Media bias and ignorance


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
If there is one thing we know about trying to best understand our political landscape, it is that we simply cannot know the real truth about it. Lefties and righties each perceive the political landscape based upon what information we are exposed to, but neither of us can know the real truth. The best that any of us can really do is to triangulate the most likely truth from multiple sources. None of the media is trustworthy, so NONE of it can be trusted.

Triangulating the most likely truth from multiple sources gives us a great advantage over those who limit their consumption of media to what they want to hear, or what satisfies their confirmation bias. By trusting NONE of the media, but consuming ANY media that we can get our hands on, we have a much broader perspective of what is going on than those who limit their consumption of media to what they want to hear. Remember that we can't know the real truth, just the most likely truth, so he who has the broadest knowledge will get closer to the real truth. When you see somebody who rejects and blocks media solely because it came from Salon, or Daily Kos, you see somebody who is imposing ignorance upon themselves. When you see somebody who rejects and blocks media from WND, FOX, or Breitbart, you see somebody who is imposing ignorance upon themselves. If you want to be well informed, you need to consume Daily Kos, AND Breitbart, not just the one that satisfies your confirmation bias. Neither one is trustworthy, but all we need from either one is a single piece of the puzzle that we can use with all the other puzzle pieces to form a picture of the political landscape that is the most likely to be the truth.
Hyper-PC phony balance bullshit, assuming both sides lie the same amount. That effectively serves the interest of the pathologically dishonest conservative snowflakes, by declaring that the honest people are just as bad as the liars.

That is, it's jsut another a standard dishonest conservative attempt to delegitimize all media, by comparing honest media to the pathologically dishonest media of the right. It's like Trump screaming that all normal media is "fake news".

What, OP, you thought your propaganda scam wasn't obvious?

So OP, are you a paid Russian troll, or just a standard PC conservative bleater? It's hard to tell the difference these days, being how the brainless conservatives now parrot the Russian troll talking points so reliably.
Hyper-PC phony balance bullshit, assuming both sides lie the same amount. That effectively serves the interest of the pathologically dishonest conservative snowflakes, by declaring that the honest people are just as bad as the liars.

That is, it's jsut another a standard dishonest conservative attempt to delegitimize all media, by comparing honest media to the pathologically dishonest media of the right. It's like Trump screaming that all normal media is "fake news".

What, OP, you thought your propaganda scam wasn't obvious?

So OP, are you a paid Russian troll, or just a standard PC conservative bleater? It's hard to tell the difference these days, being how the brainless conservatives now parrot the Russian troll talking points so reliably.
It sounds like you probably limit your consumption of media to what satisfies your confirmation bias. I titled this thread Media Bias and Ignorance, because I see a lot of folks here who block and reject media that is in opposition to their political ideology. To voluntarily block information is to impose ignorance upon oneself. Self imposed ignorance. We are all ignorant of various things in politics, but this is to be expected. Self imposed ignorance however, is very different than regular ignorance. It is downright shameful.
Reading things like Breitbart is not only exhaustingly boring but dangerous to a mediocre mind that hasn't necessarily the knowledge nor the strength of character to seek the truth or to act upon what it right.

What one should do is a project. But this is only if one is open minded. Go ahead read all the Breitbarts you can find. All from CNN, BBC, RT, Financial times, read everything you find. Also the daily papers and blogs from Iran and Syria, Saudi Arabia and Israel, China and north Korea, South Korea and Russia, Germany and UK, Italy and Greece. Read the dictionary so you don't confuse terms, read history so you don't only read about what is happening but what is it a consequence of. And then take part in peaceful conversations on the subjects with people you don't know or like. There's a chance in a years time you'll be a little smarter.
Reading things like Breitbart is not only exhaustingly boring but dangerous to a mediocre mind that hasn't necessarily the knowledge nor the strength of character to seek the truth or to act upon what it right.

What one should do is a project. But this is only if one is open minded. Go ahead read all the Breitbarts you can find. All from CNN, BBC, RT, Financial times, read everything you find. Also the daily papers and blogs from Iran and Syria, Saudi Arabia and Israel, China and north Korea, South Korea and Russia, Germany and UK, Italy and Greece. Read the dictionary so you don't confuse terms, read history so you don't only read about what is happening but what is it a consequence of. And then take part in peaceful conversations on the subjects with people you don't know or like. There's a chance in a years time you'll be a little smarter.
It is good to consume every piece of information, book, or media that we can, but yes, we only have so much time. He who consumes the most information from the broadest variety of sources and biases will be the best equipped to recognize the "most likely" truth. If one only had short time per day to consume news, he could still take it in via a broad range of partisan biases, and would not need to filter out all right leaning media.

In regard to "dangerous" media, the most dangerous media is media that satisfies one's confirmation bias. We tend to let our guard down when we are consuming stuff like that.

By taking the opportunity that you did to throw a dart of spite at Brietbart, you have made yourself appear to not understand the OP. There are plenty of opportunities to make emotionally driven political attacks to Brietbart on these boards, but your choice of doing it on this particular thread was downright stupid.

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