McConnell offers Obama temporary deal on Bush tax cuts

Nobody wants what is yours. You are free to live in the wilderness and never use the commons. Otherwise, quit yer bitching and be a patriot.

The government doesn't need damn near 50% of my hard earned money to provide me with "the commons".

How about that big shiny military that gives you all that cheap gas?

Don't wanna pay for that either, eh?

I'm sure you know me enough to know that I'd make drastic military cuts if it were up to me.
The government doesn't need damn near 50% of my hard earned money to provide me with "the commons".

How about that big shiny military that gives you all that cheap gas?

Don't wanna pay for that either, eh?

I'm sure you know me enough to know that I'd make drastic military cuts if it were up to me.

In fact I bet I'd cut it even more than you would.
Okay, so why do the Republicans want to tax the middle class and poor, but keep the cuts for the wealthy.

Who said to tax the middle class? Other than the additional taxes in Obamacare?
Do you have health insurance?

Of course, but then there are about 20 hidden taxes built into your Obamacare...Some will affect you some will affect me, some will affect other people. And I'm not sure we know what else is hiding in there yet...... What was the first tax Obama set on the American People? Tax on tobacco... Who uses the most tobacco products? The poor and middle class....

Obama likes taxes.........
Who said to tax the middle class? Other than the additional taxes in Obamacare?
Do you have health insurance?

Of course,

Then the mandate doesn't affect you.

but then there are about 20 hidden taxes built into your Obamacare...Some will affect you some will affect me, some will affect other people. And I'm not sure we know what else is hiding in there yet...... What was the first tax Obama set on the American People? Tax on tobacco... Who uses the most tobacco products? The poor and middle class....

Obama likes taxes.........

Bullshit. List them.
The government doesn't need damn near 50% of my hard earned money to provide me with "the commons".

How about that big shiny military that gives you all that cheap gas?

Don't wanna pay for that either, eh?

I'm sure you know me enough to know that I'd make drastic military cuts if it were up to me.

Yeah..I do.

But even if you widdled down military spending by's a still a huge expense.
Nobody wants what is yours. You are free to live in the wilderness and never use the commons. Otherwise, quit yer bitching and be a patriot.

The government doesn't need damn near 50% of my hard earned money to provide me with "the commons".

How much are you willing to part with then?

I drop about 30%. I'd gladly up that to 50% if it meant that my kids could be guaranteed a college education, my family would be guaranteed access to health care and I never had to see another hungry, poorly educated American child again.

A bargain.
Nobody wants what is yours. You are free to live in the wilderness and never use the commons. Otherwise, quit yer bitching and be a patriot.

The government doesn't need damn near 50% of my hard earned money to provide me with "the commons".

How much are you willing to part with then?

I drop about 30%. I'd gladly up that to 50% if it meant that my kids could be guaranteed a college education, my family would be guaranteed access to health care and I never had to see another hungry, poorly educated American child again.

A bargain.

You drop a lot more than 30%. That's just your income tax. You're already dropping 50% when you factor in all the taxes we pay as citizens, and you aren't getting any of that shit you just said you'd pony up for.

We could just hand it ALL over and we'd still be getting fucked.
Nobody wants what is yours. You are free to live in the wilderness and never use the commons. Otherwise, quit yer bitching and be a patriot.
Wow, that's the first time I've heard that chickenshit argument................................Today. :rolleyes:

Besides the fact that you are full of shit and have not heard that argument before just now......when are you going to say something remotely original?

You want the conveniences of a modern industrial society? It ain't free.
You want clean water? You need to pony up.
You want an educated workforce? It will cost you.
Need police to answer your 911 call? Pay them with a smile.
Montana on fire? Tax dollars will help douse the flames.
Don't want your kid exposed to carcinogens in class? Gonna cost you.

You are part of this society. Do your part. And stop whining about it.
blaqblablablablablabal....Same lolberal shit, different day....How 'bout YOU say something original, huh?

And I pay all day long for this "educated workforce" that you lolberal nutbars keep yammering about...Then I hand the clerk at Wally World $5.08 for something that coasts $4.83, then watch the smoke blow out their ears trying to figure that one out.

You ain't that effective, valued or even important.
How about that big shiny military that gives you all that cheap gas?

Don't wanna pay for that either, eh?

I'm sure you know me enough to know that I'd make drastic military cuts if it were up to me.

Yeah..I do.

But even if you widdled down military spending by's a still a huge expense.

I'd widdle down a lot more than just military. You know damn well there's plenty to widdle down across the board without losing programs you hold dear.

We could widdle our budget down to a more reasonable tax burden and you KNOW it.
read 2000 pages of BS and learn for yourself. Your lawmakers decided that they had to pass it to see what was in it.

excise tax on “Cadillac plans”
fees on certain manufacturers and insurers
surtax on investment income
a tax on medical-device manufacturers
a tax on indoor tanning services.

And of course others........
read 2000 pages of BS and learn for yourself. Your lawmakers decided that they had to pass it to see what was in it.

excise tax on “Cadillac plans”
fees on certain manufacturers and insurers
surtax on investment income
a tax on medical-device manufacturers
a tax on indoor tanning services.

And of course others........

And in the past three years?
I'm sure you know me enough to know that I'd make drastic military cuts if it were up to me.

Yeah..I do.

But even if you widdled down military spending by's a still a huge expense.

I'd widdle down a lot more than just military. You know damn well there's plenty to widdle down across the board without losing programs you hold dear.

We could widdle our budget down to a more reasonable tax burden and you KNOW it.
Screw whittling...Gimmie a chain saw.
The government doesn't need damn near 50% of my hard earned money to provide me with "the commons".

How much are you willing to part with then?

I drop about 30%. I'd gladly up that to 50% if it meant that my kids could be guaranteed a college education, my family would be guaranteed access to health care and I never had to see another hungry, poorly educated American child again.

A bargain.

You drop a lot more than 30%. That's just your income tax. You're already dropping 50% when you factor in all the taxes we pay as citizens, and you aren't getting any of that shit you just said you'd pony up for.

We could just hand it ALL over and we'd still be getting fucked.

Or....we could use the brains we have in our heads and do what works in other nations. Our rates are too low. Period.
read 2000 pages of BS and learn for yourself. Your lawmakers decided that they had to pass it to see what was in it.

excise tax on “Cadillac plans”
fees on certain manufacturers and insurers
surtax on investment income
a tax on medical-device manufacturers
a tax on indoor tanning services.

And of course others........

And in the past three years?
For the past three years (hell the past three decades) the problem has been spending, not revenue.

$2.5 trillion and those drips still can't make ends meet?...Gimmie a break.
How much are you willing to part with then?

I drop about 30%. I'd gladly up that to 50% if it meant that my kids could be guaranteed a college education, my family would be guaranteed access to health care and I never had to see another hungry, poorly educated American child again.

A bargain.

You drop a lot more than 30%. That's just your income tax. You're already dropping 50% when you factor in all the taxes we pay as citizens, and you aren't getting any of that shit you just said you'd pony up for.

We could just hand it ALL over and we'd still be getting fucked.

Or....we could use the brains we have in our heads and do what works in other nations. Our rates are too low. Period.

Ok, well in the US, so far even 50% of our income isn't doing enough to satisfy the left. How much more would you like to have stripped from my wallet before you're happy?

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