Media Tries to Make Trump Look Wrong on “Most Cases Harmless” Remark by Mixing Up Death Rates


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012


Media Tries to Make Trump Look Wrong on “Most Cases Harmless” Remark by Mixing Up Death Rates

A textbook example of contempt for the intelligence of the American public has emerged in a media attempt to make Trump look wrong, when he is actually right. A Yahoo News headline reads: "White House defends Trump's claim that 99 percent of COVID-19 cases are 'harmless' with chart showing 5 percent are fatal."

The article refers to Trumps remark over the weekend that “99 percent” of U.S. coronavirus cases are “totally harmless," a correct appraisal of the CDC's latest overall infection fatality rate which includes all infections, whether they are symptomatic or asymptomatic, diagnosed or undiagnosed. The CDC now estimates that over 99.7% of people infected with COVID will recover. Most will never even know they had it.

The CDC estimated survival rate is now over 99.7% of all cases, both confirmed and unconfirmed. The number touted by the media to contradict Trump's claim is the 5% of confirmed, diagnosed caseswho die, which does not take into account the vast number of COVID infections which show no symptoms or show mild symptoms, after which the infected person's immune systems builds antibodies on its own.

The widely accepted total infection mortality rate for common flu is .1%. The CDC infection mortality rate estimate for COVID is now .25 to .3 percent.

The Yahoo News headline, which appears on millions of browsers around the world as a part of Yahoo's search engine, begins:

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany came to her press briefing on Monday prepared to defend President Trump’s claim over the weekend that “99 percent” of U.S. coronavirus cases are “totally harmless”with two charts illustrating the country’s COVID-19 death rate.
But McEnany’s slides showed a case fatality rate — the percentage of confirmed cases that result in death — of 4.6 percent, not the 1 percent implied by Trump.
Those most at risk of death, as with influenza, are frail elderly, mostly in nursing homes, and people with serious co-morbidities, the primary one of which is morbid obesity. These are people who are roughy 80 to 100 pounds overweight, and have trouble breathing or walking.

The estimated total infection fatality rate of COVID - all diagnosed and undiagnosed cases, has been in steady decline since present lockdown policies began to be announced in March, as more studies show that the great majority of infections are asymptomatic or show only mild symptoms.



Media reporting on the coronavirus, in fact, seems to have devolved into a juvenile press corp keen for the next opportunity to do a "gotcha" of Trump on an issue which has resulted in millions of Americans out of work, and facing life-changing decisions. Another glaring omission in reporting is the context of pandemics in recent decades which never resulted in the barest whisper of shutdowns, but which in per capita terms, took more lives that the present COVID. This is the case with both the 1957 and 1968 flu pandemics, which most people have never even heard of.



Other COVID News:

Is COVID-Linked inflammatory Syndrome Which Kills Children Related to Prior Vaccinations?


Media Tries to Make Trump Look Wrong on “Most Cases Harmless” Remark by Mixing Up Death Rates

A textbook example of contempt for the intelligence of the American public has emerged in a media attempt to make Trump look wrong, when he is actually right. A Yahoo News headline reads: "White House defends Trump's claim that 99 percent of COVID-19 cases are 'harmless' with chart showing 5 percent are fatal."

The article refers to Trumps remark over the weekend that “99 percent” of U.S. coronavirus cases are “totally harmless," a correct appraisal of the CDC's latest overall infection fatality rate which includes all infections, whether they are symptomatic or asymptomatic, diagnosed or undiagnosed. The CDC now estimates that over 99.7% of people infected with COVID will recover. Most will never even know they had it.

The CDC estimated survival rate is now over 99.7% of all cases, both confirmed and unconfirmed. The number touted by the media to contradict Trump's claim is the 5% of confirmed, diagnosed caseswho die, which does not take into account the vast number of COVID infections which show no symptoms or show mild symptoms, after which the infected person's immune systems builds antibodies on its own.

The widely accepted total infection mortality rate for common flu is .1%. The CDC infection mortality rate estimate for COVID is now .25 to .3 percent.

The Yahoo News headline, which appears on millions of browsers around the world as a part of Yahoo's search engine, begins:

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany came to her press briefing on Monday prepared to defend President Trump’s claim over the weekend that “99 percent” of U.S. coronavirus cases are “totally harmless”with two charts illustrating the country’s COVID-19 death rate.
But McEnany’s slides showed a case fatality rate — the percentage of confirmed cases that result in death — of 4.6 percent, not the 1 percent implied by Trump.
Those most at risk of death, as with influenza, are frail elderly, mostly in nursing homes, and people with serious co-morbidities, the primary one of which is morbid obesity. These are people who are roughy 80 to 100 pounds overweight, and have trouble breathing or walking.

The estimated total infection fatality rate of COVID - all diagnosed and undiagnosed cases, has been in steady decline since present lockdown policies began to be announced in March, as more studies show that the great majority of infections are asymptomatic or show only mild symptoms.



Media reporting on the coronavirus, in fact, seems to have devolved into a juvenile press corp keen for the next opportunity to do a "gotcha" of Trump on an issue which has resulted in millions of Americans out of work, and facing life-changing decisions. Another glaring omission in reporting is the context of pandemics in recent decades which never resulted in the barest whisper of shutdowns, but which in per capita terms, took more lives that the present COVID. This is the case with both the 1957 and 1968 flu pandemics, which most people have never even heard of.



Other COVID News:

Is COVID-Linked inflammatory Syndrome Which Kills Children Related to Prior Vaccinations?

Sure, just keep remembering, it's all the Democrats latest hoax. Gotta say, you covidiots...are just plain stupid. Now we're on to the right wing talking point of deaths...cause nothing else is sticking, huh?

Go back to the Interwebs Library and do your research.

How is that wrong when less than 1% of those who contract it die from it?
Because that number is wrong. The current U.S. death rate is approaching 5%.

Where do you get your news from,Sesame street?


Go back to the Interwebs Library and do your research.

How is that wrong when less than 1% of those who contract it die from it?

The recovery rate in the USA is 91% compared to 93% in the world overall.


Go back to the Interwebs Library and do your research.

How is that wrong when less than 1% of those who contract it die from it?

The recovery rate in the USA is 91% compared to 93% in the world overall.

So everyone else is wrong and some site no one's ever heard of is right?

Go back to the Interwebs Library and do your research.

How is that wrong when less than 1% of those who contract it die from it?
Because that number is wrong. The current U.S. death rate is approaching 5%.

Go back to the Interwebs Library and do your research.

How is that wrong when less than 1% of those who contract it die from it?
Because that number is wrong. The current U.S. death rate is approaching 5%.

Where do you get your news from,Sesame street?

From the actual death rate.

Go back to the Interwebs Library and do your research.

How is that wrong when less than 1% of those who contract it die from it?
Because that number is wrong. The current U.S. death rate is approaching 5%.

Go back to the Interwebs Library and do your research.

How is that wrong when less than 1% of those who contract it die from it?
Because that number is wrong. The current U.S. death rate is approaching 5%.

Where do you get your news from,Sesame street?

From the actual death rate.

Do me a favor....
Highlight where it says that in your article.

Go back to the Interwebs Library and do your research.

How is that wrong when less than 1% of those who contract it die from it?
Because that number is wrong. The current U.S. death rate is approaching 5%.

Go back to the Interwebs Library and do your research.

How is that wrong when less than 1% of those who contract it die from it?
Because that number is wrong. The current U.S. death rate is approaching 5%.

Where do you get your news from,Sesame street?

From the actual death rate.

Do me a favor....
Highlight where it says that in your article.
Too many big words?

Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC) decreased from 9.0% during week 25 to 5.9% during week 26, representing the tenth week of a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC. The percentage is currently at the epidemic threshold but will likely change as more death certificates are processed, particularly for recent weeks.

Go back to the Interwebs Library and do your research.

How is that wrong when less than 1% of those who contract it die from it?
Because that number is wrong. The current U.S. death rate is approaching 5%.

Go back to the Interwebs Library and do your research.

How is that wrong when less than 1% of those who contract it die from it?
Because that number is wrong. The current U.S. death rate is approaching 5%.

Where do you get your news from,Sesame street?

From the actual death rate.

Do me a favor....
Highlight where it says that in your article.
Too many big words?

Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC) decreased from 9.0% during week 25 to 5.9% during week 26, representing the tenth week of a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC. The percentage is currently at the epidemic threshold but will likely change as more death certificates are processed, particularly for recent weeks.

So NPR and CNN are lying?

Go back to the Interwebs Library and do your research.

How is that wrong when less than 1% of those who contract it die from it?
Because that number is wrong. The current U.S. death rate is approaching 5%.

Go back to the Interwebs Library and do your research.

How is that wrong when less than 1% of those who contract it die from it?
Because that number is wrong. The current U.S. death rate is approaching 5%.

Where do you get your news from,Sesame street?

From the actual death rate.

Do me a favor....
Highlight where it says that in your article.
Too many big words?

Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC) decreased from 9.0% during week 25 to 5.9% during week 26, representing the tenth week of a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC. The percentage is currently at the epidemic threshold but will likely change as more death certificates are processed, particularly for recent weeks.

"pneumonia, influenza"
Are lumped in with those numbers by the way.

Go back to the Interwebs Library and do your research.

How is that wrong when less than 1% of those who contract it die from it?
Because that number is wrong. The current U.S. death rate is approaching 5%.

Go back to the Interwebs Library and do your research.

How is that wrong when less than 1% of those who contract it die from it?
Because that number is wrong. The current U.S. death rate is approaching 5%.

Where do you get your news from,Sesame street?

From the actual death rate.

Do me a favor....
Highlight where it says that in your article.
Too many big words?

Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC) decreased from 9.0% during week 25 to 5.9% during week 26, representing the tenth week of a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC. The percentage is currently at the epidemic threshold but will likely change as more death certificates are processed, particularly for recent weeks.

"pneumonia, influenza"
Are lumped in with those numbers by the way.
Yet the experts say the numbers are undercounted.
Lol @ the media.

My husband and I attended a function recently and some little twink kept introducing himself and spouting off he was in media. No idea how he got into a bar association dinner but the the little dude was dog paddling amongst sharks.


Media Tries to Make Trump Look Wrong on “Most Cases Harmless” Remark by Mixing Up Death Rates

A textbook example of contempt for the intelligence of the American public has emerged in a media attempt to make Trump look wrong, when he is actually right. A Yahoo News headline reads: "White House defends Trump's claim that 99 percent of COVID-19 cases are 'harmless' with chart showing 5 percent are fatal."

The article refers to Trumps remark over the weekend that “99 percent” of U.S. coronavirus cases are “totally harmless," a correct appraisal of the CDC's latest overall infection fatality rate which includes all infections, whether they are symptomatic or asymptomatic, diagnosed or undiagnosed. The CDC now estimates that over 99.7% of people infected with COVID will recover. Most will never even know they had it.

The CDC estimated survival rate is now over 99.7% of all cases, both confirmed and unconfirmed. The number touted by the media to contradict Trump's claim is the 5% of confirmed, diagnosed caseswho die, which does not take into account the vast number of COVID infections which show no symptoms or show mild symptoms, after which the infected person's immune systems builds antibodies on its own.

The widely accepted total infection mortality rate for common flu is .1%. The CDC infection mortality rate estimate for COVID is now .25 to .3 percent.

The Yahoo News headline, which appears on millions of browsers around the world as a part of Yahoo's search engine, begins:

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany came to her press briefing on Monday prepared to defend President Trump’s claim over the weekend that “99 percent” of U.S. coronavirus cases are “totally harmless”with two charts illustrating the country’s COVID-19 death rate.
But McEnany’s slides showed a case fatality rate — the percentage of confirmed cases that result in death — of 4.6 percent, not the 1 percent implied by Trump.
Those most at risk of death, as with influenza, are frail elderly, mostly in nursing homes, and people with serious co-morbidities, the primary one of which is morbid obesity. These are people who are roughy 80 to 100 pounds overweight, and have trouble breathing or walking.

The estimated total infection fatality rate of COVID - all diagnosed and undiagnosed cases, has been in steady decline since present lockdown policies began to be announced in March, as more studies show that the great majority of infections are asymptomatic or show only mild symptoms.



Media reporting on the coronavirus, in fact, seems to have devolved into a juvenile press corp keen for the next opportunity to do a "gotcha" of Trump on an issue which has resulted in millions of Americans out of work, and facing life-changing decisions. Another glaring omission in reporting is the context of pandemics in recent decades which never resulted in the barest whisper of shutdowns, but which in per capita terms, took more lives that the present COVID. This is the case with both the 1957 and 1968 flu pandemics, which most people have never even heard of.



Other COVID News:

Is COVID-Linked inflammatory Syndrome Which Kills Children Related to Prior Vaccinations?

Your stupid chart is useless. The three previous viruses were measured over a YEAR'S TIME.
COVID's numbers are based on the past 131 days.
Use your head!
Besides, this is some guy's Wordpress blog, for Christ's sake.
He's not an authority. He's a blogger.

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