Meet the Proxies: How Iran Spreads Its Empire through Terrorist Militias

It's a time-honoured practice since at least the advent of the CIA.
In fact, the Iranians have seen it being used by the CIA up close.

So was the OSS doing the same? Anyhow the article wasn't talking about the settlers in Israel or the Mossad, but Billy Boy felt he had to drag that in.
I wasn't talking about Israel either.
Look up the overthrow of the democratically elected Iranian President, Mossadeq.
It helped make Iran the country it is today.
CIA Admits It Was Behind Iran s Coup Foreign Policy

Did I insinuate that you were talking about Israel? However, the thread happens to be about the proxies of Iran, and it appears that it is a chore just to concentrate on this without dragging in other countries which have nothing to do with the article.

The overthrow in Iran has been brought up many times before so I don't think any of us have to read about it again. However, as wrong as this might have been, I have to disagree with you on this making what Iran is today. I feel that if the Ayatollah didn't come back from France, Iran might be a completely different country today. Why do you think you saw an exodus of thousands and thousands of Iranians out of the country, some even climbing over mountains to get out? You certainly didn't see this when a Shah took over. In fact, if you speak to many Iranians today, they will tell you that there was nothing wrong with the Shah; and if things were like it was under the Shah, there are a lot who say they would go back to Iran to live out their lives..

Iran We ll support all the terrorist groups we want - AEI Foreign and Defense Policy Blog AEIdeas?
You're right that if the Ayatollah hadn't come back it would be a different country.
It might have still been a democratic country...similar to how it was before the West decided that they didn't like who the democratically elected leader was.

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