Obama Lied During 60 Minutes Interview


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
The man is like a little kid, he'll never take responsibility for a failure. It's always someone else's dept., it's the previous administrations fault, etc.

3 Times Obama Administration Was Warned About ISIS Threat

Did the intelligence community underestimate ISIS or did the president?
In his "60 Minutes" interview, President Obama seemed to put the blame on the intelligence community, saying, “I think they underestimated what had been taking place in Syria.” At the White House daily briefing, Press Secretary Josh Earnest cast the net quite a bit wider.
“Everybody was surprised to see the rapid advance that ISIL was able to make from Syria across the Iraqi border,” said Earnest. “To be able to take over such large swaths of territory in Iraq did come as a surprise.”

But for nearly a year, senior officials in the U.S. government have been warning about the alarming rise of ISIS, or ISIL as the terrorist group is also known, and the inability of the Iraqi government to confront the threat.
Here are three examples:
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Iraq and Iran
On Nov. 14, 2013, State Department official Brett McGurk testified before a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee extensively about the growing threat of ISIL/ISIS.
“We face a real problem,” McGurk said. “There is no question that ISIL is growing roots in Syria and in Iraq.”
McGurk was quite specific about the extent of the threat. He cited the group’s alarming campaign of suicide bombings, its growing financial resources and its expanding safe haven in Syria.
“We have seen upwards of 40 suicide bombers per month targeting playgrounds, mosques, and markets, in addition to government sites from Basra to Baghdad to Erbil,” he said.
He was also specific about the inability of the Iraqi government to deal with it.
“AQ/ISIL has benefited from a permissive operating environment due to inherent weaknesses of Iraqi security forces, poor operational tactics, and popular grievances, which remain unaddressed, among the population in Anbar and Nineva provinces.”
U.S. Ambassador to Iraq
In January, ISIS/ISIL gave a strong indication of just how much of a threat they posed when the group took over the Iraqi city of Fallujah and part of Ramadi. At that point, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Robert Beecroft said it could get a whole lot worse.
“It's a very precarious situation,” Beercroft told ABC News’ Martha Raddatz. “And a misstep anywhere could set off a larger conflict in the country.”
U.S. Army Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
On Feb. 11, 2014, the Pentagon’s top intelligence official, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, warned the group would likely attempt to take over even more territory.
“ISIL probably will attempt to take territory in Iraq and Syria to exhibit its strength in 2014, as demonstrated recently in Ramadi and Fallujah, and the group’s ability to concurrently maintain multiple safe havens in Syria,” Flynn told the Senate Armed Services Committee.
That’s a prediction, unfortunately, that proved to be right on target.

3 Times Obama Administration Was Warned About ISIS Threat - ABC News

Quit with the lies. Obama didn't blame anyone, he just reiterated what James Clapper (head of Intelligence) said himself. The ABC reporter must be sub-contracted to Faux News.

The president was asked by 60 Minutes correspondent Steve Kroft
about comments from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who has said the U.S. not only underestimated ISIS, it also overestimated the ability and will of the Iraqi military to fight the extremist group.

"That's true," Mr. Obama said. "That's absolutely true."

"Jim Clappper has acknowledged that I think they underestimated what had been taking place in Syria," he said, blaming the instability of the Syrian civil war for giving extremists space to thrive.

Obama U.S. underestimated rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria - CBS News
Anyone can replay the video, and see what Obama said.....he didn't lie. Quit lying....that's what you do, along with Faux News.
Obama is a DNC sock puppet. Do you think this guy has ever had an original thought in his entire life? I'm sure he'll be the first president in US history who has to have a ghost writer scribble his "memoirs". Every time he opens his mouth, what comes out is so obviously scripted and completely predictable. It's embarrassing, not only for this country, but for the entire world...who at present are giving him exactly the respect he deserves, none.
The man is like a little kid, he'll never take responsibility for a failure. It's always someone else's dept., it's the previous administrations fault, etc.

3 Times Obama Administration Was Warned About ISIS Threat

Did the intelligence community underestimate ISIS or did the president?
In his "60 Minutes" interview, President Obama seemed to put the blame on the intelligence community, saying, “I think they underestimated what had been taking place in Syria.” At the White House daily briefing, Press Secretary Josh Earnest cast the net quite a bit wider.
“Everybody was surprised to see the rapid advance that ISIL was able to make from Syria across the Iraqi border,” said Earnest. “To be able to take over such large swaths of territory in Iraq did come as a surprise.”

But for nearly a year, senior officials in the U.S. government have been warning about the alarming rise of ISIS, or ISIL as the terrorist group is also known, and the inability of the Iraqi government to confront the threat.
Here are three examples:
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Iraq and Iran
On Nov. 14, 2013, State Department official Brett McGurk testified before a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee extensively about the growing threat of ISIL/ISIS.
“We face a real problem,” McGurk said. “There is no question that ISIL is growing roots in Syria and in Iraq.”
McGurk was quite specific about the extent of the threat. He cited the group’s alarming campaign of suicide bombings, its growing financial resources and its expanding safe haven in Syria.
“We have seen upwards of 40 suicide bombers per month targeting playgrounds, mosques, and markets, in addition to government sites from Basra to Baghdad to Erbil,” he said.
He was also specific about the inability of the Iraqi government to deal with it.
“AQ/ISIL has benefited from a permissive operating environment due to inherent weaknesses of Iraqi security forces, poor operational tactics, and popular grievances, which remain unaddressed, among the population in Anbar and Nineva provinces.”
U.S. Ambassador to Iraq
In January, ISIS/ISIL gave a strong indication of just how much of a threat they posed when the group took over the Iraqi city of Fallujah and part of Ramadi. At that point, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Robert Beecroft said it could get a whole lot worse.
“It's a very precarious situation,” Beercroft told ABC News’ Martha Raddatz. “And a misstep anywhere could set off a larger conflict in the country.”
U.S. Army Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
On Feb. 11, 2014, the Pentagon’s top intelligence official, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, warned the group would likely attempt to take over even more territory.
“ISIL probably will attempt to take territory in Iraq and Syria to exhibit its strength in 2014, as demonstrated recently in Ramadi and Fallujah, and the group’s ability to concurrently maintain multiple safe havens in Syria,” Flynn told the Senate Armed Services Committee.
That’s a prediction, unfortunately, that proved to be right on target.

3 Times Obama Administration Was Warned About ISIS Threat - ABC News
Sounds a lot like when the White House was briefed about Al Qaeda planning in 2001.......why didn't they listen?
The man is like a little kid, he'll never take responsibility for a failure. It's always someone else's dept., it's the previous administrations fault, etc.

3 Times Obama Administration Was Warned About ISIS Threat

Did the intelligence community underestimate ISIS or did the president?
In his "60 Minutes" interview, President Obama seemed to put the blame on the intelligence community, saying, “I think they underestimated what had been taking place in Syria.” At the White House daily briefing, Press Secretary Josh Earnest cast the net quite a bit wider.
“Everybody was surprised to see the rapid advance that ISIL was able to make from Syria across the Iraqi border,” said Earnest. “To be able to take over such large swaths of territory in Iraq did come as a surprise.”

But for nearly a year, senior officials in the U.S. government have been warning about the alarming rise of ISIS, or ISIL as the terrorist group is also known, and the inability of the Iraqi government to confront the threat.
Here are three examples:
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Iraq and Iran
On Nov. 14, 2013, State Department official Brett McGurk testified before a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee extensively about the growing threat of ISIL/ISIS.
“We face a real problem,” McGurk said. “There is no question that ISIL is growing roots in Syria and in Iraq.”
McGurk was quite specific about the extent of the threat. He cited the group’s alarming campaign of suicide bombings, its growing financial resources and its expanding safe haven in Syria.
“We have seen upwards of 40 suicide bombers per month targeting playgrounds, mosques, and markets, in addition to government sites from Basra to Baghdad to Erbil,” he said.
He was also specific about the inability of the Iraqi government to deal with it.
“AQ/ISIL has benefited from a permissive operating environment due to inherent weaknesses of Iraqi security forces, poor operational tactics, and popular grievances, which remain unaddressed, among the population in Anbar and Nineva provinces.”
U.S. Ambassador to Iraq
In January, ISIS/ISIL gave a strong indication of just how much of a threat they posed when the group took over the Iraqi city of Fallujah and part of Ramadi. At that point, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Robert Beecroft said it could get a whole lot worse.
“It's a very precarious situation,” Beercroft told ABC News’ Martha Raddatz. “And a misstep anywhere could set off a larger conflict in the country.”
U.S. Army Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
On Feb. 11, 2014, the Pentagon’s top intelligence official, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, warned the group would likely attempt to take over even more territory.
“ISIL probably will attempt to take territory in Iraq and Syria to exhibit its strength in 2014, as demonstrated recently in Ramadi and Fallujah, and the group’s ability to concurrently maintain multiple safe havens in Syria,” Flynn told the Senate Armed Services Committee.
That’s a prediction, unfortunately, that proved to be right on target.

3 Times Obama Administration Was Warned About ISIS Threat - ABC News
Sounds a lot like when the White House was briefed about Al Qaeda planning in 2001.......why didn't they listen?

Nothing was actionable--
The man is like a little kid, he'll never take responsibility for a failure. It's always someone else's dept., it's the previous administrations fault, etc.

3 Times Obama Administration Was Warned About ISIS Threat

Did the intelligence community underestimate ISIS or did the president?
In his "60 Minutes" interview, President Obama seemed to put the blame on the intelligence community, saying, “I think they underestimated what had been taking place in Syria.” At the White House daily briefing, Press Secretary Josh Earnest cast the net quite a bit wider.
“Everybody was surprised to see the rapid advance that ISIL was able to make from Syria across the Iraqi border,” said Earnest. “To be able to take over such large swaths of territory in Iraq did come as a surprise.”

But for nearly a year, senior officials in the U.S. government have been warning about the alarming rise of ISIS, or ISIL as the terrorist group is also known, and the inability of the Iraqi government to confront the threat.
Here are three examples:
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Iraq and Iran
On Nov. 14, 2013, State Department official Brett McGurk testified before a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee extensively about the growing threat of ISIL/ISIS.
“We face a real problem,” McGurk said. “There is no question that ISIL is growing roots in Syria and in Iraq.”
McGurk was quite specific about the extent of the threat. He cited the group’s alarming campaign of suicide bombings, its growing financial resources and its expanding safe haven in Syria.
“We have seen upwards of 40 suicide bombers per month targeting playgrounds, mosques, and markets, in addition to government sites from Basra to Baghdad to Erbil,” he said.
He was also specific about the inability of the Iraqi government to deal with it.
“AQ/ISIL has benefited from a permissive operating environment due to inherent weaknesses of Iraqi security forces, poor operational tactics, and popular grievances, which remain unaddressed, among the population in Anbar and Nineva provinces.”
U.S. Ambassador to Iraq
In January, ISIS/ISIL gave a strong indication of just how much of a threat they posed when the group took over the Iraqi city of Fallujah and part of Ramadi. At that point, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Robert Beecroft said it could get a whole lot worse.
“It's a very precarious situation,” Beercroft told ABC News’ Martha Raddatz. “And a misstep anywhere could set off a larger conflict in the country.”
U.S. Army Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
On Feb. 11, 2014, the Pentagon’s top intelligence official, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, warned the group would likely attempt to take over even more territory.
“ISIL probably will attempt to take territory in Iraq and Syria to exhibit its strength in 2014, as demonstrated recently in Ramadi and Fallujah, and the group’s ability to concurrently maintain multiple safe havens in Syria,” Flynn told the Senate Armed Services Committee.
That’s a prediction, unfortunately, that proved to be right on target.

3 Times Obama Administration Was Warned About ISIS Threat - ABC News
Sounds a lot like when the White House was briefed about Al Qaeda planning in 2001.......why didn't they listen?

Nothing was actionable--

Well I don't know about that but they certainly didn't take any action.
Of course he lies. He's a politician. They all lie especially when they are covering their own asses.

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