Media Matters Being Investigated for Fraudulent Activity by Texas AG's Office

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
I believe this is over the whole Twitter bruhaha of companies like IBM, Apple, etc allegedly having their ads show up next to anti-Semitic posts and then pulling all advertising from the platform. I'm not sure what the implication is here other than perhaps they believe Media Matters is making the whole thing up.

No seeing how this relates to the state of Texas or the AG's duties. But given this is Paxton...
not surprising you dont get it,,
Enlighten me on how this relates to the dutires of the Texas AG. I will link to help you, from His own office:

Duties & Responsibilities of the Office of the Attorney General​

Attorney General Ken Paxton is the lawyer for the State of Texas and is charged by the Texas Constitution to:
  • defend the laws and the Constitution of the State of Texas
  • represent the State in litigation
  • approve public bond issues
To fulfill these responsibilities, the Office of the Attorney General serves as legal counsel to all boards and agencies of state government, issues legal opinions when requested by the Governor, heads of state agencies and other officials and agencies as provided by Texas statutes, sits as an ex-officio member of state committees and commissions, and defends challenges to state laws and suits against both state agencies and individual employees of the State.
The Office of the Attorney General has taken on numerous other roles through the years. Texas statutes contain nearly 2000 references to the Attorney General. In addition to its constitutionally prescribed duties, the Office of the Attorney General files civil suits upon referral by other state agencies. In some circumstances, the Attorney General has original jurisdiction to prosecute violations of the law, but in most cases, criminal prosecutions by the Attorney General are initiated only upon the request of a local prosecutor.
Although the Attorney General is prohibited from offering legal advice or representing private individuals, he serves and protects the rights of all citizens of Texas through the activities of the various divisions of the agencies. Actions that benefit all citizens of this state include enforcement of health, safety and consumer regulations; educational outreach programs and protection of the rights of the elderly and disabled. The Attorney General is also charged with the collection of court-ordered child support and the administration of the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund.
Enlighten me on how this relates to the dutires of the Texas AG. I will link to help you, from His own office:

Duties & Responsibilities of the Office of the Attorney General​

you see theres this thing called the internet,, and it goes to every state in the country, and because it goes to texas any fraud or crime comitted on the internet the AG of texas can look into or even prosecute,,

hope that clears it up for you,,
you see theres this thing called the internet,, and it goes to every state in the country, and because it goes to texas any fraud or crime comitted on the internet the AG of texas can look into or even prosecute,,

hope that clears it up for you,,
So its a fishing expedition and not related to a duty of breach of Texas law.

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