Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

They were made for MAGA morons who used them as condoms.
hey dik breath...........fauci censored the top virologist in the beginning you dumb fukin idiot....fauci was infectious disease, not a virologist

you locked yourself up for 3 yrs for nothing you stupid fucking imbecile and loved every minute of it you retarded turd eater
hey dik breath...........fauci censored the top virologist in the beginning you dumb fukin idiot....fauci was infectious disease, not a virologist

you locked yourself up for 3 yrs for nothing you stupid fucking imbecile and loved every minute of it you retarded turd eater

I’m embarrassed for him.
It’s the one thing it is good at though.
This is how easy it is to control the dimtards.

Publish a couple of things at Mayo, and the dumbshits will believe anything you tell them.

Leftards are hateful and stupid. Look through this thread, and tell me how many times "MAGA" appears in a scientific discussion.

These leftards are first class idiots.

Unfortunately, they vote.
I'm done with these morons.

This thread is a perfect example of why this country is in so much trouble

These fucking leftards are STUPID.

They surf to the Mayo clinic, read Fauci's drivel, and STOP THERE.

They don't bother to read the actual science.

They WILLFULLY ignore the actual science, because Fraudci tells them what they want to hear.

These idiots are terminally stupid, and I'm done with them.
Don't give in to the clowns.....You/Me leave, they win.
Anyone see any of these senseless idiots post a response to the difference between viruses and bacteria?
Anyone see any of these senseless idiots post a response to the difference between viruses and bacteria?
The leftards are vacuous, they're incapable of simple logic. (Maybe because logic is racist, y'know...)

If something can get in, it can also get out. Duh. Double fuckin duh.

Oh but... the mask is intended to prevent stuff from getting OUT, dontcha know. They try to fill us with their socialist bullshit about "protecting each other".




They don't prevent the virus from getting in, and they don't prevent the virus from getting out.

They make stupid libtards FEEL better though.
Anyone see any of these senseless idiots post a response to the difference between viruses and bacteria?
With 30 k sites that tell you, it seems like a typical stupid question from you morons. Your history is one foolish question after another....
Then you know that masks were manufactured to stop bacteria and not viruses. Right?
Ridiculous. What a stooopid remark. You have no Fking idea what masks you are talking about…you found a label,
Not impressed. Go to Mayo Clinic, website and ask all the questions you want. You’re stupid, they are smart
Ridiculous. What a stooopid remark. You have no Fking idea what masks you are talking about…you found a label,
Not impressed. Go to Mayo Clinic, website and ask all the questions you want. You’re stupid, they are smart
I did, I even posted their link, and for a viral infection they recommend keeping your hands away from your big mouth!!! How can one put a mask on without touching one's face? Do you need me to again post the post I did that in that you fking ignored so you could continue to troll?
I did, I even posted their link, and for a viral infection they recommend keeping your hands away from your big mouth!!! How can one put a mask on without touching one's face? Do you need me to again post the post I did that in that you fking ignored so you could continue to troll?
Go ahead, you did not. … the link. I did. Do masks work for covid ? YES. That’s the answer you get. Post the link, I dare you. did for MAGA morons

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