Mellissa Harris Perry On Beheading "workplace Violence"

What kind of network would give air time to Melissa Harris Perry, and Al Sharpton? She is a complete fucking idiot. Plays her race card constantly. She puts on the false facade that she is a legitimate news broadcaster, when she is nothing more than a Marxist political hack.

Remember who were talking about here. Complete idiot.
She's not an idiot, she's just a True Believer. No light gets in.

The problem is that there are far too many True Believers running around who are causing damage.

The ship is sinking and the deck hands are pointing the finger at each other.

Exactly my point! This network and the entire Obama administration are blinded by their narrative to the point it has become a joke. Even the secret service is a laughing stock

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The beheading in Oklahoma was a case of workplace violence. ..... :cool:
There was violence in the workplace, but it was inspired by your evil god. Your religion is a blight on humanity and it pleases me that everyone hates you guys. Muslims are just awful people and that is universally recognized across the globe. You guys are a burdon everywhere in the world you are found..

Every post you make is seriously just you complaining and hating on people different then you.

Thats because people who are different from me are hate-able. Take for example weirdos like you who think there is power in pentagrams. Youre fucking stupid. Every time you open your mouth people are annoyed, so why don't you just shut up and go read some more kooky books and pray to your sun god or witch god, or whatever weird fucking thing your into.
If this scumbag had not been fired that day does anyone think he would have gone on a murderous rampage for allah anyway?

Regardless, he should have his ticket out of this world punched.
If this scumbag had not been fired that day does anyone think he would have gone on a murderous rampage for allah anyway?

Regardless, he should have his ticket out of this world punched.
Yes he would have. Only matter of time.
The beheading in Oklahoma was a case of workplace violence. ..... :cool:
There was violence in the workplace, but it was inspired by your evil god. Your religion is a blight on humanity and it pleases me that everyone hates you guys. Muslims are just awful people and that is universally recognized across the globe. You guys are a burdon everywhere in the world you are found..

Every post you make is seriously just you complaining and hating on people different then you.

Thats because people who are different from me are hate-able. Take for example weirdos like you who think there is power in pentagrams. Youre fucking stupid. Every time you open your mouth people are annoyed, so why don't you just shut up and go read some more kooky books and pray to your sun god or witch god, or whatever weird fucking thing your into.

There is power in crosses and swatstikas and pentagrams and dodecagrams and all sorts of awesome symbols. Perhaps you are ignorant of what the word "power" means.
The beheading in Oklahoma was a case of workplace violence. ..... :cool:
There was violence in the workplace, but it was inspired by your evil god. Your religion is a blight on humanity and it pleases me that everyone hates you guys. Muslims are just awful people and that is universally recognized across the globe. You guys are a burdon everywhere in the world you are found..

Every post you make is seriously just you complaining and hating on people different then you.

Thats because people who are different from me are hate-able. Take for example weirdos like you who think there is power in pentagrams. Youre fucking stupid. Every time you open your mouth people are annoyed, so why don't you just shut up and go read some more kooky books and pray to your sun god or witch god, or whatever weird fucking thing your into.

There is power in crosses and swatstikas and pentagrams and dodecagrams and all sorts of awesome symbols. Perhaps you are ignorant of what the word "power" means.
Take that stupid horse shit somewhere else you fucking weirdo.
The beheading in Oklahoma was a case of workplace violence. ..... :cool:
There was violence in the workplace, but it was inspired by your evil god. Your religion is a blight on humanity and it pleases me that everyone hates you guys. Muslims are just awful people and that is universally recognized across the globe. You guys are a burdon everywhere in the world you are found..

Every post you make is seriously just you complaining and hating on people different then you.

Thats because people who are different from me are hate-able. Take for example weirdos like you who think there is power in pentagrams. Youre fucking stupid. Every time you open your mouth people are annoyed, so why don't you just shut up and go read some more kooky books and pray to your sun god or witch god, or whatever weird fucking thing your into.

There is power in crosses and swatstikas and pentagrams and dodecagrams and all sorts of awesome symbols. Perhaps you are ignorant of what the word "power" means.
Take that stupid horse shit somewhere else you fucking weirdo.

It is only Natural for one with so little power over others to act and believe as you do.
So if the killer was a known Klansman who had been seen wearing his KKK outfit around the house and had been trying to recruit people at his job into the KKK and was subsequently fired and returned to his workplace and hanged a black coworker from a tree and went after another all the while shouting anti-black racial epithets, would Perry still insist it's workplace violence?
That's a perfect parallel to what islime is about. Difference is, while islime festers and grows into the tens of millions and our president blames its influence and growth on his own country (well, the USA anyway), the KKK has waned into obscurity.
There was violence in the workplace, but it was inspired by your evil god. Your religion is a blight on humanity and it pleases me that everyone hates you guys. Muslims are just awful people and that is universally recognized across the globe. You guys are a burdon everywhere in the world you are found..

Every post you make is seriously just you complaining and hating on people different then you.

Thats because people who are different from me are hate-able. Take for example weirdos like you who think there is power in pentagrams. Youre fucking stupid. Every time you open your mouth people are annoyed, so why don't you just shut up and go read some more kooky books and pray to your sun god or witch god, or whatever weird fucking thing your into.

There is power in crosses and swatstikas and pentagrams and dodecagrams and all sorts of awesome symbols. Perhaps you are ignorant of what the word "power" means.
Take that stupid horse shit somewhere else you fucking weirdo.

It is only Natural for one with so little power over others to act and believe as you do.
You have a fake brain.
You got nothing. NOTH-ING......Get it?
You're a flyspeck in the ocean.
Your avatar has fake tits
Every post you make is seriously just you complaining and hating on people different then you.

Thats because people who are different from me are hate-able. Take for example weirdos like you who think there is power in pentagrams. Youre fucking stupid. Every time you open your mouth people are annoyed, so why don't you just shut up and go read some more kooky books and pray to your sun god or witch god, or whatever weird fucking thing your into.

There is power in crosses and swatstikas and pentagrams and dodecagrams and all sorts of awesome symbols. Perhaps you are ignorant of what the word "power" means.
Take that stupid horse shit somewhere else you fucking weirdo.

It is only Natural for one with so little power over others to act and believe as you do.
You have a fake brain.
You got nothing. NOTH-ING......Get it?
You're a flyspeck in the ocean.
Your avatar has fake tits

It is only Natural for one with so little power over others to behave and believe as you do.
Thats because people who are different from me are hate-able. Take for example weirdos like you who think there is power in pentagrams. Youre fucking stupid. Every time you open your mouth people are annoyed, so why don't you just shut up and go read some more kooky books and pray to your sun god or witch god, or whatever weird fucking thing your into.

There is power in crosses and swatstikas and pentagrams and dodecagrams and all sorts of awesome symbols. Perhaps you are ignorant of what the word "power" means.
Take that stupid horse shit somewhere else you fucking weirdo.

It is only Natural for one with so little power over others to act and believe as you do.
You have a fake brain.
You got nothing. NOTH-ING......Get it?
You're a flyspeck in the ocean.
Your avatar has fake tits

It is only Natural for one with so little power over others to behave and believe as you do.
Unlike you, I have no desire to have power over others.
You have the faults.
I think the beheading aspect is a bit hard to ignore.

Not for those who are ideologically obligated to defend the PC-protected religion.

For them, it was just a really, really deep throat slashing. In fact, he didn't mean to go that deep.

They will refuse to admit seeing any connections, no matter how often this happens.

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So in all of the workplace murders all across this country (going postal) from the beginnings of record keeping, has there ever been a case where a coworker was killed and had their head cut off ?

This guy was a recent convert, had jihad on his Facebook, and we're supposed to believe that the woman getting her head cut off had nothing whatsoever to do with it ?

I've got beachfront property for sale in Nebraska then, and apparently there are some liberals on this board gullible enough to mail me a check.

But the problem with this argument isthat if this was 'Terrorism' or 'Jihad', he'd have just killed the first few people he ran into.

Instead, he went home, came back, and hunted down the HR person who fired him and the co-worker whose complaints got him fired. that's not a "Jihad', that's workplace violence.

And we have 700 workplace homicides and 15,000 workplace assaults every year. so why is this one so special?

Oh, yeah, because he was a "Muslim", meaning he picked up some mutilated version of Islam in prison.

I'm wondering how many convicts who find Jesus in prison later go on to re-offend, but no one blames Christianity.
So in all of the workplace murders all across this country (going postal) from the beginnings of record keeping, has there ever been a case where a coworker was killed and had their head cut off ?

This guy was a recent convert, had jihad on his Facebook, and we're supposed to believe that the woman getting her head cut off had nothing whatsoever to do with it ?

I've got beachfront property for sale in Nebraska then, and apparently there are some liberals on this board gullible enough to mail me a check.

But the problem with this argument isthat if this was 'Terrorism' or 'Jihad', he'd have just killed the first few people he ran into.

Instead, he went home, came back, and hunted down the HR person who fired him and the co-worker whose complaints got him fired. that's not a "Jihad', that's workplace violence.

And we have 700 workplace homicides and 15,000 workplace assaults every year. so why is this one so special?

Oh, yeah, because he was a "Muslim", meaning he picked up some mutilated version of Islam in prison.

I'm wondering how many convicts who find Jesus in prison later go on to re-offend, but no one blames Christianity.

s0n.....SPAMBOT wants to know.....whats with this obsession with having to display a profound level of naïve on a daily basis?

Whats up with that?

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