Mecca Mall!


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
From the NY Times:
Critic’s Notebook
New Look for Mecca: Gargantuan and Gaudy
Published: December 29, 2010
JIDDA, Saudi Arabia — It is an architectural absurdity. Just south of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, the Muslim world’s holiest site, a kitsch rendition of London’s Big Ben is nearing completion. Called the Royal Mecca Clock Tower, it will be one of the tallest buildings in the world, the centerpiece of a complex that is housing a gargantuan shopping mall, an 800-room hotel and a prayer hall for several thousand people. Its muscular form, an unabashed knockoff of the original, blown up to a grotesque scale, will be decorated with Arabic inscriptions and topped by a crescent-shape spire in what feels like a cynical nod to Islam’s architectural past. To make room for it, the Saudi government bulldozed an 18th-century Ottoman fortress and the hill it stood on.

Before the usual suspects show up and go nuts...I want to say I think this is a very good thing. Capitalism has a way of modernizing a society.:clap2:
Perhaps you can explain how that was "going nuts".

Well the rightie posters hopped right over the virtues of Capitalism and jumped right into denigration of a religion.

How American of them.:clap2:


Using humor to point out that Mohammed wouldn't be a fan, does not equate to "denigration of a religion".
which is the point he missed

and i guess he didn't know that non-Muslims are not allowed in Mecca
They have malls in Iran too, their still a ways away from letting women drive, vote, or go anywhere by themselves without being harassed.

That didn't take long..

:lol: As expected.

You think Mohammed would approve of any of this? The whole point of his ministry was against this kind of crass.

Is your reading of the story of the grand inquisitor that The Grand Inquisitor was right and Jesus was wrong?

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