Media Stalking-horses


Sep 23, 2010
The media wasted no time telling us that Tea Party candidates did poorly in Super-Tuesday’s primaries. The message is: Voters have spoken; conservatives can safely vote for establishment Republicans. The media along with a few conservatives is even speculating that the Tea Party nudged the Republican party to the Right. That crap is nothing more than bait on the same rusty old hook —— a Republican is better than the Democrat.

Establishment Republicans never gave conservatives, or conservatism, the time of day. They are not about to start now. Their game is, and always was, more of the same policies that brought to country to where it is at today. Only fools believe that Karl Rove’s Republicans are changed people.

NOTE: The conservative movement was nowhere in sight in 2000 or in 2004. So it was Bush the Younger who finally opened my eyes. In 2000 I was a Bush cheerleader. By the time he ran for reelection his opponent, John Kerry, was the only reason for voting for Bush. Incidentally, Karl Rove rode in on the same horse that gave us Bush the Younger.

As far as I’m concerned, nothing has changed since the media and the Republican party rammed John McCain and Mitt Romney down every conservative’s throat. I did not vote for them, nor will I vote for the next media-anointed stalking-horse:

stalking-horse (noun)

1. Something used to cover one's true purpose; a decoy.

2. A sham candidate put forward to conceal the candidacy of another or to divide the opposition.

3. a. A horse trained to conceal the hunter while stalking. b. A canvas screen made in the figure of a horse, used for similar concealment.

My view is that Tea Partiers are still not in position to implement conservative policies; limited government, dismantle the welfare state, secure the borders, and so on. In other words, a victory by John McCain or Mitt Romney would not have given conservatives more than Barack Taqiyya is giving in the form of contempt and disgust for everything liberalism represents. Those same forces will be at work against another RINO, while working for Hillary Clinton in 2012. Bottom line: Four more years of another Democrat president a majority of Americans will despise is infinitely better than an establishment Republican. It comes down to a clear choice for conservatives:

1. NOT getting anything from a Republican president.

2. Getting a lot more hatred for a Democrat president.

That brings me to great piece by J.R. Dunn:

One unavoidable truth that must be faced regarding the media and 2014 is this: the American media has the conservatives’ number. They know exactly where the blind spots are, which are the most sensitive points, and how to do the most damage. And they have absolutely no compunction about taking advantage of it.


Sensing easy prey in people who so avidly cooperate in their own destruction, the media has relentlessly expanded its strategy for portraying conservatives as gibbering idiots for whom no sane voter would press the lever. For decades the media has collaborated with Democrats and the liberal elites in creating a superstructure that exists for the sole purpose of humiliating conservative candidates and spokesmen. It is proactive, universal, and often quite successful. It has also been virtually ignored by the conservative establishment, which consistently behaves as if American politics is a gentleman’s pastime operating by the same rules that it did in the late 19th century.

Allow me to digress on a lighter note:

A more successful effort was carried out against Mitt Romney himself. It’s often forgotten these days that the first debate was a homer for Mitt, who savaged Obama like pit bull with a rag doll, shaking him silly and chasing him from one end of the stage to the other. If the ensuing debates had gone the same way, we’d now be bitching about what a RINO the president is.

But something happened between the debates. Several somethings, in point of fact. Somebody -- either the GOP establishment, his staff, or likely both -- got to Mitt. He’s a colored gent, you know. You can’t speak to his kind that way. Nobless oblige, there, good fellow.… So the Romney that appeared in the second debate was a much tamer, much more low-key contender. Much like the media caricature of Mitt Romney, in fact.

The picture is of a capstan used on sailing ships before they were driven by electric motors on steamships.


Mr. Dunn reminded me of the first time I ever ran into politically correct speech years before it was invented. Old-time seamen often called a capstan a niggerhead. It was not a racial slur. Example: “Take that line to the niggerhead.”

I cracked up the first time I heard someone say “Take that line to the colored gentleman’s cranium.”

Dunn goes on to ask a serious question:

So what’s to be done?

May 22, 2014
How Conservatives Can Defeat the Media
By J.R. Dunn

Articles: How Conservatives Can Defeat the Media

The answer for conservatives is simple. Don’t vote for a media candidate —— Republican or Democrat. The day must come when a true conservative has a real chance of winning the presidency the same way a few have won congressional seats.
Tea Party conservatives gotta love Ross Kaminsky’s observation in his opening paragraph. Either the cadaver took over the undertaker, or a tamed lion took over the lion tamer.

According to media reports from liberal and conservative outlets alike, the Tea Party is somewhere between “tamed” and dead — the mainstream right helpfully suggesting the former while the left (which is to say most of the media) gleefully proclaim the latter. At the same time, the liberal message machine has issued new — and completely contradictory — talking points urging desperate Democrats to pronounce authoritatively that the Tea Party has “taken over” the GOP.

The Tea Party: Tamed, Torpedoed, or Top Dog?
Or indispensable vaccine against the RINO-virus?
By Ross Kaminsky – 5.22.14

The Tea Party: Tamed, Torpedoed, or Top Dog? | The American Spectator

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