedia

Its like you were once a country (which you never were) and Lee was your God (which he never was). Its time to get rid of that bad history , read all about it in history books or go to museums. That is where LOSERS history belong.
Donald Trump just said Lee was the most popular general to generals currently in the White House.

Difficult to believe since Lee was a traitor and ran an extended war that cost 800,000 American lives.

Lee killed more Americans than any other general in American History.

Lee stands for slavery.

Lee was a traitor.

And to Republicans, he's a hero. Perhaps that's why they are so fond of despot Vladimir Putin and murderer Kim Jong Un?
Confederate and Republican hero. And yet, at the time, Lincoln was a Republican. So why wasn't Lincoln a traitor, like Lee? What happened between then and now?
Its time to get rid of that bad history ...

Or keep it and just explain what happened.

George Washington owned slaves. Should we take the "Washington" out of Washington D.C.? Should we rename the Washington Memorial? She we remove Washington from the dollar bill?

If Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made derisive remarks about homosexuals, should he be expunged from history too?
This is a list of Confederate monuments and memorials. The monuments and memorials honor Confederate leaders, soldiers, or the Confederate States of America in general during the American Civil War.[1] A 2017 study reported that at least 1,503 symbols of the Confederacy can be found in public spaces across the United States. These memorials include monuments and statues; flags; holidays and other observances; and the names of schools, roads, parks, bridges, counties, cities, lakes, dams, military bases, and other public works

List of monuments and memorials of the Confederate States of America - Wikipedia

Its like you were once a country (which you never were) and Lee was your God (which he never was). Its time to get rid of that bad history , read all about it in history books or go to museums. That is where LOSERS history belong.

Donald Trump just said Lee was the most popular general to generals currently in the White House.

Difficult to believe since Lee was a traitor and ran an extended war that cost 800,000 American lives.

Lee killed more Americans than any other general in American History.

Lee stands for slavery.

Lee was a traitor.

And to Republicans, he's a hero. Perhaps that's why they are so fond of despot Vladimir Putin and murderer Kim Jong Un?

You people have lost your minds.
Its time to get rid of that bad history ...

Or keep it and just explain what happened.

George Washington owned slaves. Should we take the "Washington" out of Washington D.C.? Should we rename the Washington Memorial? She we remove Washington from the dollar bill?

If Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made derisive remarks about homosexuals, should he be expunged from history too?
Because those guys were traitors who killed 800,000 Americans?

I think not!
Its time to get rid of that bad history ...

Or keep it and just explain what happened.

George Washington owned slaves. Should we take the "Washington" out of Washington D.C.? Should we rename the Washington Memorial? She we remove Washington from the dollar bill?

If Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made derisive remarks about homosexuals, should he be expunged from history too?

Yes to Washington, no to MLK.

Because reasons.
The democrat party are now 1930’s Germany.
Censors and book-burners deluxe.
Except the Nazi's were an all white party.

Mmmm, an all white party.

Who could that be today?
The Nazis were all white because Germans are white. Duh.
Democrats are conjuring 1930’s German censorship and fascism.
And if all minorities segregate themselves and vote only democrat, the process of elimination leaves one result. You have the cart before the horse.
Democrats are too stupid to be allowed to vote.
Its time to get rid of that bad history ...

Or keep it and just explain what happened.

George Washington owned slaves. Should we take the "Washington" out of Washington D.C.? Should we rename the Washington Memorial? She we remove Washington from the dollar bill?

If Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made derisive remarks about homosexuals, should he be expunged from history too?
Because those guys were traitors who killed 800,000 Americans?

I think not!
Confederates were Americans, Maher-on.
Its time to get rid of that bad history ...

Or keep it and just explain what happened.

George Washington owned slaves. Should we take the "Washington" out of Washington D.C.? Should we rename the Washington Memorial? She we remove Washington from the dollar bill?

If Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made derisive remarks about homosexuals, should he be expunged from history too?
Because those guys were traitors who killed 800,000 Americans?

I think not!
Confederates were Americans, Maher-on.
American traitors.
The democrat party are now 1930’s Germany.
Censors and book-burners deluxe.
Except the Nazi's were an all white party.

Mmmm, an all white party.

Who could that be today?
The Nazis were all white because Germans are white. Duh.
Democrats are conjuring 1930’s German censorship and fascism.
And if all minorities segregate themselves and vote only democrat, the process of elimination leaves one result. You have the cart before the horse.
Democrats are too stupid to be allowed to vote.
All white. Just like Republicans.
Tax cuts for the rich.
Hatred of minorities.
Sounds awfully Republican to me.

Minorities aren't segregating themselves. They are a coalition.
And there are plenty of whites in the Democratic Party.
Whites Republicans don't want.
The democrat party are now 1930’s Germany.
Censors and book-burners deluxe.
Except the Nazi's were an all white party.

Mmmm, an all white party.

Who could that be today?

The primary agenda of today's Democrat party is to replace the white majority with a brown voting base so it stands to reason the opposition would attract more white dudes.
Wow, sounds like you've been studying Trump's fear tactics.
I think most of the whites that are going to be in the Republican Party are already there.
Donald Trump just said Lee was the most popular general to generals currently in the White House.

Difficult to believe since Lee was a traitor and ran an extended war that cost 800,000 American lives.

Lee killed more Americans than any other general in American History.

Lee stands for slavery.

Lee was a traitor.

And to Republicans, he's a hero. Perhaps that's why they are so fond of despot Vladimir Putin and murderer Kim Jong Un?

The democrat Party fought a war against America to keep their slaves
Yes to Washington, no to MLK. Because reasons.

Should there be public memorials to ANY black people?

You misunderstand the point I was trying to make. At this rate, in 10 years or less Washington and all of the founding fathers will be scrubbed from the history books. MLK and Ghengis Khan will get a pass because they're not white...


My point to the OP was that there is no perfect human being. If we're going to remove memorials to human beings for their imperfections, then I think it could be argued that ALL memorials to human beings should be removed.
The democrat party are now 1930’s Germany.
Censors and book-burners deluxe.
Except the Nazi's were an all white party.

Mmmm, an all white party.

Who could that be today?

The primary agenda of today's Democrat party is to replace the white majority with a brown voting base so it stands to reason the opposition would attract more white dudes.
Wow, sounds like you've been studying Trump's fear tactics.
I think most of the whites that are going to be in the Republican Party are already there.

You know nothing.

It's the left that operates on fear. Fear of the evil white man resurrecting Hitler and purging all the gays and coloreds. Fear of the white male patriarchy forcing women back to the kitchen. We've been hearing it all our lives. We know the score.

White man bad.

Masculinity BAD.

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