Meghan McCain calls out internet bullies

Unfortunately, the internet is the perfect place for the ignorant and uneducated to voice their so-called opinions. It's a shame these bullies, on BOTH sides of the aisle have nothing better to do nor seem capable of anything more original than using the same old 'you are a drunk, you beat your kids and you are a drug addict' insults that have been circulating for years. It is a testament, if anything, to the lack of formal education and originality of these people that that's all the better material they can come up with. The ignorant will always be with us but that doesn't make having to abide them any easier.
Unfortunately, the internet is the perfect place for the ignorant and uneducated to voice their so-called opinions. It's a shame these bullies, on BOTH sides of the aisle have nothing better to do nor seem capable of anything more original than using the same old 'you are a drunk, you beat your kids and you are a drug addict' insults that have been circulating for years. It is a testament, if anything, to the lack of formal education and originality of these people that that's all the better material they can come up with. The ignorant will always be with us but that doesn't make having to abide them any easier.

On a side note . . . your cats are damn cute!!
Unfortunately, the internet is the perfect place for the ignorant and uneducated to voice their so-called opinions. It's a shame these bullies, on BOTH sides of the aisle have nothing better to do nor seem capable of anything more original than using the same old 'you are a drunk, you beat your kids and you are a drug addict' insults that have been circulating for years. It is a testament, if anything, to the lack of formal education and originality of these people that that's all the better material they can come up with. The ignorant will always be with us but that doesn't make having to abide them any easier.

On a side note . . . your cats are damn cute!!

Them's my babies!!!
Unfortunately, the internet is the perfect place for the ignorant and uneducated to voice their so-called opinions. It's a shame these bullies, on BOTH sides of the aisle have nothing better to do nor seem capable of anything more original than using the same old 'you are a drunk, you beat your kids and you are a drug addict' insults that have been circulating for years. It is a testament, if anything, to the lack of formal education and originality of these people that that's all the better material they can come up with. The ignorant will always be with us but that doesn't make having to abide them any easier.

On a side note . . . your cats are damn cute!!

Them's my babies!!!

I want to scratch their chinny, chin, chins and listen to them purr. Very, very cute kitties you have there.
Unfortunately, the internet is the perfect place for the ignorant and uneducated to voice their so-called opinions. It's a shame these bullies, on BOTH sides of the aisle have nothing better to do nor seem capable of anything more original than using the same old 'you are a drunk, you beat your kids and you are a drug addict' insults that have been circulating for years. It is a testament, if anything, to the lack of formal education and originality of these people that that's all the better material they can come up with. The ignorant will always be with us but that doesn't make having to abide them any easier.

well, what do you feed your high horse?:lol:
a shame you have to suffer the ignorant..tsk tsk

Targeted personal attack on a public figure directly calling them a whore using their twitter account on the one hand.

General indirect rantings on a message board that is well known to descend into ad hominem and invective on the first page of every thread on the other hand.

If my position were that these are the same then it would indeed be stupid.

Moving the goal posts doesn't make your position more viable, It does, however, make you look desperate.

So stop moving them.

You went from saying that the parties should repudiate everything said in their name to it is OK to ignore individuals that post on the large internet message boards, how did I move anything?
rahm emmanuel helped craft the blue dog insurgency after the 04 election,to take the house & senate back in 06, he succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.They took over.

then, obama came and, it all went phttt, becausee and this is what CC and many here cannot seem to fathom, HIS party, thats right the hard left ran the show, via pelosi and her coven of committee chairs.....

obama gave them the keys and came obamacare, spending out the wazoo, etc. what they won they could not hold because ( another point that will make their heads explode and puts them in full denial mode) they cannot keep the moderate left of center members because the people that run their party are no where near that ticker on the political number line, anywhere near center.

Hence they got their asses kicked every way to Sunday in the 2010 midterms....the Blue dogs were nothing but cannon fodder for pelosi and reid, having a D next to their name didn't mean squat.

but in their eyes, their shit don't got no stank....see, only the gop plays that game...:rolleyes:

Yeah yeah...Anyone got the name of at least 10 moderates in the Republican party. Dems have 25 of them and thats from the intolerant bunch. Republcans have none and that makes them...tolerant. In Bizzaro world

ahem...can anyone show the tolerant repubs of having 5 moderates? I mean dems have 25 and the right calls them intolerant so Im sure they have more than 25...but lets start at 5. Anyone?

Like Romney, McCain, Dent, Emmerson, Kirk, LaTourette, Bass, and Upton?

Wait, that was more than 5, sorry.
Moving the goal posts doesn't make your position more viable, It does, however, make you look desperate.

So stop moving them.

You went from saying that the parties should repudiate everything said in their name to it is OK to ignore individuals that post on the large internet message boards, how did I move anything?

Well, as I recall, that's not exactly what I said. I said that parties should repudiate personal, foul mouthed, vulgar attacks that are aimed directly at a person through their personal twitter feed. If a person chooses to participate on a message board then all bets are off. They either put up with it or leave the board.

That said, if the tweets that are sent focus on policy issues then that's reasonable. She's entered the political area and should expect pushback from those who don't share her views. I just don't see how directly (i.e. via their twitter feed) calling someone (anyone, not just her) a whore has become something that is considered OK. It's just not the way I was brought up. And BTW that doesn't mean I think I was brought up better than some others, just differently.

Anyway, that's how I see it.
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I wouldn't mind Pubs on the internet so much if they weren't like the Pubs OFF the internet- They're total lying, cheating, thieving, hateful, LYING POSs...:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::evil: Change the channel, dupes...:cuckoo::cuckoo::lol:

I was finding that hard to believe, but the you've convinced me with your judicious use of emoticons.
So stop moving them.

You went from saying that the parties should repudiate everything said in their name to it is OK to ignore individuals that post on the large internet message boards, how did I move anything?

Well, as I recall, that's not exactly what I said. I said that parties should repudiate personal, foul mouthed, vulgar attacks that are aimed directly at a person through their personal twitter feed. If a person chooses to participate on a message board then all bets are off. They either put up with it or leave the board.

Is that really what you remember, or are you just too stupid to think I will call you on what you actually said?

You appear to think that political parties can ignore what is said in their name, so long as they don't say it themselves. I think that the longer they ignore it the worse it becomes and they should exhibit leadership by distancing themselves publicly from such comments. Difference of opinion.

You clearly called on both parties to condemn whatever is said in their name, not just if it amounts to a personal attack on Twitter.

Like I said, you moved the goalposts.
I wish I was here by myself. I would totally rule this thread.

True..............but without new ideas from someone outside yourself, you'd spiral into the same stupidity as the GOP with the teabaggers.

Ya gotta have new ideas, not just your own.

Congratulations you get sarcasm. Well done and I mean that sincerely.

Thanks..........................and I mean that sincerely................../sarcasm.
You went from saying that the parties should repudiate everything said in their name to it is OK to ignore individuals that post on the large internet message boards, how did I move anything?

Well, as I recall, that's not exactly what I said. I said that parties should repudiate personal, foul mouthed, vulgar attacks that are aimed directly at a person through their personal twitter feed. If a person chooses to participate on a message board then all bets are off. They either put up with it or leave the board.

Is that really what you remember, or are you just too stupid to think I will call you on what you actually said?

You appear to think that political parties can ignore what is said in their name, so long as they don't say it themselves. I think that the longer they ignore it the worse it becomes and they should exhibit leadership by distancing themselves publicly from such comments. Difference of opinion.

You clearly called on both parties to condemn whatever is said in their name, not just if it amounts to a personal attack on Twitter.

Like I said, you moved the goalposts.

Yes, that was actually what I remembered. If that's not what I said or implied then clearly I misspoke, for which I apologize. Either way, you now have my position.

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