Massive Wave Of Anti-Obama Sentiment In Egypt Ignored By Mainstream Media

Obama and especially Hillary Clinton, clearly bet on Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. And it looks like they lost. But sadly, we all lost in the end. How much Taxpayer Cash was flushed on them? And now, how much more will be flushed on the new idiots in charge? American Citizens need more say on Foreign Aid. Right now there's absolutely no accountability. The People need to demand their say. It's time.
its interesting how people want to cut off aid to these people showing they dont give a shit about them, but in the next breath if they hate Obama will shout their praise.

Tastes like hack.

Obama was arming the Muslim Brotherhood through Morsi. We care about the Egyptian people and the military who defended them. Not the Muslim Brotherhood. You are the one who is confused here.
Obama and especially Hillary Clinton, clearly bet on Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. And it looks like they lost. But sadly, we all lost in the end. How much Taxpayer Cash was flushed on them? And now, how much more will be flushed on the new idiots in charge? American Citizens need more say on Foreign Aid. Right now there's absolutely no accountability. The People need to demand their say. It's time.

It's quite clear the Egyptian people have spoken. They don't want any more Muslim Brotherhood leadership. They want them out of political office completely. Now that they have accomplished that they are going to have to move quickly to defend their borders because they are most likely going to find MB has been calling for reinforcements. If they get the Egyptian military moves quickly they will cut them off at the pass.
Hell, the only place I've seen anti-Obama protester signs have been on the internet. Haven't seen them given any attention by the MSM. This could be what the OP is talking about.

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