Media Ignoring Trump Just Slapped New Sanctions On Russia?!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Trump administration slaps new sanctions on Russian firms, individuals

"The Trump administration on Tuesday announced that it is sanctioning two Russian firms and individuals for attempting to evade U.S. sanctions penalizing Moscow for engaging in malicious cyber activity.

The Treasury Department sanctioned two Russian entities for aiding another Russian company, called Divetechnoservices, that was sanctioned in June for providing underwater equipment and diving systems to Russia’s domestic security service, the FSB.

U.S. officials also slapped sanctions on two Russian individuals for helping Divetechnoservices circumvent U.S. sanctions."

Trump continues to punish Russia more in less than 2 years for their interference and malicious cyber activity than Obama, definitely more than he did in his last 2 years after he learned what Russia was doing.....
Ummmmmmmmm..... if the "media is ignoring" this ----- what's that link in your OP?


Then again without punctuation it's impossible to tell what that inchoate title says. Perhaps it means "Rump (who ignores the media), slapped new sanctions on Russia". But that can't be it since Rump is addicted to media -- so that's out.
You missed this little tidbit from your link:

"The sanctions are being imposed under a law passed by Congress last year to penalize Russia for interfering in the 2016 presidential election in addition to other destabilizing activities across the globe."

In other words, Trump had to impose those sanctions. Trump would never impose Russian sanctions voluntarily.
One link....No CNN, No ABC, No CBS, No liberal progressive propaganda pushers media coverage....doesn't help push their agenda.
You missed this little tidbit from your link:

"The sanctions are being imposed under a law passed by Congress last year to penalize Russia for interfering in the 2016 presidential election in addition to other destabilizing activities across the globe."

In other words, Trump had to impose those sanctions. Trump would never impose Russian sanctions voluntarily.
According to you snowflakes Trump is a dictator who does what he you're saying 'not so much'. Bwuhahahaha
Trump administration slaps new sanctions on Russian firms, individuals

"The Trump administration on Tuesday announced that it is sanctioning two Russian firms and individuals for attempting to evade U.S. sanctions penalizing Moscow for engaging in malicious cyber activity.

The Treasury Department sanctioned two Russian entities for aiding another Russian company, called Divetechnoservices, that was sanctioned in June for providing underwater equipment and diving systems to Russia’s domestic security service, the FSB.

U.S. officials also slapped sanctions on two Russian individuals for helping Divetechnoservices circumvent U.S. sanctions."

Trump continues to punish Russia more in less than 2 years for their interference and malicious cyber activity than Obama, definitely more than he did in his last 2 years after he learned what Russia was doing.....

Perhaps you should request the title of your thread to be changed to:

"Majority of media outlets would much rather embrace John Brennan scandal and eager anticipation of Manafort verdict in trial unrelated to Russian Collision, than recognize actions of President that could lead someone to the conclusion that President Trump just might not be colluding with Russia."

I know that is a terribly long title, and probably won't accomplish much with the fruitcakes. I'm sure Pogo can find something wrong with at least 6-7 word choices (don't really know what the over/under on that currently is if anyone is betting). He's kind of anal that way as long as it bashes people or ideas he doesn't necessarily like. In situations where he supports the general sway, whether or not he takes the same effort to make such a case, is less than as enthusiastic at best.
Trump's a Russian...but he sanctions Russia.
Trump's a Racist...but unemployment for blacks / Latinos is lowest in recorded history
Trump's a Nazi...but he just deported a Nazi
...blah, blah, blah :p

The fact remains the Trump administration has punished Barry's boy Putin and Russia far more than Barry was willing to do.
The sharks are circling. Trump has to distance himself from his handlers now. And even with that reality, he still seems almost scared to enact sanctions.
Trump administration slaps new sanctions on Russian firms, individuals

"The Trump administration on Tuesday announced that it is sanctioning two Russian firms and individuals for attempting to evade U.S. sanctions penalizing Moscow for engaging in malicious cyber activity.

The Treasury Department sanctioned two Russian entities for aiding another Russian company, called Divetechnoservices, that was sanctioned in June for providing underwater equipment and diving systems to Russia’s domestic security service, the FSB.

U.S. officials also slapped sanctions on two Russian individuals for helping Divetechnoservices circumvent U.S. sanctions."

Trump continues to punish Russia more in less than 2 years for their interference and malicious cyber activity than Obama, definitely more than he did in his last 2 years after he learned what Russia was doing.....

Perhaps you should request the title of your thread to be changed to:

"Majority of media outlets would much rather embrace John Brennan scandal and eager anticipation of Manafort verdict in trial unrelated to Russian Collision, than recognize actions of President that could lead someone to the conclusion that President Trump just might not be colluding with Russia."

I know that is a terribly long title, and probably won't accomplish much with the fruitcakes. I'm sure Pogo can find something wrong with at least 6-7 word choices (don't really know what the over/under on that currently is if anyone is betting). He's kind of anal that way as long as it bashes people or ideas he doesn't necessarily like. In situations where he supports the general sway, whether or not he takes the same effort to make such a case, is less than as enthusiastic at best.

Pogo already pointed out the paradox that the OP tries to claim "the media ignoring" something and for his evidence presents ---- the media.

That's sufficient to expose the thread but his title is lying anyway. The Rump administration didn't "slap new sanctions" at all; it blacklisted two specific operations for sidestepping already-existing sanctions. Apparently he didn't even read his own media -- the one he claims doesn't exist. Whelp, I guess if something doesn't exist, you can't read it can you. And you ain't gonna find "CNN, ABC etc" covering a 'story' the OP just made up.

Literacy: a lost art.
Trump administration slaps new sanctions on Russian firms, individuals

"The Trump administration on Tuesday announced that it is sanctioning two Russian firms and individuals for attempting to evade U.S. sanctions penalizing Moscow for engaging in malicious cyber activity.

The Treasury Department sanctioned two Russian entities for aiding another Russian company, called Divetechnoservices, that was sanctioned in June for providing underwater equipment and diving systems to Russia’s domestic security service, the FSB.

U.S. officials also slapped sanctions on two Russian individuals for helping Divetechnoservices circumvent U.S. sanctions."

Trump continues to punish Russia more in less than 2 years for their interference and malicious cyber activity than Obama, definitely more than he did in his last 2 years after he learned what Russia was doing.....

Perhaps you should request the title of your thread to be changed to:

"Majority of media outlets would much rather embrace John Brennan scandal and eager anticipation of Manafort verdict in trial unrelated to Russian Collision, than recognize actions of President that could lead someone to the conclusion that President Trump just might not be colluding with Russia."

I know that is a terribly long title, and probably won't accomplish much with the fruitcakes. I'm sure Pogo can find something wrong with at least 6-7 word choices (don't really know what the over/under on that currently is if anyone is betting). He's kind of anal that way as long as it bashes people or ideas he doesn't necessarily like. In situations where he supports the general sway, whether or not he takes the same effort to make such a case, is less than as enthusiastic at best.

Pogo already pointed out the paradox that the OP tries to claim "the media ignoring" something and for his evidence presents ---- the media.

That's sufficient to expose the thread but his title is lying anyway. The Rump administration didn't "slap new sanctions" at all; it blacklisted two specific operations for sidestepping already-existing sanctions. Apparently he didn't even read his own media -- the one he claims doesn't exist. Whelp, I guess if something doesn't exist, you can't read it can you. And you ain't gonna find "CNN, ABC etc" covering a 'story' the OP just made up.

Literacy: a lost art.
One news source is not 'the media', as the snowflakes like to claim....suddenly 1 is 'blanket coverage', 'total exposure'? :p
Trump's a Russian...but he sanctions Russia.

Bullshit. Congress sanctioned Russia.

One lone exception is expulsion of Russian diplomats after chemical attack in England, at request of Theresa May.

Those diplomats were replaced within days and the whole thing was a fucking joke.
And you ain't gonna find "CNN, ABC etc" covering a 'story' the OP just made up. Literacy: a lost art.

Evidently it is a lost art - you completely ignored the link, proving the story was NOT made up by me, and went straight to lying by claiming I made it up. Just how stupid DO you have to be to accuse someone of making up a story when they post the link to the ACTUAL story? I guess the answer is, 'However stupid YOU are'...
Pogo already pointed out the paradox that the OP tries to claim "the media ignoring" something and for his evidence presents ---- the media.

That's sufficient to expose the thread but his title is lying anyway. The Rump administration didn't "slap new sanctions" at all; it blacklisted two specific operations for sidestepping already-existing sanctions. Apparently he didn't even read his own media -- the one he claims doesn't exist. Whelp, I guess if something doesn't exist, you can't read it can you.

Literacy: a lost art.

I already suggested the OP should request the title be changed. I already suggested you would probably find the irrational need to explain yourself, when I simply agreed with you, but neglected to praise your astute observation.

Sorry if I only implied you are a partisan hack. Next time I'll try and be more direct to assist your literary concerns.
incels and cucks think Trump has done more about the Russians than Obama.

Something about their sexual dysfunction that dries up their ability to think logically.
Even when Trump does what he is supposed to do, the mind dead media fed Muppets chatter endlessly!
Pogo already pointed out the paradox that the OP tries to claim "the media ignoring" something and for his evidence presents ---- the media.

That's sufficient to expose the thread but his title is lying anyway. The Rump administration didn't "slap new sanctions" at all; it blacklisted two specific operations for sidestepping already-existing sanctions. Apparently he didn't even read his own media -- the one he claims doesn't exist. Whelp, I guess if something doesn't exist, you can't read it can you.

Literacy: a lost art.

I already suggested the OP should request the title be changed. I already suggested you would probably find the irrational need to explain yourself, when I simply agreed with you, but neglected to praise your astute observation.

Sorry if I only implied you are a partisan hack. Next time I'll try and be more direct to assist your literary concerns.
If you would like to post it in another thread under a different title, feel free to STFU and do so....or you can continue to hijack the thread and distract from the fact that President Trump, his administration, and the GOP has been much harder on Putin and Russia than Barry was while he was seeking Vlad's permission to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria....
Pogo already pointed out the paradox that the OP tries to claim "the media ignoring" something and for his evidence presents ---- the media.

That's sufficient to expose the thread but his title is lying anyway. The Rump administration didn't "slap new sanctions" at all; it blacklisted two specific operations for sidestepping already-existing sanctions. Apparently he didn't even read his own media -- the one he claims doesn't exist. Whelp, I guess if something doesn't exist, you can't read it can you.

Literacy: a lost art.

I already suggested the OP should request the title be changed. I already suggested you would probably find the irrational need to explain yourself, when I simply agreed with you, but neglected to praise your astute observation.

Sorry if I only implied you are a partisan hack. Next time I'll try and be more direct to assist your literary concerns.

Of course the section excised as suddenly inconvenient went:

I'm sure Pogo can find something wrong with at least 6-7 word choices (don't really know what the over/under on that currently is if anyone is betting). He's kind of anal that way as long as it bashes people or ideas he doesn't necessarily like. In situations where he supports the general sway, whether or not he takes the same effort to make such a case, is less than as enthusiastic at best.

That's gotta be one of the weirdest 180s upon getting one's ass handed to one that I've ever seen pulled here. The poster must think he's engaged a Romulan cloaking device. :dunno:
Pogo already pointed out the paradox that the OP tries to claim "the media ignoring" something and for his evidence presents ---- the media.

That's sufficient to expose the thread but his title is lying anyway. The Rump administration didn't "slap new sanctions" at all; it blacklisted two specific operations for sidestepping already-existing sanctions. Apparently he didn't even read his own media -- the one he claims doesn't exist. Whelp, I guess if something doesn't exist, you can't read it can you.

Literacy: a lost art.

I already suggested the OP should request the title be changed. I already suggested you would probably find the irrational need to explain yourself, when I simply agreed with you, but neglected to praise your astute observation.

Sorry if I only implied you are a partisan hack. Next time I'll try and be more direct to assist your literary concerns.

Of course the section excised as suddenly inconvenient went:

I'm sure Pogo can find something wrong with at least 6-7 word choices (don't really know what the over/under on that currently is if anyone is betting). He's kind of anal that way as long as it bashes people or ideas he doesn't necessarily like. In situations where he supports the general sway, whether or not he takes the same effort to make such a case, is less than as enthusiastic at best.

That's gotta be one of the weirdest 180s upon getting one's ass handed to one that I've ever seen pulled here. The poster must think he's engaged a Romulan cloaking device. :dunno:

I am pretty sure I suggested you wouldn't have trouble finding a problem with whatever was posted, for whatever reason you may deem necessary. Sorry if you got confused and think that means something it doesn't. Your desire to explain your reasoning, or anyone else's lack thereof, is still consistent with the stipulations already addressed, and not contested (unless of course you would like to suggest that abiding by those conditions somehow proves them inconsistent, which would very much be a possibility if in fact they were consitent).

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