Maunder Minimum

Good, good. There for a minute I thought there was someone outside of the standard denialist bloggers and Fox News Correspondents who could be trusted with scientific information.

Where is there any evidence anybody is caring about the "science" sOn?

SKEPTICS have been winning decisively for 20 years now :coffee:

Outside of message boards in the nethesphere of the internet, where is the evidence anybody cares about the science?

More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!
Where is there any evidence anybody is caring about the "science" sOn?

SKEPTICS have been winning decisively for 20 years now :coffee:

Where ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise.

Outside of message boards in the nethesphere of the internet, where is the evidence anybody cares about the science?

LOL. Most folks posting on message boards questioning the science are non-scientists. They get spoonfed their bs.

LOL. Uh huh.

"Skeptics". In most cases that's people who couldn't pass a college level science class...even "rocks for jocks" without a lot of help.


"Skeptics". Ah hahahahahaha!
I'm right far more often than wrong on this intuit, sock-o.

count this as another of your errors.

You are free to report I suppose. We could have it hashed out if you feel particularly strongly about your insight. Don't be surprised, though, to find out you are wrong.

I know you won't because you don't know for certain. You are just making accusations. That's probably your thing: shoot first then ask questions.
Where ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise.

LOL. Most folks posting on message boards questioning the science are non-scientists. They get spoonfed their bs.

LOL. Uh huh.

"Skeptics". In most cases that's people who couldn't pass a college level science class...even "rocks for jocks" without a lot of help.


"Skeptics". Ah hahahahahaha!

Who cares?

The only thing that matters is who's not winning?!!

Zero significant climate legislation in 20 years. Renewable energy a joke.
Fossil fuels dominate.

The science isn't mattering. Symbolic slogans are ghey
Who cares?

The only thing that matters is who's not winning?!!

It's hilarious that you think this is some sort of 'contest'. It's like anti-vaxxers loudly proclaiming a win against science. LOL.

Zero significant climate legislation in 20 years.

Not true.

Renewable energy a joke.

I haven't paid for gas in my car for 3 years and I've only paid 2 electric bills in the past 5. If that's a joke the DEFINITELY sign me up for more of it! I love my solar installation and my full electric car!

Fossil fuels dominate.

I'd be glad to discuss fossil fuels with you from a technical perspective, but I doubt you'd be able to follow along.

The science isn't mattering. Symbolic slogans are ghey

Well, for folks who don't understand science that's all they have!

... skeptics ...

Are we accepting this "Maunder Minimum" as complete and total fact? ... [askance grin] ... maybe the reason no one saw any sun spots is because no one was watching ... the Black Death during the Middle Ages tended to occupy people's thoughts and distract them from such trivial pursuits like watching for sun spots ... and so there's no reason to believe there weren't any sun spots, just no one was taking scientific measures of them ...

Excuse me for being skeptical ... but if something magically disappears as soon as we apply scientific method to it ... maybe it's just magic to begin with ...
Where is there any evidence anybody is caring about the "science" sOn?

SKEPTICS have been winning decisively for 20 years now :coffee:

Outside of message boards in the nethesphere of the internet, where is the evidence anybody cares about the science?

More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!
And just like we saw recently when we get to the predicted "end of the world" they'll just push it back a few more years swearing they were right all along.
Where ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise.

LOL. Most folks posting on message boards questioning the science are non-scientists. They get spoonfed their bs.

LOL. Uh huh.

"Skeptics". In most cases that's people who couldn't pass a college level science class...even "rocks for jocks" without a lot of help.


"Skeptics". Ah hahahahahaha!
That's ;some kind of amazing level of arrogance and ignorance all in a few short sentences.

I guess it's true, everyone has at least one talent and it seems we've discovered yours.
Are we accepting this "Maunder Minimum" as complete and total fact? ... [askance grin]
It's a strawman argument of his own making. No one predicted that solar cycle 25 would approach sunspot activity of the "Maunder Minimum."

NASA is planning (it's relevant to space flight) for lower sunspot activity over the next decade because that is what the trend is.

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And just like we saw recently when we get to the predicted "end of the world" they'll just push it back a few more years swearing they were right all along.

You're talking about the "12years" thing aren't you?

LOL. That's not what it meant.

What they meant when they said a few years back we have 12 years to fix this was that after about 10-12 years we would have passed a variety of "tipping points" and points of no return. The days may look very much the same as they do today...but we've now lost the ability to take meaningful action.

You may not know this but greenhouse warming due to CO2 is not yet at equilibrium which means there's MANY more years of warming in the pipeline. Even if we stopped burning ALL FOSSIL FUELS RIGHT THIS MINUTE we'd still see warming happening for many, many years.

That's because CO2 is subject to the CARBON CYCLE and getting excess CO2 out of the atmosphere takes a VERY long time.

And here you were laughing about being told that few "skeptics" of AGW actually understand the topic.

You're talking about the "12years" thing aren't you?

LOL. That's not what it meant.

What they meant when they said a few years back we have 12 years to fix this was that after about 10-12 years we would have passed a variety of "tipping points" and points of no return. The days may look very much the same as they do today...but we've now lost the ability to take meaningful action.

You may not know this but greenhouse warming due to CO2 is not yet at equilibrium which means there's MANY more years of warming in the pipeline. Even if we stopped burning ALL FOSSIL FUELS RIGHT THIS MINUTE we'd still see warming happening for many, many years.

That's because CO2 is subject to the CARBON CYCLE and getting excess CO2 out of the atmosphere takes a VERY long time.

And here you were laughing about being told that few "skeptics" of AGW actually understand the topic.

No, over the last 30 years we've been told over and over about every ten years or so that "If We don't at now" XYZ gloom and doom scenario will take place.

We never get there however so we should all certainly be dead by now.

As for heating, we're still below the temps that occurred during the, Climate Optimum periods from either the Holocene or Medieval periods so obviously your theory is full of holes and leaking badly.
No, over the last 30 years we've been told over and over about every ten years or so that "If We don't at now" XYZ gloom and doom scenario will take place.

OK. Sorry. That's just popular press junk. The doom and gloom scenarios are going to bad enough as it is (economic damage beyond what most of us are use to, agricultural infrastructure collapse and extremes in food prices and availability).
As for heating, we're still below the temps that occurred during the, Climate Optimum periods

Why does that matter? The only reason you know about the past temperatures on earth (BEFORE human society existed) is because of the same research that helps us know that the CURRENT warming is NOT explicable by natural forcings alone. The same people who told you about the warmth in the earlier Holocene are the same people who are telling you today that AGW is real.

The reason it matters now to us is because humanity has established societies that have existed in a relatively stable climate for about 14,000 years (since the first settlements). Sudden changes will wreak havoc. And that's what we're facing. Geologically speaking it will be in the "flashest of flashes". Society won't deal well with it. Especially if we have to waste decades trying to convince the scientifically illiterate that science is real, even if they don't like what it says.

from either the Holocene or Medieval periods so obviously your theory is full of holes and leaking badly.

MWP likely wasn't global. The rest of the globe was actually cooling at the time. That's why MWP isn't considered a significant factor in this discussion.

OK. Sorry. That's just popular press junk. The doom and gloom scenarios are going to bad enough as it is (economic damage beyond what most of us are use to, agricultural infrastructure collapse and extremes in food prices and availability).

Why does that matter? The only reason you know about the past temperatures on earth (BEFORE human society existed) is because of the same research that helps us know that the CURRENT warming is NOT explicable by natural forcings alone. The same people who told you about the warmth in the earlier Holocene are the same people who are telling you today that AGW is real.

The reason it matters now to us is because humanity has established societies that have existed in a relatively stable climate for about 14,000 years (since the first settlements). Sudden changes will wreak havoc. And that's what we're facing. Geologically speaking it will be in the "flashest of flashes". Society won't deal well with it. Especially if we have to waste decades trying to convince the scientifically illiterate that science is real, even if they don't like what it says.

MWP likely wasn't global. The rest of the globe was actually cooling at the time. That's why MWP isn't considered a significant factor in this discussion.

The only thing consistent in our climate is that it is constantly changing.

Why does it matter? Those were times in which humanity thrived and made some substantial gains in accumulated knowledge, technology, math and physics.

If we're not even at those same levels then we have absolutely nothing at all to worry about.
The only thing consistent in our climate is that it is constantly changing.


Do you see what I'm saying there? The paleoclimatologists who wrote the stuff about earth's past climate which you read are the same people who provide the information that shows us that the CURRENT warming cannot be accounted for my natural processes alone.

If we're not even at those same levels then we have absolutely nothing at all to worry about.

Because the reason we are running fast toward a brickwall is because "skeptics" who are uninformed have driven the conversation and not allowed us to do anything meaningful. We have to get their buy-in.

Just like the anti-vaxxers keeping deadly disease in circulation because they don't like science.

Toadying to the scientifically illiterate is necessary to get them to be part of the solution instead of keeping the problem going.

That's what there is to worry about.
LOL Wonderful the responses one can get from the dumb fucks here. Westwall and others were braying about how we were in for a little ice age because of declining sunspot activity. In spite of the fact that the decline in the Little Ice Age would have failed to even slow the warming had it been the case. However, it hardly looks like that is going to happen. So we have normal solar irradiance. And even more warming from the increase in GHGs.
Still dumb as fuck I see.
What they meant when they said a few years back we have 12 years to fix this was that after about 10-12 years we would have passed a variety of "tipping points" and points of no return. The days may look very much the same as they do today...but we've now lost the ability to take meaningful action.

Meaningful action to keep temperatures below a certain level, which may or may not have been realistic ... we certainly haven't hit any "tipping points" or points of no return yet ... we've changed the equilibrium level, and are moving in that direction ...

You may not know this but greenhouse warming due to CO2 is not yet at equilibrium which means there's MANY more years of warming in the pipeline. Even if we stopped burning ALL FOSSIL FUELS RIGHT THIS MINUTE we'd still see warming happening for many, many years.

That needs to be explained ... both diurnal thermal lag and seasonal thermal lag is caused by the land surfaces warming slower than the radiation increases during the day or as the season progresses ... this is a function of solar energy input ...

Carbon dioxide only has its "greenhouse effect" on the out-bound radiation from Earth's surface ... what is in the atmosphere that would cause "new" CO2 to react less with this out-bound radiation? ... if we've 425 ppm, then the atmosphere will act as though it has 425 ppm ... why wouldn't it? ... all the "return" radiation travels 30,000,000 m/s ...

That's because CO2 is subject to the CARBON CYCLE and getting excess CO2 out of the atmosphere takes a VERY long time.

This is true ... too many people to let all the forests grow back ... but give it time ... evolution is good in these situations ...

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