Memorial Day Hypocrisy

What dicks, let me give you a big "Fuck You!" from the families of all the fallen soldiers who have died to give you the freedom to be here online bashing their sacrifice.
Most of them died for nothing of the kind. Vietnam was not invading California.

Oh, so you aren't going to remember the deaths of all the veterans because you didn't agree with a certain war? Do you not celebrate the birthdays of one of your kids because they weren't a planned pregnancy?
I remember their deaths, without the dogma of they were fighting for our freedoms, which they were not in many cases.

If you don't think soldiers of our country died for our freedoms, then maybe you should move to another country where their soldiers didn't die for your freedoms either?
SteveLendmanBlog: Memorial Day Hypocrisy

Would a nation-state dedicated to peace require a Memorial Day holiday?

America is a warrior state, a serial aggressor, unaccountable for unparalleled high crimes against peace because of public ignorance and indifference.

"Americans are sublimely unaware of their nation’s history. Its so-called war of independence substituted new management for old. Everything changed but stayed the same.

"Civil war had nothing to do with freeing slaves, everything to do with keeping the nation intact, maintaining business as usual.

"Imperial America enslaved Black Africans, exterminated its native people, stole their land and resources, stole half of Mexico, followed by Cuba, the Philippines, Guam, Samoa, Hawaii, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Canal Zone, Puerto Rico and other territories."

Why is it those who write that blank check to their government have no idea who profits from their (ultimate) sacrifice?

The US commitment to perpetual war for endless profit dishonors those who died in imperial wars of aggression waged for conquest and plunder.

Why aren't US ruling class motives memorialized on the last Monday in May instead of hypocritical concern for fallen imperial tools?

Yo, you would be a great Gestapo Officer, but to bad, they are gone now! But if you would feel better in a Communist Country, by all means, move to China, or your choice of a Dictatorship Country! I`m sure they will treat you better than the U.S.A.? See you, don`t let the door hit you on the ass!!!

View attachment 76360
They died for a flag?

This why dogma is so utterly stupid. It can say things like that.
I have read War Is A Racket I understand ALL of this. I still won't bash the soldier fighting to put foot on his families table,earn an education and to him defend his country.
I don't think we have to bash the vet to point out how she is being used to maim, murder, and displace millions of innocent human beings. If you are arguing we should celebrate the courage of those who serve, perhaps you should recall Hitler also had heroes?
How do you justify the deaths of all the innocent civilians who died in wars your ancestors served in?

Do their lives count for anything in your moral calculus?

There are no innocents in a war zone. Only combatants and non-combatants. You know who taught me that?..... My father, a Vietnam veteran. Reinforced by my cousin, an Afghanistan and Iraqi theatre veteran.
What dicks, let me give you a big "Fuck You!" from the families of all the fallen soldiers who have died to give you the freedom to be here online bashing their sacrifice.
Most of them died for nothing of the kind. Vietnam was not invading California.

Oh, so you aren't going to remember the deaths of all the veterans because you didn't agree with a certain war? Do you not celebrate the birthdays of one of your kids because they weren't a planned pregnancy?
I remember their deaths, without the dogma of they were fighting for our freedoms, which they were not in many cases.

If you don't think soldiers of our country died for our freedoms, then maybe you should move to another country where their soldiers didn't die for your freedoms either?
Which of my freedoms did we fight in Korea or Vietnam for?

Were they soon to force me to eat Korean or Vietnamese food?
The soldiers did the fighting so we honor them we don't honor WHAT or WHO they were fighting for at least I don't. I honor my great great great grandfather who fought for the CSA,I honor my great grandfather who fought in ww1 and my grandfather who fought in ww2 and my dad who was in the Army but never saw battle and my uncle who fought in the first desert storm. I didn't agree with most of those wars but soldiers sign up to defend this country AND to get money for college,or mature,or learn a skill as ALL of my ancestors did. My grandfather used his money to go to college and became a civil engineer and now has a building named after him in Pensacola,Fl,My father used it to learn a skill and figure out what he wanted to do with his life,my uncle was the same way.

It must be so nice to be able to stand there and talk shit about our veterans because you do it simply because you HATE America ,I don't agree with the wars we have been in but I sure in the hell don't bash my relatives and ancestors for fighting.
The soldiers might have been honorable, that doesn't mean the wars were or their deaths necessary.

Well, then we are honoring the honorable soldiers on Memorial Day. Some wars ARE necessary, anyway. World War 2, Revolutionary War, Civil War, etc.
None of those WERE necessary. Revolutionary War and War for Southern Independence were wars started by tyrants and the patriots fought back. WW2 was not necessary either. Hitler did NOT want war and it was England and France that declared war on Germany. They did so because the Jews pulling the strings behind the pulpit were afraid of Germany going off the international banking system and not being under the control of the Rothschilds any longer. That won't be permitted.

See, you are the reason why this country needs free college education, because obviously you don't know jack shit about history.
You mean the garbage that passes for education in the propaganda factories. Try expanding your horizons. I read more and more everyday and I have learned more on my own with my own resources with the internet and books than I ever did with the prepackaged BULLSHIT the "teachers" force down our maybe that's why I never bought into it. My bullshit monitor has always been pretty damn good.
SteveLendmanBlog: Memorial Day Hypocrisy

Would a nation-state dedicated to peace require a Memorial Day holiday?

America is a warrior state, a serial aggressor, unaccountable for unparalleled high crimes against peace because of public ignorance and indifference.

"Americans are sublimely unaware of their nation’s history. Its so-called war of independence substituted new management for old. Everything changed but stayed the same.

"Civil war had nothing to do with freeing slaves, everything to do with keeping the nation intact, maintaining business as usual.

"Imperial America enslaved Black Africans, exterminated its native people, stole their land and resources, stole half of Mexico, followed by Cuba, the Philippines, Guam, Samoa, Hawaii, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Canal Zone, Puerto Rico and other territories."

Why is it those who write that blank check to their government have no idea who profits from their (ultimate) sacrifice?

The US commitment to perpetual war for endless profit dishonors those who died in imperial wars of aggression waged for conquest and plunder.

Why aren't US ruling class motives memorialized on the last Monday in May instead of hypocritical concern for fallen imperial tools?

Yo, you would be a great Gestapo Officer, but to bad, they are gone now! But if you would feel better in a Communist Country, by all means, move to China, or your choice of a Dictatorship Country! I`m sure they will treat you better than the U.S.A.? See you, don`t let the door hit you on the ass!!!

View attachment 76360
They died for a flag?

This why dogma is so utterly stupid. It can say things like that.
Yes, a flag, you stupid ignorant sow.
The OP is a load of ignorant, naive bullshit.

"Wall Street and UK bankers bankrolled Hitler’s rise to power. Franklin Roosevelt provoked Japan to attack America, a war it didn’t want and knew it couldn’t win. Today it’s a US colony. So is Europe."
SteveLendmanBlog: Memorial Day Hypocrisy

I'm interested by some conspiracy theories, but to believe that FDR "provoked" Japan to attack the U.S. is a load of horse shit. The amount of lives and money lost at Pearl Harbor was tremendous, and there is no way that FDR was responsible for that. I also don't believe the theory that FDR knew that Japan was on their way to attacking Hawaii and did nothing about it.
Bush allowed/participated in 9/11 so he could have his fake ass war on Al Qaeda.
SteveLendmanBlog: Memorial Day Hypocrisy

Would a nation-state dedicated to peace require a Memorial Day holiday?

America is a warrior state, a serial aggressor, unaccountable for unparalleled high crimes against peace because of public ignorance and indifference.

"Americans are sublimely unaware of their nation’s history. Its so-called war of independence substituted new management for old. Everything changed but stayed the same.

"Civil war had nothing to do with freeing slaves, everything to do with keeping the nation intact, maintaining business as usual.

"Imperial America enslaved Black Africans, exterminated its native people, stole their land and resources, stole half of Mexico, followed by Cuba, the Philippines, Guam, Samoa, Hawaii, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Canal Zone, Puerto Rico and other territories."

Why is it those who write that blank check to their government have no idea who profits from their (ultimate) sacrifice?

The US commitment to perpetual war for endless profit dishonors those who died in imperial wars of aggression waged for conquest and plunder.

Why aren't US ruling class motives memorialized on the last Monday in May instead of hypocritical concern for fallen imperial tools?

Yo, you would be a great Gestapo Officer, but to bad, they are gone now! But if you would feel better in a Communist Country, by all means, move to China, or your choice of a Dictatorship Country! I`m sure they will treat you better than the U.S.A.? See you, don`t let the door hit you on the ass!!!

View attachment 76360
They died for a flag?

This why dogma is so utterly stupid. It can say things like that.
Yes, a flag, you stupid ignorant sow.
Our soldiers died, for a flag?

Funny, I always thought they were fighting, for a nation.
I have read War Is A Racket I understand ALL of this. I still won't bash the soldier fighting to put foot on his families table,earn an education and to him defend his country.
I don't think we have to bash the vet to point out how she is being used to maim, murder, and displace millions of innocent human beings. If you are arguing we should celebrate the courage of those who serve, perhaps you should recall Hitler also had heroes?
Hitler is a hero. As are his soldiers.
What dicks, let me give you a big "Fuck You!" from the families of all the fallen soldiers who have died to give you the freedom to be here online bashing their sacrifice.
Most of them died for nothing of the kind. Vietnam was not invading California.

Oh, so you aren't going to remember the deaths of all the veterans because you didn't agree with a certain war? Do you not celebrate the birthdays of one of your kids because they weren't a planned pregnancy?
I remember their deaths, without the dogma of they were fighting for our freedoms, which they were not in many cases.

If you don't think soldiers of our country died for our freedoms, then maybe you should move to another country where their soldiers didn't die for your freedoms either?
Which of my freedoms did we fight in Korea or Vietnam for?

Were they soon to force me to eat Korean or Vietnamese food?

That would've been terrible. Who wants to eat dogs and cats?
Yo, you would be a great Gestapo Officer, but to bad, they are gone now! But if you would feel better in a Communist Country, by all means, move to China, or your choice of a Dictatorship Country! I`m sure they will treat you better than the U.S.A.? See you, don`t let the door hit you on the ass!!!
SteveLendmanBlog: Memorial Day Hypocrisy

"Too few Americans know all US post-WW II wars were lawless acts of aggression - 9/11 was state-sponsored false flag terrorism.

"Obama didn’t kill bin Laden. He died of natural causes in December 2001, widely reported at the time. He had nothing to do with 9/11, nor did Saudi Arabia.

"Bush waged unprovoked naked aggression on Afghanistan and Iraq. Obama continues his wars, waging them from day one in office, bombing seven countries throughout his tenure: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Somalia.

"Endless wars rage. US special forces death squads operate in 135 countries. Millions of corpses attest to America’s barbarity.

"On Memorial Day, the nation honors its war dead, ignoring its responsibility for gratuitous mass slaughter throughout its odious history, waging endless wars of choice for profit and dominance."
Now, you know better.
I have read War Is A Racket I understand ALL of this. I still won't bash the soldier fighting to put foot on his families table,earn an education and to him defend his country.
I don't think we have to bash the vet to point out how she is being used to maim, murder, and displace millions of innocent human beings. If you are arguing we should celebrate the courage of those who serve, perhaps you should recall Hitler also had heroes?
Hitler is a hero. As are his soldiers.
Nazi Heroes?
Yo, you would be a great Gestapo Officer, but to bad, they are gone now! But if you would feel better in a Communist Country, by all means, move to China, or your choice of a Dictatorship Country! I`m sure they will treat you better than the U.S.A.? See you, don`t let the door hit you on the ass!!!
SteveLendmanBlog: Memorial Day Hypocrisy

"Too few Americans know all US post-WW II wars were lawless acts of aggression - 9/11 was state-sponsored false flag terrorism.

"Obama didn’t kill bin Laden. He died of natural causes in December 2001, widely reported at the time. He had nothing to do with 9/11, nor did Saudi Arabia.

"Bush waged unprovoked naked aggression on Afghanistan and Iraq. Obama continues his wars, waging them from day one in office, bombing seven countries throughout his tenure: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Somalia.

"Endless wars rage. US special forces death squads operate in 135 countries. Millions of corpses attest to America’s barbarity.

"On Memorial Day, the nation honors its war dead, ignoring its responsibility for gratuitous mass slaughter throughout its odious history, waging endless wars of choice for profit and dominance."
Now, you know better.
Stupidest fucking shit I ever read. Pack it up George.
Most of them died for nothing of the kind. Vietnam was not invading California.

Oh, so you aren't going to remember the deaths of all the veterans because you didn't agree with a certain war? Do you not celebrate the birthdays of one of your kids because they weren't a planned pregnancy?
I remember their deaths, without the dogma of they were fighting for our freedoms, which they were not in many cases.

If you don't think soldiers of our country died for our freedoms, then maybe you should move to another country where their soldiers didn't die for your freedoms either?
Which of my freedoms did we fight in Korea or Vietnam for?

Were they soon to force me to eat Korean or Vietnamese food?

That would've been terrible. Who wants to eat dogs and cats?
11 minutes later and still no answer.

Why, because what he said isn't true.
The OP is a load of ignorant, naive bullshit.

"Wall Street and UK bankers bankrolled Hitler’s rise to power. Franklin Roosevelt provoked Japan to attack America, a war it didn’t want and knew it couldn’t win. Today it’s a US colony. So is Europe."
SteveLendmanBlog: Memorial Day Hypocrisy

I'm interested by some conspiracy theories, but to believe that FDR "provoked" Japan to attack the U.S. is a load of horse shit. The amount of lives and money lost at Pearl Harbor was tremendous, and there is no way that FDR was responsible for that. I also don't believe the theory that FDR knew that Japan was on their way to attacking Hawaii and did nothing about it.
Do you believe FDR knew the Japanese would be attacking some US installation in December, 1941?
Yo, you would be a great Gestapo Officer, but to bad, they are gone now! But if you would feel better in a Communist Country, by all means, move to China, or your choice of a Dictatorship Country! I`m sure they will treat you better than the U.S.A.? See you, don`t let the door hit you on the ass!!!
SteveLendmanBlog: Memorial Day Hypocrisy

"Too few Americans know all US post-WW II wars were lawless acts of aggression - 9/11 was state-sponsored false flag terrorism.

"Obama didn’t kill bin Laden. He died of natural causes in December 2001, widely reported at the time. He had nothing to do with 9/11, nor did Saudi Arabia.

"Bush waged unprovoked naked aggression on Afghanistan and Iraq. Obama continues his wars, waging them from day one in office, bombing seven countries throughout his tenure: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Somalia.

"Endless wars rage. US special forces death squads operate in 135 countries. Millions of corpses attest to America’s barbarity.

"On Memorial Day, the nation honors its war dead, ignoring its responsibility for gratuitous mass slaughter throughout its odious history, waging endless wars of choice for profit and dominance."
Now, you know better.
Stupidest fucking shit I ever read. Pack it up George.
I thought you would be in Syria by now?
Yo, you would be a great Gestapo Officer, but to bad, they are gone now! But if you would feel better in a Communist Country, by all means, move to China, or your choice of a Dictatorship Country! I`m sure they will treat you better than the U.S.A.? See you, don`t let the door hit you on the ass!!!
SteveLendmanBlog: Memorial Day Hypocrisy

"Too few Americans know all US post-WW II wars were lawless acts of aggression - 9/11 was state-sponsored false flag terrorism.

"Obama didn’t kill bin Laden. He died of natural causes in December 2001, widely reported at the time. He had nothing to do with 9/11, nor did Saudi Arabia.

"Bush waged unprovoked naked aggression on Afghanistan and Iraq. Obama continues his wars, waging them from day one in office, bombing seven countries throughout his tenure: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Somalia.

"Endless wars rage. US special forces death squads operate in 135 countries. Millions of corpses attest to America’s barbarity.

"On Memorial Day, the nation honors its war dead, ignoring its responsibility for gratuitous mass slaughter throughout its odious history, waging endless wars of choice for profit and dominance."
Now, you know better.
Stupidest fucking shit I ever read. Pack it up George.
I thought you would be in Syria by now?
If I was 40 years younger I would have already been there and assassinated Assad.
SteveLendmanBlog: Memorial Day Hypocrisy

Would a nation-state dedicated to peace require a Memorial Day holiday?

America is a warrior state, a serial aggressor, unaccountable for unparalleled high crimes against peace because of public ignorance and indifference.

"Americans are sublimely unaware of their nation’s history. Its so-called war of independence substituted new management for old. Everything changed but stayed the same.

"Civil war had nothing to do with freeing slaves, everything to do with keeping the nation intact, maintaining business as usual.

"Imperial America enslaved Black Africans, exterminated its native people, stole their land and resources, stole half of Mexico, followed by Cuba, the Philippines, Guam, Samoa, Hawaii, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Canal Zone, Puerto Rico and other territories."

Why is it those who write that blank check to their government have no idea who profits from their (ultimate) sacrifice?

The US commitment to perpetual war for endless profit dishonors those who died in imperial wars of aggression waged for conquest and plunder.

Why aren't US ruling class motives memorialized on the last Monday in May instead of hypocritical concern for fallen imperial tools?

You are a hateful moron.
The soldiers did the fighting so we honor them we don't honor WHAT or WHO they were fighting for at least I don't. I honor my great great great grandfather who fought for the CSA,I honor my great grandfather who fought in ww1 and my grandfather who fought in ww2 and my dad who was in the Army but never saw battle and my uncle who fought in the first desert storm. I didn't agree with most of those wars but soldiers sign up to defend this country AND to get money for college,or mature,or learn a skill as ALL of my ancestors did. My grandfather used his money to go to college and became a civil engineer and now has a building named after him in Pensacola,Fl,My father used it to learn a skill and figure out what he wanted to do with his life,my uncle was the same way.

It must be so nice to be able to stand there and talk shit about our veterans because you do it simply because you HATE America ,I don't agree with the wars we have been in but I sure in the hell don't bash my relatives and ancestors for fighting.
The soldiers might have been honorable, that doesn't mean the wars were or their deaths necessary.

Well, then we are honoring the honorable soldiers on Memorial Day. Some wars ARE necessary, anyway. World War 2, Revolutionary War, Civil War, etc.
None of those WERE necessary. Revolutionary War and War for Southern Independence were wars started by tyrants and the patriots fought back. WW2 was not necessary either. Hitler did NOT want war and it was England and France that declared war on Germany. They did so because the Jews pulling the strings behind the pulpit were afraid of Germany going off the international banking system and not being under the control of the Rothschilds any longer. That won't be permitted.

See, you are the reason why this country needs free college education, because obviously you don't know jack shit about history.
You mean the garbage that passes for education in the propaganda factories. Try expanding your horizons. I read more and more everyday and I have learned more on my own with my own resources with the internet and books than I ever did with the prepackaged BULLSHIT the "teachers" force down our maybe that's why I never bought into it. My bullshit monitor has always been pretty damn good.

Oh, you believe everything you read on the internet? Nice.

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