Medicare voucher program.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Another GOP nightmare program.

Medicare Voucher Program is still a government paid for program run by private healthcare providers. Only 80% of Medicare is run by government and 20% privately run by Medicare Advantage Programs. Medicare costing seniors about $100 for 80% and Advantage costing about the same plus co-payment, deduction. Where are seniors going to find a private HC provider to coverage them for $200 a month when a colonoscopy cost over a $1000? Private HC providers drop you when you get sick and seniors are already sick. And will they provide a drug program with the voucher?

GOP medicare voucher plan just exchanges government run HC for private run HC. There will be no waste but the fraud will be humongousaur, big campaign contributions for GOPs and big bonuses for CEOs and death panels for seniors.

Privatizing Medicare under Paul Ryan’s plan will not save Medicare but will only expand it because the vouchers will be for “seniors” 55 years old and under who as not yet seniors. And will add millions who are still working and not yet qualified for Medicare? This will not cut cost because it will add millions who have not worked long enough to pay into Medicare to qualify for it and the cost will be humongous and not cost saving. More government spending. Seniors over 55 will continue with regular Medicare?

Vouchers for “seniors” under 55 to buy into private healthcare is pure lunacy and have not reasoning at all. I though the point was to cut Medicare spending not increase Medicare spending by adding millions before they become seniors. And raise the age of retirement for Social Security?

Vouchers for “seniors” 55 and under? WTF. They do not yet qualify for Medicare. I thought the plan was to save Medicare and not destroy it?

I did hear this on Last Word when Weiner and Republican Jack Kingston were discussing the Medicare voucher program.

Wiener and Kingston;
Congressional reaction
The Last Word

Privatizing Medicare under Paul Ryan’s plan will not save Medicare but will only expand it because the vouchers will be for “seniors” 55 years old and under who as not yet seniors. And will add millions who are still working and not yet qualified for Medicare? This will not cut cost because it will add millions who have not worked long enough to pay into Medicare to qualify for it and the cost will be humongous and not cost saving. More government spending. Seniors over 55 will continue with regular Medicare?

Vouchers for “seniors” under 55 to buy into private healthcare is pure lunacy and have not reasoning at all. I though the point was to cut Medicare spending not increase Medicare spending by adding millions before they become seniors. And raise the age of retirement for Social Security?

Vouchers for “seniors” 55 and under? WTF. They do not yet qualify for Medicare. I thought the plan was to save Medicare and not destroy it?

I did hear this on Last Word when Weiner and Republican Jack Kingston were discussing the Medicare voucher program.

Wiener and Kingston;
Congressional reaction
The Last Word

People who have worked and become disabled qualify for medicare....age doesn't matter.

Privatizing Medicare under Paul Ryan’s plan will not save Medicare but will only expand it because the vouchers will be for “seniors” 55 years old and under who as not yet seniors. And will add millions who are still working and not yet qualified for Medicare? This will not cut cost because it will add millions who have not worked long enough to pay into Medicare to qualify for it and the cost will be humongous and not cost saving. More government spending. Seniors over 55 will continue with regular Medicare?

Vouchers for “seniors” under 55 to buy into private healthcare is pure lunacy and have not reasoning at all. I though the point was to cut Medicare spending not increase Medicare spending by adding millions before they become seniors. And raise the age of retirement for Social Security?

Vouchers for “seniors” 55 and under? WTF. They do not yet qualify for Medicare. I thought the plan was to save Medicare and not destroy it?

I did hear this on Last Word when Weiner and Republican Jack Kingston were discussing the Medicare voucher program.

Wiener and Kingston;
Congressional reaction
The Last Word

Those over 55 will start receiving benefits when they retire. Those younger than 55 would begin receiving vouchers when they retire, not now.
HOW the US pays is not really THE problem.

HOW MUCH we pay most definitely IS.
Against seniors and the Federal government.

Where am I a 71 years old with MS going to get a private healthcare provider, any where in this country, that will give me coverage for what the federal and state government pays and allows me for medical care, drugs, medical supplies, physical therapy, rehab, diabetic supplies, home healthcare, hospital stays and surgeries, labs, medical supplies, transplants, etc? I once has a Medicare Advantage plan and dropped it in favor of Medicaid because medical care were rationed and had to have prior authorization for every thing. I could not find a Medical Supplement Plan that would even consider me. Too many medical problem and cost them too much. I have never seen a senior who were happy with their Medicare Advantage Plan. A private provider.

GOP Medicare Voucher plan is a fraud on seniors and on the federal government. Federal government and seniors will pay more and receive less services. Vouchers will screw seniors and federal government.

How does state governments fit into this Medicare Voucher program?

I would like for Paul Ryan to give me an example of what the voucher program would cost me and the federal government and how it would provide for me. I don’t think he can. Paul Ryan and GOP have lost their friggin’ minds. He is not looking out for me but looking out for private healthcare providers and themselves.

Oh, hell no to a Medicare Vouchers program.
But, but Obama said he didn't want Vouchers! He said he didn't want people like you to be at the mercy of the evil Insurance Industry. Are you saying that there are ALREADY vouchers in place and that OBAMA doesn't know what he's talking about? :eek:
This is going to be good.

Republicans are digging a huge grave with this one.

I love it.

Ryan's plan is going nowhere. When Americans take a good look at it, they will not support it. That being said, Americans are going to have a tough time supporting anything that cuts into Medicare, and we all know that cuts have to be made. The good thing about Ryan's plan is that it has started a real conversation as to what we are going to do to keep Medicare solvent. I still believe that the final solution will involve raising the retirement age at which most people will be able to collect on Medicare. Most likely, this will happen with SS also.

Privatizing Medicare under Paul Ryan’s plan will not save Medicare but will only expand it because the vouchers will be for “seniors” 55 years old and under who as not yet seniors. And will add millions who are still working and not yet qualified for Medicare? This will not cut cost because it will add millions who have not worked long enough to pay into Medicare to qualify for it and the cost will be humongous and not cost saving. More government spending. Seniors over 55 will continue with regular Medicare?

Vouchers for “seniors” under 55 to buy into private healthcare is pure lunacy and have not reasoning at all. I though the point was to cut Medicare spending not increase Medicare spending by adding millions before they become seniors. And raise the age of retirement for Social Security?

Vouchers for “seniors” 55 and under? WTF. They do not yet qualify for Medicare. I thought the plan was to save Medicare and not destroy it?

I did hear this on Last Word when Weiner and Republican Jack Kingston were discussing the Medicare voucher program.

Wiener and Kingston;
Congressional reaction
The Last Word

Vouchers would destroy it. No insurance company will give insurance to people 70 and 80 years old. That's why these programs were started to begin with. I think it's hilarious that the biggest supporters of Republicans are "old people". For Republicans, "rich people" trumps "loyal".
I had the plan explained to me and it was not Paul Ryan. Those who are 55 now would be eligible in 2021when the voucher plan goes into effect and we who are collecting now will have died off. Problem is what to do now, not 10 years from now. Still a stupid plan with the same problems. We may be extinct by then. If it is so cost effective why not implement it now?2021 is a joke.
I had the plan explained to me and it was not Paul Ryan. Those who are 55 now would be eligible in 2021when the voucher plan goes into effect and we who are collecting now will have died off. Problem is what to do now, not 10 years from now. Still a stupid plan with the same problems. We may be extinct by then. If it is so cost effective why not implement it now?2021 is a joke.

So you are saying that throwing old people "under the bus" is a "good thing"?

Medicare vouchers are just another Medicare supplement plan that will have same control of your medical care. Only difference is it will be nation wide and will put supplement plans out of business.

What seniors with a Medicare supplement plan now is an example of what seniors will get under the voucher plan.

---you continue to pay your Medicare premium but your Medicare card will be useless because the supplement plan take over and provide all you medical care.

---your are required to use plan hospitals and doctors listed on the plan.

---prescription coverage limited with co-pays.

---service areas. Only out of state emergency coverage.

---required to pay larger premiums for dental, vision and hearing coverage.

---prior authorization for specialists, labs test, physical therapy and rehabilitation, home healthcare and medical supplies.

---medical care is rationed by the private Medicare supplement plan.

Multiply options plans depending what your are willing to pay for.

Plans that provide bare minimum coverage may not have a premium. If you want more, you pay more. Not Medicare. Medicare card is replaced with a supplement plan card and control all your medical care and not you and your doctor. I cannot see this changing under the Medicare Voucher program.

Low income seniors whose Medicare premiums, co-pays, deductions and prescription drug plan is paid for by the state Medicaid program do not need a private supplement plan and get better medical care.

They can opt to have a supplement program or opt of straight Medicare and supplement Medicaid but they give up control of their medical care.

These seniors are very happy with their Medicare care. There medical care is controlled by them, their doctors, Medicare and Medicaid.

I see the same problems under Medicare supplement problem as with the vouchers. I can see seniors under the voucher plan and paying more and receiving less. As they do under the Medicare supplement plans.
But, but Obama said he didn't want Vouchers! He said he didn't want people like you to be at the mercy of the evil Insurance Industry. Are you saying that there are ALREADY vouchers in place and that OBAMA doesn't know what he's talking about? :eek:

NO, I made a mistake listening to videos. Vouchers would not go into effect until those who are now 55 become of age in 2021. BUT the voucher program is already in effect through Medicare Advantage or Supplement programs that I explained in my latest post on Medicare supplement plans that if you choose on it take the place of Medicare and controls all of your medical care.
If medicare has a problem not why wait until 2021 to fix it?
I had the plan explained to me and it was not Paul Ryan. Those who are 55 now would be eligible in 2021when the voucher plan goes into effect and we who are collecting now will have died off. Problem is what to do now, not 10 years from now. Still a stupid plan with the same problems. We may be extinct by then. If it is so cost effective why not implement it now?2021 is a joke.

So you are saying that throwing old people "under the bus" is a "good thing"?

Explain. how are people thrown under the bus? :confused:

Medicare vouchers are just another Medicare supplement plan that will have same control of your medical care. Only difference is it will be nation wide and will put supplement plans out of business.

What seniors with a Medicare supplement plan now is an example of what seniors will get under the voucher plan.

---you continue to pay your Medicare premium but your Medicare card will be useless because the supplement plan take over and provide all you medical care.

---your are required to use plan hospitals and doctors listed on the plan.

---prescription coverage limited with co-pays.

---service areas. Only out of state emergency coverage.

---required to pay larger premiums for dental, vision and hearing coverage.

---prior authorization for specialists, labs test, physical therapy and rehabilitation, home healthcare and medical supplies.

---medical care is rationed by the private Medicare supplement plan.

Multiply options plans depending what your are willing to pay for.

Plans that provide bare minimum coverage may not have a premium. If you want more, you pay more. Not Medicare. Medicare card is replaced with a supplement plan card and control all your medical care and not you and your doctor. I cannot see this changing under the Medicare Voucher program.

Low income seniors whose Medicare premiums, co-pays, deductions and prescription drug plan is paid for by the state Medicaid program do not need a private supplement plan and get better medical care.

They can opt to have a supplement program or opt of straight Medicare and supplement Medicaid but they give up control of their medical care.

These seniors are very happy with their Medicare care. There medical care is controlled by them, their doctors, Medicare and Medicaid.

I see the same problems under Medicare supplement problem as with the vouchers. I can see seniors under the voucher plan and paying more and receiving less. As they do under the Medicare supplement plans.

Hilarious. I love it.

The reason those programs were created in the first place was because people 70 and 80 years old are "uninsured". Why? Because they are 70 and 80 years old. Try to reason out why.

Medicare vouchers are just another Medicare supplement plan that will have same control of your medical care. Only difference is it will be nation wide and will put supplement plans out of business.

What seniors with a Medicare supplement plan now is an example of what seniors will get under the voucher plan.

---you continue to pay your Medicare premium but your Medicare card will be useless because the supplement plan take over and provide all you medical care.

---your are required to use plan hospitals and doctors listed on the plan.

---prescription coverage limited with co-pays.

---service areas. Only out of state emergency coverage.

---required to pay larger premiums for dental, vision and hearing coverage.

---prior authorization for specialists, labs test, physical therapy and rehabilitation, home healthcare and medical supplies.

---medical care is rationed by the private Medicare supplement plan.

Multiply options plans depending what your are willing to pay for.

Plans that provide bare minimum coverage may not have a premium. If you want more, you pay more. Not Medicare. Medicare card is replaced with a supplement plan card and control all your medical care and not you and your doctor. I cannot see this changing under the Medicare Voucher program.

Low income seniors whose Medicare premiums, co-pays, deductions and prescription drug plan is paid for by the state Medicaid program do not need a private supplement plan and get better medical care.

They can opt to have a supplement program or opt of straight Medicare and supplement Medicaid but they give up control of their medical care.

These seniors are very happy with their Medicare care. There medical care is controlled by them, their doctors, Medicare and Medicaid.

I see the same problems under Medicare supplement problem as with the vouchers. I can see seniors under the voucher plan and paying more and receiving less. As they do under the Medicare supplement plans.

Hilarious. I love it.

The reason those programs were created in the first place was because people 70 and 80 years old are "uninsured". Why? Because they are 70 and 80 years old. Try to reason out why.

Still can't figure it out? Pity.

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