Meet The Depressed Is A Terrible Gig. Chuck Todd isn


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Meet The Press is one of the worst gigs in media. The way NBC treated David Gregory is a disgrace.

It's not Gregory's fault that they lost viewers. It's the network's fault. The writers and the producers dictate the topics they discuss. David Gregory was a competent moderator, he just had two strikes against him from day-one.

Nobody likes being lied to. That's what NBC does on a daily basis. Once you lose credibility with the public you're history. Ask Katie Couric or Dan Rather. Lying to the public will get you canned.

The reason NBC chose David Gregory in the first place is because he spoke up often during White House briefings during the Bush years. Now they're replacing him with "F" Chuck Todd, another outspoken liberal pundit. I figure the ratings at NBC's Meet The Depressed will continue to sink as long as they keep trying to push their anti-American agenda down the viewer's throats.

We don't like being dictated to. NBC knows this, and they will suffer because of it. Nobody wants to hear the news when they know it's extremely slanted. They want to hear the whole truth, not just half-truths or outright bullshit. They want the right to decide for themselves what they choose to believe in.
Pretty soon ESPN will find out about this. Once there are other well known alternatives, viewers will get tired of being preached to about Michael Sam and the Washington Redskins changing their name.
Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday goes right down the middle, and he still has credibility. You need credibility to be a reliable source of news. I don't think NBC has any credibility left. Neither does CNN. They're both toast. We're tired of being told how to think.
I look forward to seeing what direction Todd goes with his new position. I always watch the Sunday shows regardless of their "agenda"
Unless he adopts a more balanced approach he'll suffer the same fate as Gregory.
She was pretty hard on Obama today. In fact most of their guests were.
Merely an attempt to gain back lost credibility. I was a bit shocked about it, but you'll discover that they don't do this consistently enough to be trustworthy.
Dem. Sen. Feinstein - Sen. Intel. Cmte. Chair - was none too kind to Barry as she outlined the threat ISIS presents to the US an the rest of the world. Deemed ISIS a vicious, vicious movement that has to be confronted, and sounded hawkish in talking about building coalitions to do just that.
Meet The Press is one of the worst gigs in media. The way NBC treated David Gregory is a disgrace.

It's not Gregory's fault that they lost viewers. It's the network's fault. The writers and the producers dictate the topics they discuss. David Gregory was a competent moderator, he just had two strikes against him from day-one.

Nobody likes being lied to. That's what NBC does on a daily basis. Once you lose credibility with the public you're history. Ask Katie Couric or Dan Rather. Lying to the public will get you canned.

The reason NBC chose David Gregory in the first place is because he spoke up often during White House briefings during the Bush years. Now they're replacing him with "F" Chuck Todd, another outspoken liberal pundit. I figure the ratings at NBC's Meet The Depressed will continue to sink as long as they keep trying to push their anti-American agenda down the viewer's throats.

We don't like being dictated to. NBC knows this, and they will suffer because of it. Nobody wants to hear the news when they know it's extremely slanted. They want to hear the whole truth, not just half-truths or outright bullshit. They want the right to decide for themselves what they choose to believe in.

Tough to follow Tim Russet.

I thought Gregory was a good choice.
Did they give him enough time to get a following?

The reason NBC chose David Gregory in the first place is because he spoke up often during White House briefings during the Bush years. Now they're replacing him with "F" Chuck Todd, another outspoken liberal pundit. I figure the ratings at NBC's Meet The Depressed will continue to sink as long as they keep trying to push their anti-American agenda down the viewer's throats.

I think those who are Republican watched the show when Russert was there gave Gregory a shot.Now with Chuck Todd who is just another member of the Obama Communications department they screwed up.Choosing Todd MSNBC has laid their cards on the table as just who they are.
Lots of folks, including dems, are fed up with brand NBC. They've been aiding and abetting lefty ideolgy for a long time, albeit less blatantly than they've morphed to in recent years. I submit the lying race hustler and supposed reverend Al Sharpton as exibit 1, and host of a daily hour on their struggling cable nnetwork. What chunk of their former level of credibility that cost NBC I don't know, but I assume their suits do and were happy with the tradeoff for whatever increase in black viewers the phony rev brought them.

Bottom line is NBC is now a news and commentary cesspool, and bringing a minor leaguer like Todd up to the big club will simply further erode their Sunday audience.

I give the Brit babe 18 months max before they shitcan her ass and appoint another mistake to replace her.
Meet The Press is one of the worst gigs in media. The way NBC treated David Gregory is a disgrace.

It's not Gregory's fault that they lost viewers. It's the network's fault. The writers and the producers dictate the topics they discuss. David Gregory was a competent moderator, he just had two strikes against him from day-one.

Nobody likes being lied to. That's what NBC does on a daily basis. Once you lose credibility with the public you're history. Ask Katie Couric or Dan Rather. Lying to the public will get you canned.

The reason NBC chose David Gregory in the first place is because he spoke up often during White House briefings during the Bush years. Now they're replacing him with "F" Chuck Todd, another outspoken liberal pundit. I figure the ratings at NBC's Meet The Depressed will continue to sink as long as they keep trying to push their anti-American agenda down the viewer's throats.

We don't like being dictated to. NBC knows this, and they will suffer because of it. Nobody wants to hear the news when they know it's extremely slanted. They want to hear the whole truth, not just half-truths or outright bullshit. They want the right to decide for themselves what they choose to believe in.

Unless NBC goes with someone like an even-handed Russert, it won't matter who they replace Gregory with. I really don't know much about Todd, so I have no idea if he's likely to be a balanced host or not. You? Of course Russert was a powerful host too. He called the shots on that show, so he wasn't pushed around by agenda hounds.
Meet The Press is one of the worst gigs in media. The way NBC treated David Gregory is a disgrace.

It's not Gregory's fault that they lost viewers. It's the network's fault. The writers and the producers dictate the topics they discuss. David Gregory was a competent moderator, he just had two strikes against him from day-one.

Nobody likes being lied to. That's what NBC does on a daily basis. Once you lose credibility with the public you're history. Ask Katie Couric or Dan Rather. Lying to the public will get you canned.

The reason NBC chose David Gregory in the first place is because he spoke up often during White House briefings during the Bush years. Now they're replacing him with "F" Chuck Todd, another outspoken liberal pundit. I figure the ratings at NBC's Meet The Depressed will continue to sink as long as they keep trying to push their anti-American agenda down the viewer's throats.

We don't like being dictated to. NBC knows this, and they will suffer because of it. Nobody wants to hear the news when they know it's extremely slanted. They want to hear the whole truth, not just half-truths or outright bullshit. They want the right to decide for themselves what they choose to believe in.

Unless NBC goes with someone like an even-handed Russert, it won't matter who they replace Gregory with. I really don't know much about Todd, so I have no idea if he's likely to be a balanced host or not. You? Of course Russert was a powerful host too. He called the shots on that show, so he wasn't pushed around by agenda hounds.
Todd is just happy to be there.
Todd should be happy. Likely a significant pay boost with his promotion to the major leagues and, assuming he's got a good lawyer dottin' the i's and crossing the t's in his contract, a significant buyout clause if they have to shitcan him in a few years too. Also, as the second in a row to get booted he'd be in a better position than Gregory to blame it on the suits when he interviews for his next gig.
They should rename it Beat The Press and have pro wrestlers taking down the commentators, or commemorators wrestling while commenting...If this pitch sales, I want a residual....
Tthe last time Meet the Press was relevant was when it was hosted by Tim Russert. Today it's just democrat party blather.
The way NBC treated David Gregory is a disgrace.

A $3 million buyout is a disgrace? They can disgrace me any time!

What was disgraceful?

It's not Gregory's fault that they lost viewers. It's the network's fault. The writers and the producers dictate the topics they discuss. David Gregory was a competent moderator, he just had two strikes against him from day-one.

It's TOTALLY Gregory's fault that they lost viewers. He was horrible. He basically gave all his guests on-air blowjobs. Never a hard question. Never a insightful follow-up. Never holding anyone's feet to the fire. Never confronting guests with their past comments that conflict with their current comments.

The guy was a disaster.

It's obvious to me that you are once again talking out of your ass. If you followed Twitter and ratings/TV sites like, you wouldn't be making such ignorant comments.

The reason NBC chose David Gregory in the first place is because he spoke up often during White House briefings during the Bush years.

False. They chose him because he had seniority, and there was no one else at the time to take the gig. Tom Brokaw didn't want it, Norah O'Donnell wasn't ready yet (and she subsequently split for CBS), and Andrea Mitchell is a horrible interviewer.

Who else were they going to plug into that spot? Luke?

Your basic ignorance never ceases to amaze me, mud. Everything you think you know about politics and media is superficial.
Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday goes right down the middle, and he still has credibility. You need credibility to be a reliable source of news. I don't think NBC has any credibility left. Neither does CNN. They're both toast. We're tired of being told how to think.

Who's forcing you to watch?

And Chris Wallace is a wingnut. I guess you haven't seen his interview with Clinton.

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