Meet American Exceptionalism

'American exceptionalism' is painting soldiers?



^soviet exceptionalism^







Greek exceptionalism

"...he shoulda been a daddy, he shoulda been...." KH

Very sad, because none of these men had the opportunities the men who put them there had. If American exceptionalism were real, it would say we have done enough, bring the men home, dismantle the war machine, and build a peace machine. The tragedy is that two draft dodgers caused so much death and sadness and are still praised by some.

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This has not a thing to do with American Exceptionalism, but God bless this woman, anyway.
This is a term I cannot recall hearing before this week, and which is suddenly everywhere. Please explain to me the difference between "American exceptionalism" and "jingoism".

jingoism n. -- Extreme nationalism characterized especially by a belligerent foreign policy; chauvinistic patriotism.

jingoism: Definition from

Madeline, the term has been a part of the American dialect since the days of Reagan, but not often used except by conservatives, and only mockingly by liberals who have never been able to understand it's meaning seeing it as "jingoism."

Probably at the earliest it was originally expounded upon by De Toqueville. One of his original arguments for American exceptionalism still stands; " - America remains particularly attractive to immigrants because of its perceived economic and political opportunities. - "
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This lady made me weep this morning.

I wish every one of these heros could still be here.

What a HORRIBLE HORRIBLE mistake this war for oil was.
"the Romans fought for Empire. The Pride of that haughty people was to domineer over the rest of Mankind. But this is not our Object. We contend for the Liberty of our Country and the Rights of human Nature. We hope to succeed in so righteous a Contest; and it is our Duty to aquire such Habits, and to cultivate in those who are to come after us such Principles and Manners as will perpetuate to our Country the Blessings which are purchasd with our Toils and Dangers"

-- Samuel Adams; letter to Alexander McDougall (May, 13, 1782)
I am struck by the juxtaposition of the grief of the family over their loss versus the almost manic state of the artist as she is creating a picture of that person.

It's nice that this woman cares enough to put her time and money into this. Any other thoughts on the matter will have to be reserved for the families who received the pictures.

As the artist stated herself, it's not a political issue.
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This is a term I cannot recall hearing before this week, and which is suddenly everywhere. Please explain to me the difference between "American exceptionalism" and "jingoism".

jingoism n. -- Extreme nationalism characterized especially by a belligerent foreign policy; chauvinistic patriotism.

jingoism: Definition from

I suspect that Beck or some other pundit brought it up and the right wing minions are playing echo?

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