Meet the presidential debate 'moderators'


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
October 3 - Jim Lehr


October 11 (VP debate) - Martha Raddatz


October 16 - Candy Crowley


October 22 - Bob Schieffer


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Jim Lehr and Martha Raddatz is probably about as good as you'll get from the liberal networks. Candy Crowley and Bob Scheiffer are total libtards. Just watch their clips and you'll see. They would be very comfortable working at MSNBC.
Hope they are fair.

Good Luck with that. The are not even trying to hide the Bias anymore. Obama and the Dems need Moderates that Sympathies With them, They don't like a fair fight.
I'm reasonably affirmed our candidates will do well, respond appropriately, and will keep the people of the USA in their hearts at all times in answering the questions set before them.

Leadership is not what we think it is sometimes. It's simply putting one person in touch with another sometimes, and at other times, it's taking life stew and being able to pick out the best-cooked cuts and vegetables to the children, cooked with the optimal amount of vitamins left in the food.

Governor Romney is a well-spoken citizen with deep civic and spiritual ties. It could be he will be loved by the American people no matter what kind of stuff is thrown at him in the debates. I think the same thing about the Vice Presidential candidate that Romney picked. I think his financial advice will save the American people a lot of grief.

They must show compassion as the motivation for conservatism. Because that's exactly what conservatism is. It's behavior centered around coming up with resources to help people earn sustenance through their own intelligence and imaginations. Both have given to the world of themselves the best that people can give--problem solving by helping people figure out what's right and then motivating them to do the best they can to achieve goals.

I think our guys can do well at that. They've been practicing it all their adult lives.
You know what this means? Mark my words "no signifigant questions about the economy."
And mark mine, Romney will find a way to make ears hear the finest his heart has to offer, and the American people are likely to make good things happen with him at the nation's helm.
If this faux outrage from the 'nuts were legitimate,

all it proves is that Mitt Romney is too gutless a coward to demand different moderators.

One more reason not to vote for him.
I am excited to see the debates, and have high hopes they wont turn into the booing embarrassment some of the Republican debates were.
Are you saying the networks in alliance with the DNC will fill the audience with Union goons and Hollyweird wannabes to make Republicans look bad and unpopular?
I am excited to see the debates, and have high hopes they wont turn into the booing embarrassment some of the Republican debates were.
Are you saying the networks in alliance with the DNC will fill the audience with Union goons and Hollyweird wannabes to make Republicans look bad and unpopular?

How will not shouting out, not screaming over the moderator and not booing make republicans look bad?
If this faux outrage from the 'nuts were legitimate,

all it proves is that Mitt Romney is too gutless a coward to demand different moderators.

One more reason not to vote for him.

:lol: you've got some gall. get seriuos- obama could crap on your dining room table and throw your grandma off a cliff and you'd ask for the salt, and crawl on broken glass to vote for him regardless.
Why can't moderators be sued for slander and put in the county lockup on those dates of the debates?

Let them open the forum to the citizens and answer questions by ordinary people.

The moderators are so partisan they should be investigated with regard to taking DNC paychecks.
You know what this means? Mark my words "no signifigant questions about the economy."
And mark mine, Romney will find a way to make ears hear the finest his heart has to offer, and the American people are likely to make good things happen with him at the nation's helm.

Romney is a bumbling idiot in public who bites the conservative line without knowing its origins, and therefore, he cannot articulate conservatism.
Oh, hush, Trajan, as if you understand what is fair play.

The candidates will answer as they wish, if the questions are not fair.

I have confidence in Mitt and Paul. You should as well.

If this faux outrage from the 'nuts were legitimate,

all it proves is that Mitt Romney is too gutless a coward to demand different moderators.

One more reason not to vote for him.

:lol: you've got some gall. get seriuos- obama could crap on your dining room table and throw your grandma off a cliff and you'd ask for the salt, and crawl on broken glass to vote for him regardless.

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