Meghan McCain calls out internet bullies

Kimberlin is a convicted domestic terrorist. He's the Speedway bomber . One of the bomb's he placed blew the leg off of a Vietnam Veteran who ended up committing suicide.
His widow won a lawsuit against him, but he's not paid up.

Brett is currently a wonderful " liberal activist " supported by Soros and the likes of Striesand.

Recently he's been targeting conservative bloggers. He's far more than an asshole.

Patterico's Pontifications » Convicted Bomber Brett Kimberlin, Neal Rauhauser, Ron Brynaert, and Their Campaign of Political Terrorism

Indeed. If one were so inclined, one might even title a thread about him "Brett Kimberlin and the Democrat idea of tolerance".

That would be as accurate as a thread titled Joseph Kony and the Christian Way to Raise Children.

Or "Megan McCain and the Republican idea of tolerance".
Kimberlin is a convicted domestic terrorist. He's the Speedway bomber . One of the bomb's he placed blew the leg off of a Vietnam Veteran who ended up committing suicide.
His widow won a lawsuit against him, but he's not paid up.

Brett is currently a wonderful " liberal activist " supported by Soros and the likes of Striesand.

Recently he's been targeting conservative bloggers. He's far more than an asshole.

Patterico's Pontifications » Convicted Bomber Brett Kimberlin, Neal Rauhauser, Ron Brynaert, and Their Campaign of Political Terrorism

Indeed. If one were so inclined, one might even title a thread about him "Brett Kimberlin and the Democrat idea of tolerance".

This man is dangerous.

I just want everyone who is backing him financially outed. We know about the Tides Foundation, and Blaze has flushed out Fidelity Investments (but they had no idea who they were dealing with) and I haven't had a chance to get to it today, but apparently Malkin is outing many donors.

:eusa_angel: Silly me, I'm trying to put a garden in.

Great link here for anyone who wants more background on Kimberlin:

Who Is Brett Kimberlin? Meet The 'Speedway Bomber' Turned 'Liberal Activist' - International Business Times

The 'Blaze' needs to be flushed(.)
Kimberlin is no McVeigh:

pparently, in addition to saving the world through music and lying about having sold pot to Dan Quayle, Kimberlin’s other hobby is destroying Free Speech by suing, harassing, stalking, and maybe trying to kill right-wing bloggers, at least according to several right-wing bloggers, who decided that last Friday would be “Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day,” so that the entire right-wing blogosphere could have a collective freakout about how the Left is threatening America yet again. As part of the festivities, Glenn Beck’s Serious News Operation The Blaze contributed a sober, carefully sourced exposé titled MEET SOROS-FUNDED DOMESTIC TERRORIST BRETT KIMBERLIN WHOSE ‘JOB’ IS TERRORIZING BLOGGERS INTO SILENCE.

The keepers of the scribbled "enemies" list are getting desperate.:lol:
Patterico's Pontifications » Convicted Bomber Brett Kimberlin, Neal Rauhauser, Ron Brynaert, and Their Campaign of Political Terrorism

Indeed. If one were so inclined, one might even title a thread about him "Brett Kimberlin and the Democrat idea of tolerance".

That would be as accurate as a thread titled Joseph Kony and the Christian Way to Raise Children.

Or "Megan McCain and the Republican idea of tolerance".


I missed it. Sorry.

You're right.
Patterico's Pontifications » Convicted Bomber Brett Kimberlin, Neal Rauhauser, Ron Brynaert, and Their Campaign of Political Terrorism

Indeed. If one were so inclined, one might even title a thread about him "Brett Kimberlin and the Democrat idea of tolerance".

This man is dangerous.

I just want everyone who is backing him financially outed. We know about the Tides Foundation, and Blaze has flushed out Fidelity Investments (but they had no idea who they were dealing with) and I haven't had a chance to get to it today, but apparently Malkin is outing many donors.

:eusa_angel: Silly me, I'm trying to put a garden in.

Great link here for anyone who wants more background on Kimberlin:

Who Is Brett Kimberlin? Meet The 'Speedway Bomber' Turned 'Liberal Activist' - International Business Times

The 'Blaze' needs to be flushed(.)

"You seem to subscribe to the theory that a persons ideas are not valid based upon the forum they use. Cheeky!" -ClosedCaption
From your link:

Now can you show me where there are 25...hell 10 moderate republicans holding office? I'll wait..

There is a difference between talking about the 2010 general election where they lost to Republicans and the 2012 primary where they were ousted by their own party.

rahm emmanuel helped craft the blue dog insurgency after the 04 election,to take the house & senate back in 06, he succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.They took over.

then, obama came and, it all went phttt, becausee and this is what CC and many here cannot seem to fathom, HIS party, thats right the hard left ran the show, via pelosi and her coven of committee chairs.....

obama gave them the keys and came obamacare, spending out the wazoo, etc. what they won they could not hold because ( another point that will make their heads explode and puts them in full denial mode) they cannot keep the moderate left of center members because the people that run their party are no where near that ticker on the political number line, anywhere near center.

Hence they got their asses kicked every way to Sunday in the 2010 midterms....the Blue dogs were nothing but cannon fodder for pelosi and reid, having a D next to their name didn't mean squat.

but in their eyes, their shit don't got no stank....see, only the gop plays that game...:rolleyes:

Yeah yeah...Anyone got the name of at least 10 moderates in the Republican party. Dems have 25 of them and thats from the intolerant bunch. Republcans have none and that makes them...tolerant. In Bizzaro world
Republicans treat her like a freak, what does she think PmsNbc uses her for? her intelligence..

no one cares what you think..but here's this :eusa_boohoo:for your little pity party

If you didn't care you wouldn't be in this thread posting.
but that's what we have to deal with these days.

no one is forcing you to deal with shit..don't like it, go away
Last edited:
Kimberlin is no McVeigh:

pparently, in addition to saving the world through music and lying about having sold pot to Dan Quayle, Kimberlin’s other hobby is destroying Free Speech by suing, harassing, stalking, and maybe trying to kill right-wing bloggers, at least according to several right-wing bloggers, who decided that last Friday would be “Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day,” so that the entire right-wing blogosphere could have a collective freakout about how the Left is threatening America yet again. As part of the festivities, Glenn Beck’s Serious News Operation The Blaze contributed a sober, carefully sourced exposé titled MEET SOROS-FUNDED DOMESTIC TERRORIST BRETT KIMBERLIN WHOSE ‘JOB’ IS TERRORIZING BLOGGERS INTO SILENCE.

The keepers of the scribbled "enemies" list are getting desperate.:lol:

What's desperate? Kimberlin has a very real criminal terrorist past. And he is currently receiving funds from Soros via the Tides Foundation. He's been receiving funds from Fidelity Investment as well (they are claiming they knew nothing about his terrorist past).

More are being revealed. I'm thrilled this maniac is tied to the Tide Foundation and Soros. They are already being investigated by the Canadian Revenue Agency on their status as tax exempt and who's laundering money thru them up here to attempt to influence our energy and environmental policies.

The government is right pissed off at Mr. Soros and others attempting to influence our policies .

Ezra Levant a key conservative up here is already all over the Brett Kimberlin and Tides Foundation connection.

This is no joke.
Does that mean I get to hold Obama responsible for the idiotic stuff that comes off the fingers of Truthmatters? Does he have to spend his time repudiating every bit of idiocy she posts?

Of course it doesn't, which is why your position is stupid.


Targeted personal attack on a public figure directly calling them a whore using their twitter account on the one hand.

General indirect rantings on a message board that is well known to descend into ad hominem and invective on the first page of every thread on the other hand.

If my position were that these are the same then it would indeed be stupid.

Moving the goal posts doesn't make your position more viable, It does, however, make you look desperate.

So stop moving them.
There is a difference between talking about the 2010 general election where they lost to Republicans and the 2012 primary where they were ousted by their own party.

rahm emmanuel helped craft the blue dog insurgency after the 04 election,to take the house & senate back in 06, he succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.They took over.

then, obama came and, it all went phttt, becausee and this is what CC and many here cannot seem to fathom, HIS party, thats right the hard left ran the show, via pelosi and her coven of committee chairs.....

obama gave them the keys and came obamacare, spending out the wazoo, etc. what they won they could not hold because ( another point that will make their heads explode and puts them in full denial mode) they cannot keep the moderate left of center members because the people that run their party are no where near that ticker on the political number line, anywhere near center.

Hence they got their asses kicked every way to Sunday in the 2010 midterms....the Blue dogs were nothing but cannon fodder for pelosi and reid, having a D next to their name didn't mean squat.

but in their eyes, their shit don't got no stank....see, only the gop plays that game...:rolleyes:

Yeah yeah...Anyone got the name of at least 10 moderates in the Republican party. Dems have 25 of them and thats from the intolerant bunch. Republcans have none and that makes them...tolerant. In Bizzaro world

ahem...can anyone show the tolerant repubs of having 5 moderates? I mean dems have 25 and the right calls them intolerant so Im sure they have more than 25...but lets start at 5. Anyone?
rahm emmanuel helped craft the blue dog insurgency after the 04 election,to take the house & senate back in 06, he succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.They took over.

then, obama came and, it all went phttt, becausee and this is what CC and many here cannot seem to fathom, HIS party, thats right the hard left ran the show, via pelosi and her coven of committee chairs.....

obama gave them the keys and came obamacare, spending out the wazoo, etc. what they won they could not hold because ( another point that will make their heads explode and puts them in full denial mode) they cannot keep the moderate left of center members because the people that run their party are no where near that ticker on the political number line, anywhere near center.

Hence they got their asses kicked every way to Sunday in the 2010 midterms....the Blue dogs were nothing but cannon fodder for pelosi and reid, having a D next to their name didn't mean squat.

but in their eyes, their shit don't got no stank....see, only the gop plays that game...:rolleyes:

Yeah yeah...Anyone got the name of at least 10 moderates in the Republican party. Dems have 25 of them and thats from the intolerant bunch. Republcans have none and that makes them...tolerant. In Bizzaro world

ahem...can anyone show the tolerant repubs of having 5 moderates? I mean dems have 25 and the right calls them intolerant so Im sure they have more than 25...but lets start at 5. Anyone?

Going on five hours and so far, no joy.
If Meghan wants to play in the big league she needs to wear big girl panties and thicker skin.

By reposting the troll's tweets she just continues to feed them.


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