mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

Reuters lies by omission. and you know it...but you seem to be just fine with this media misleading 28 years old is a far cry from 6th grade. Reuters might have said..and been more accurate, Transgender ftm shooter kills students and teachers at 'his' former school for reasons we are not divulging at present.
Why did you lie by omission?
You Libtards don't give a shit about crime. You dumbasses vote in Democrats that are weak on crime. Democrats that don't prosecute crime, let the Negroes off with no bail and let them out of jail early whenever they are sentenced. You defund the fucking police. How stupid is that?

You are more afraid of being called racist for holding the Negroes accountable for their enormous crime rate than you are of the children being killed in gang and drug violence.

Of course you are the same shitheads that support the murdering of a million American children each year as form of birth control so we know you don't care about anything.
You already told us you don't care about them. Do you think their parents don't care about them? Just keep letting your racism flag fly.
Good roundup of what the media did and did not cover in the Nasvhille mass murder. Notes that an NYT report from Nashville on the funeral for the slain does not even name the shooter, thus evading the question of preferred pronouns and "deadnames"


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