Medical marijuana

My concern is that the majority of posters in this thread don't seem to know the difference between medical marijuana and recreational marijuana, and it's that conflation of the two, combined with the hysterical fear of Reefer Madness that has complicated the legalization process.

I don't need to know the difference. All I need to know is that the main chemical in that crap (THC) has mind altering effects and therefore has no place in the hands of citizens.
My concern is that the majority of posters in this thread don't seem to know the difference between medical marijuana and recreational marijuana, and it's that conflation of the two, combined with the hysterical fear of Reefer Madness that has complicated the legalization process.

I don't need to know the difference. All I need to know is that the main chemical in that crap (THC) has mind altering effects and therefore has no place in the hands of citizens.

Not entirely true. Some forms (particularly those for medical uses) are processed to remove most or all of the THC and leave the CBD, which is the pain-relieving, anti-emetic, etc. property.

Thank you for highlighting one of the many areas of misunderstanding.
Not entirely true. Some forms (particularly those for medical uses) are processed to remove most or all of the THC and leave the CBD, which is the pain-relieving, anti-emetic, etc. property.

Thank you for highlighting one of the many areas of misunderstanding.

Until the only versions in existence have ZERO THC and no ability to have it re-engineered into the plant I have no use for ut. Even though i have glaucoma abd seizure issues.
My concern is that the majority of posters in this thread don't seem to know the difference between medical marijuana and recreational marijuana, and it's that conflation of the two, combined with the hysterical fear of Reefer Madness that has complicated the legalization process.

I don't need to know the difference. All I need to know is that the main chemical in that crap (THC) has mind altering effects and therefore has no place in the hands of citizens.
yea the mind altering effects of relaxation and making some people feel good.....but hey go ahead put that gun to your head....
Not entirely true. Some forms (particularly those for medical uses) are processed to remove most or all of the THC and leave the CBD, which is the pain-relieving, anti-emetic, etc. property.

Thank you for highlighting one of the many areas of misunderstanding.

Until the only versions in existence have ZERO THC and no ability to have it re-engineered into the plant I have no use for ut. Even though i have glaucoma abd seizure issues.

Do you take prescription medication for either condition?
My concern is that the majority of posters in this thread don't seem to know the difference between medical marijuana and recreational marijuana, and it's that conflation of the two, combined with the hysterical fear of Reefer Madness that has complicated the legalization process.

I don't need to know the difference. All I need to know is that the main chemical in that crap (THC) has mind altering effects and therefore has no place in the hands of citizens.

Ironic, considering your own mind is in more need of alteration than anybody's.
Do you take prescription medication for either condition?

Yes. I've been taking eye drops daily for more than thirty-five years. I had to go back on a low dose of an anti-seizure medication about two and a half years ago.

Both of which have the potential for side effects far more mind-altering than CBD in pill form that might be more effective.

But the FDA says it's okay for you to use those drugs.

But when - not if, but when - the FDA okays the use of medical CBD, you'll still refuse it.
My concern is that the majority of posters in this thread don't seem to know the difference between medical marijuana and recreational marijuana, and it's that conflation of the two, combined with the hysterical fear of Reefer Madness that has complicated the legalization process.

All I need to know is that the main chemical in that crap (THC) has mind altering effects

So does caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, sugar, and a number of over-the-counter medicines. Are we then to slap these out of the hand of the consumer? Sheesh, maybe Bloomberg has a chance after all :rolleyes:
Both of which have the potential for side effects far more mind-altering than CBD in pill form that might be more effective.......

But when - not if, but when - the FDA okays the use of medical CBD, you'll still refuse it.

I've never had side effects from the eye drops. The only side effect of my Kepra has been the mild lack of energy thst is inherebt to pretty much any med of thst type.

With the potential for unsuitable mental effects, I could not in good conscience take medical marijuana.
Both of which have the potential for side effects far more mind-altering than CBD in pill form that might be more effective.......

But when - not if, but when - the FDA okays the use of medical CBD, you'll still refuse it.

I've never had side effects from the eye drops. The only side effect of my Kepra has been the mild lack of energy thst is inherebt to pretty much any med of thst type.

With the potential for unsuitable mental effects, I could not in good conscience take medical marijuana.

And yet you took Keppra, despite its potential for the following side effects:

Keppra Side Effects in Detail -
So does caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, sugar, and a number of over-the-counter medicines. Are we then to slap these out of the hand of the consumer? Sheesh, maybe Bloomberg has a chance after all :rolleyes:

I avoid the first three items,on that list religiously. Sugar is unavoidable in our society. I do my best to avoid OTC medications as much as possible; including and especially pain killers.
I've know more stoners in my life, and I never care to even associate with any of them again, ever. What a complete bunch of losers. They are untrustworthy, uninitiated, unloyal, and unethical. They only care about themselves and their next high. I don't care what anyone says, smoking dope does lead to harder drugs. It offers no real medicinal value whatsoever, and those who say it does are just deceiving themselves into believing "it" helps. It does NOT.
If you let,alcohol, sex,gambling, food......... Get the best of you yep your a mess,as far a value medically, you havnt a clue.

Don't even go there! You haven't a clue what I've been through, so don't speculate on what I've dealt with medically. Tried it as I was desperate for relief, so I DO know first hand. Claiming it helps is just an excuse, and if there were evidence it did, the medical community would embrace it, which they do not.

They don't?

Here's a small sample of medical organizations that support immediate legal access to medical marijuana:

AIDS Action Council
AIDS Treatment News
American Academy of Family Physicians
American Medical Student Association
American Nurses Association
American Osteopathic Association
American Preventive Medical Association
American Public Health Association
American Society of Addiction Medicine
Arthritis Research Campaign (United Kingdom)
Australian Medical Association (New South Wales) Limited
Australian National Task Force on Cannabis
Belgian Ministry of Health
British House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology
British House of Lords Select Committee On Science and Technology (Second Report)
British Medical Association
Canadian AIDS Society
Canadian Special Senate Committee on Illegal Drugs
Dr. Dean Edell (surgeon and nationally syndicated radio host)
French Ministry of Health
Health Canada
Kaiser Permanente
Lymphoma Foundation of America
The Montel Williams MS Foundation
Multiple Sclerosis Society (Canada)
The Multiple Sclerosis Society (United Kingdom)
National Academy of Sciences Institute Of Medicine (IOM)
National Association for Public Health Policy
National Nurses Society on Addictions
Netherlands Ministry of Health
New England Journal of Medicine
New South Wales (Australia) Parliamentary Working Party on the Use of Cannabis for Medical Purposes
Dr. Andrew Weil (nationally recognized professor of internal medicine and founder of the National Integrative Medicine Council)
And yet you took Keppra, despite its potential for the following side effects:

Having taken its predecessor, Phenobarbital, as a child, I had a reasonable belief that the only side effect would be the slight loss of energy. With proper diet I've overcome that as well.

If tbe side effects had been more extensive, I wouldn't be here to have this conversation.
Both of which have the potential for side effects far more mind-altering than CBD in pill form that might be more effective.......

But when - not if, but when - the FDA okays the use of medical CBD, you'll still refuse it.

I've never had side effects from the eye drops. The only side effect of my Kepra has been the mild lack of energy thst is inherebt to pretty much any med of thst type.

With the potential for unsuitable mental effects, I could not in good conscience take medical marijuana.
the only "unsuitable" mental effect pot would have on you is decreasing your desire to kill yourself by easing the pain.....but hey believe the bullshit you are fed,its good for you...
And yet you took Keppra, despite its potential for the following side effects:

Having taken its predecessor, Phenobarbital, as a child, I had a reasonable belief that the only side effect would be the slight loss of energy. With proper diet I've overcome that as well.

If tbe side effects had been more extensive, I wouldn't be here to have this conversation.

I'm just pointing out that your objections to CBD are emotional and not based on medical fact.
Again, interesting perspective, but nothing to do with what I posted.

My concern is that the majority of posters in this thread don't seem to know the difference between medical marijuana and recreational marijuana, and it's that conflation of the two, combined with the hysterical fear of Reefer Madness that has complicated the legalization process.
OK , what can you tell us about medical marijuana ?

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